Hope of Return

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A month had passed as Aria lay in the hospital recovering, he had woken up a week after being in a slight coma. He has already been told about his pregnancy, took him to come to terms with the loss of the other baby and had come to love the remaining one dearly.

"So when can the prince go home?" King Paul asked the doctor as he did his routine check up on Aria and the baby.

"By tomorrow at most, your majesty." The doctor said as he scribbled something down on his clipboard and walked out of the room.

The children were at home with their grandmother queen Adela, while Kathy returned to her country and Tyler was stood outside the room, still not gone home, to his country. Rose had been ordered by both the emperor and queen empress to return to Atlia, reluctantly but rather obediently she did comply and return home.

The emperor entered the room slowly and warily, making the two heads in the room to look at his direction. The king scowled at him and Aria narrowed his eyes at his former husband.

"What do you want?" The king asked with a threatening aura. Aria held his held to try and calm his father down, the king looked at his hand and then at his son's face to see him giving him a pleading look of sorts. The king sighed.

"It's ok dad. Give us a minute, yeah?" Aria asked his father, to which he received a nod and a kiss to the head. The king exited the room, but not before giving the emperor a warning look.

"How are you, empress?" Tyler asked as he sat down on the chair next to Aria's bed.

"Prince, emperor Lon, I'm no longer an empress." Aria remarked with a small smile.

"You'll always be my empress though. You have five of my children." The emperor retorted.

"Rose would be furious to hear her husband praise another person like that." Aria rebutted with an angelic chuckle.

"I know this is not proper for me to ask, but can you reconsider the divorce." Tyler said.

"No, your majesty. I gave your favorite child rights to the throne and even gave you the opportunity to select Rose as the empress. So I don't know why you would want me back there, when all my time there has been nothing but painful. If it's military assistance you want, we can form a diplomatic alliance, because clearly the marital alliance failed. Also if I were to return there would be one condition I know you wouldn't fulfil if I were to ask of you."

"What condition?" Tyler asked as he saw that Aria may or may not be willing to give him some sort of alliance at least.

"Rose's head." The empress said lowly and dangerously with a sweet smile.

"That's impossible!" Tyler raised.

"Exactly, just like how impossible it is for me to return to a land were my only memories are painful, whether it's emotional or physical, I have felt a great deal for pain in Atlia than I have ever felt in my entire existence. Although I will send half my personal army, not my father's army but mine to strengthen your military, but they're sole purpose is to keep you, Kathy, Imperial Palace Wife Lee and her lover safe and no one else."

"What about my whole palace workers and inner court?" Tyler asked.

"Tyler the only reason you're even on the list is because you're the father of my children, the love of my life. One thing I'm not going to do is let the father of my children get killed, not especially when we have another baby on the way. A baby I expect you to not neglect like the other four children we have."

"Ok, that's understandable and yes I promise I'll be there for this one and I'll try by all means to try and connect with the other four." Tyler said beaming with joy.

"You're very shameless, you know that?" Aria said looking directly in to the emperor's eyes.

"What?" The emperor all but whined like a wronged little child.

"Now you're willing to know your own children just because I agree to give you military support."

"..." Caught red handed , the emperor was truly shameless and self centered.

"Actually you know what in a month's time I'll return to Atlia and reclaim my title as empress." Aria said shocking the emperor seated before him.

"Aria my empress, there's no need to return. Didn't you just say Atlia caused your pain?" The emperor asked a little dissatisfied with Aria's sudden change of mind.

"With you as the emperor I don't trust a hair your body to rule that country well, now go away I need rest and a lot of thinking to do." Aria said as he laid on his side and feigned sleep, closing his eyes and all.

The emperor stood up and walked out of the room with a depressed face, but he composed himself when he exited the door for an emperor was to be seen with an indifferent face, no expression whatsoever on his face.

"You did what?" Meredith asked as she sat next to a now woke Aria. The former empress indeed fell asleep faking it, he only woke up to be sound of the door being opened and he saw both his parents entering the room.

"I'm returning there by next month's time and I'll also be giving him access to half my military support but with the condition of only protecting him, Lady Lee, Alex and their child." Aria explained briefly as his mother rubbed her hand on the back of his.

To say the queen was worried about her son's return to the country that caused her so much pain was an understatement she was also mad at herself for not being able to change her son's mind.

"I have to protect the father of my children, no matter how much of an asshole he is and I can only do that when I'm there in person. Besides I don't trust him with my army." Aria said and chuckled at the end of his sentence, to which both his parents giggled with him.

"I still wonder how you fell for that egoistic bitch." King Paul said as he gave his son a small smile.

"The heart wants what it wants. I'm honestly surprised I still love him, but I have no expectations whatsoever from him. I no longer require or lust for his love. I shall raise my children with or without him, I have done it before and I will do it again. All I need from him is for him to be alive for when my children grow up and see how pathetic and useless their father is unless he does genuinely change like he said he will." Aria all but breathed out his thoughts as he held both his parents hands in his.

Soothing them and reassuring them that he will be fine, he does have the best army in the world. An army he personally trained in secret, throughout his youth and married life.

"So my baby's fine and I can't wait to give birth again. What a thrill it is to have children and have them running around the house." Aria said with a smile whilst rubbing his lower belly.

"You saying that now but you'll be cussing people out when the baby finally arrives." The queen said giggling as she remembered the time the quad were born. Aria was a total mess, calling her every second of the day complaining about Aaron this, Ariel that, Alex this and Anna that. Truly he was messed up, Tyler nowhere to be found and Aria struggled keeping up despite having one hundred and thirty maids at his disposal. Of which five were pediatricians. Queen Adela laughed, which she should have not done when Aria told her that his children had not pooped for a whole week. The queen knew that powdered milk sometimes caused constipation, so she laughed when Aria panicked and told her that he didn't believe it when the pediatricians told him so.

It truly was a debacle even the king joined in on the laugh at that time.

I'll fix the grammar and any other mistake when I have the time.

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