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"Anyway, my babies. I have something important to tell you, tomorrow morning were leaving and going home." Aria said now assuming his serious face.

"Isn't this our home mommy, where are we going?" Ariel asked a looking a little shy. Aria let out a very dry chuckle which the maids in attendance shiver at the sound that sound so devoid of emotion, so dry and cold.

"We're going to Grangran's country. Where mommy was norn, my home and ours from tomorrow onwards. Ok." He said now smiling at his beautiful last born daughter. He tugged a few strands of hair behind Ariel's ear and looked at all four of his kids with love.

"The emperor arrives." An eunuch announced and all the maids in attendance knelt down, on knee on the floor and heads slightly bowed, hand clasped together in front resting on their bent knees.

Aria frowned and got up dusted himself.

"Run along kids, I'll be right in your rooms." Aria said to his kids and they scurried away with their personal maid in tow. Tyler frowned at this and his already sizzling anger doubled.

"Let them stay and greet their imperial father!" He boomed, a visible vein popping on his forehead. The kids personal maids stopped but the kids continued to scurry off. Once mother orders- kids fulfill, that's what the quad was taught by Aria himself, they listen to no one except Aria himself and Aaron the eldest and matured of the four.

"Husband, to what do I owe this pleasure. Usually you only step in my palace when you want sex and nothing else. So what's the surprise this time?". Aria said sitting on the bench in the garden. The only reason why Aria ever pushes the emperor's buttons is because of the military power Aria holds back at home. Tyler would never extremely punish Aria  because he know his empress is very powerful and given the fact that Aria also gave birth to four imperial heirs. That's enough to keep Aria's head on his shoulders.

"Are you really proceeding through with the divorce?" Tyler asked as he sat down next to the empress.

"Why? Does the emperor not want me to departure?" Aria sneered as he asked.

"Absolutely not my dear empress, I'm here to bid you goodbye and bear you a message." Tyler retorted. Aria who was looking ahead now turned towards the man and raised his right eyebrow.

"And what may that be my love?" Aria spat the word love with so much poison that poison ivy would be embarrassed to call herself poison.

"The kids have to stay and that's final." Tyler said sternly and Aria as usual snickered.

"Dear beloved husband, I have already appointed your daughter princess Jasmine birth heir and cut off all my kids access to the throne. You and your harem can stay in peace with me and my kids gone. I mean is that not what you wanted?" Aria said calmly with a soft tone, but his words were very sharp and salty.

"Those kids are to be raised in this palace so that they can rule the kingdom." Tyler said stupidly.

"Tyler I'm leaving tomorrow morning and that's final. You're in no position even as emperor to stop me. After you sign the divorce papers I'll be a prince in foreign territory and you know how rulers are territorial, right?"Aria said standing up and dusting off imaginary dust.


"Exactly. Now if you'll excuse I'll be off to my kids to make sure they're all having fun. Have a wonderful evening my love, be sure to greet Rose for me." And with that the beautiful man stalked away and into his palace.

The emperor sat there in a trance, he really did mess up this time. If he loses the empress, three quarters of his army will be gone, the treasury will be empty and of course the harem will be in up roar.


The following morning Aria was packed and ready to leave, four kids on both his sides as their luggage was already loaded on the car ready to depart to the airport.

"Get in the car my babies. We are going home." Aria said and the children hopped into the black tinted windows bulletproof Hummer limousine car. He looked back and walked to wards the different palace's. He directly went to the Throne hall where all the concubines where accompanied by the wives. All in total there were thirty bed maidens and men.  Ten wives and twenty newly selected concubines.

"Greetings your highness the empress." They all echoed throughout the hall bowing their heads courtly.

"Greetings sisters and brothers." He said clearly and bluntly ignoring the emperor on the high throne.

"I guess you've heard the recent news, if not I'll entertain you then. I have decided to leave the country-" a series of small audible gasps could be heard, mostly from the new harem additions as for the old hags he knew very well that they were well connected and informed.

"-the emperor and the throne of empress, which is now empty but  has a subordinate title under it given to now Imperial Palace Wife Lee former Royal Consort. She will hold the highest title in the harem when I leave this hall today. Other than that I'm sure everyone has their farewell gifts." He concluded sitting down on his throne for the last time, he has been walking towards the throne as he was speaking his previous words.

"Thank you your majesty for your gracious gift." Imperial Palace Wife Lee bowed slightly because she was pregnant. Aria just nodded his head and waved her off.

"Ok I'll bounce, finally free of this bastard husband of mine. He is all yours Rose and all you other worms." Aria said standing up like elegantly as if what he just said didn't sound peasant like. He could care less about any etiquette right now, he was finally free if this man.

"Do send the divorce papers over my former lover. Bye." He said walking out, leaving not only the wives wide eyed but also the new concubines. The emperor was a feared man but this beautiful man was not afraid of him, some admired him actually most admire him except for Rose.

The emperor keeps clenching and unclenching his fist as he stares at the doors that the empress had left through.

Aria meanwhile was already in a moderately speeding car heading to the airport. His kids playing with a little bundle of toys that were in the car. This car was Aria's pregnancy gift from his mother, instead of a minivan like normal people Queen Adela bought him a whole ass limousine customized with baby stuff. He loved it nonetheless and he was clearly taking it back home, the only thing he's leaving her which is unable to move is the Golden Palace and it's furniture.

When the royal entourage arrived at the airport they were lead straight towards Aria's private Airbus A380. The upper deck was more like house than a usual passenger jet, it was almost like Aria's personal flying home, it actually was but he rarely used it since he got married and that's a very long time ago. He just hopes that it's still in good shape to fly, given that it has caretakers, from cleaners to engineers ensuring that it's fully functional.

His stuff was loaded on to the cargo storage, whilst he and his kids entered the plane and sat in the upper deck. Only his four main helpers were present, the rest were seated in the lower deck which looked like a normal passenger plane. The plane hit the run away and the royal prince was off to his home country.


"You heard the decree. Imperial Palace Wife Lee is now the head of the harem. Any additional matter, Queen empress?" The emperor questioned looking at his mother.

"Non that I'm aware of. Any problem son of heaven?" She snickered leisurely sipping her quite strong camomile tea.

The new concubines who were present whispered amongst themselves, of course they would especially when they don't know the dangers of speaking out of term when you're merely a bedding servant.  The usual wives the ones who were with the emperor longer were very quietly composed, they knew very well what happens to outspoken people who have no back up in the palace.

"Silence!" The emperor roared angry at the blunt display of disrespect from the new bed members.

"Your majesty permission to dismiss the harem." Imperial Palace Wife Lee tested, standing on her feet and bowing with the help of her handmaid. Of course Imperial Concubine Rose was sour faced, her visage contorting in all hideous ways.

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