The attack

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"Empress I suggest we secretly deploy elite soldiers to Looria to subdue the rebels." Steward Robert told the pregnant male seated across him. The crowd of seven were discussing strategies to deal with the rebels in Looria.

"I'd love to do that, but don't forget that rebels don't just rebel, they usually do it from the motivation of someone or something and in this case I'd like to believe it is a someone." Ari said as he looked at his younger sister.

"I thought so too, because judging from the attacks, they went just random attacks. These people have motives as to why they are attacking. The rebels would have attacked randomly, places like police stationaries, or magistrates courts and the like, to get the attention of the district heads, but they attacked power grids and the water supplies of the villages and the cities." Angela said as she caught on to what her brother was saying. 

She has told her husband that these attacks were more coordinated to be called simple and random attacks from commoner rebels, she didn't look down on her people, she just knew that if the citizens were unhappy about something, they'd complain like normal civil human beings. 

But these rebels were as coordinated as her military army, they moved with intelligence and precision, and that's why she came to Aria for help and her brother delivered like the military prodigy he was. Her brother had taken upon himself to personally train his own army from their father at a young age. He had wanted for the army to loyal to him and him only and they were beyond loyal, they were his family, and he was their family. They suffered together and would always respect, love and protect their master with their lives and he would always be thankful for their sacrifice for his family's security and protection.

"So, with that said, I suggest that we start here, search it thoroughly and closely for clues that could lead us to how this started." Aria said as he zoomed in on the tablet in his hands, which was connected to the bug screen projection in the room. He marked a terrain area with a green coloured marking, the data provided by Angela's team had suggested that they most likely belonged to a district in the mountains of Atacia, the city of the Sky Lights. It was a small settlement in Looria in the northern most part of the country were the mountains created these beautiful runes at night like an aurora borealis of sorts. The citizens there were notoriously known for their hunting skills and herb gathering speciality, they were like a small civilization of non-technology users, although a few did use it, just not all of them.

"That's a great idea empress, but who do we send to Looria and when?" Tyler asked, he wasn't the most bright when it came to politics but he had to be thankful his wife had some training from the King of Allira.

"I'd go in person with a few select of my personal elite brigade but I'm heavily pregnant, so I'll hand pick the soldiers that get to go and see from then forward what happens." Aria answered and the group of people almost protested when Aria raised that he would go in person only to calm down after he finished his sentence.

The meeting continued so forth with the monarchs and their trusted followers discussing every detail and counter measure to take if their plans were to fail.

"I can cut my own fruits, your majesty, there's no need to be this protective of me." Aria said as looked at the apron adorned emperor of Atlia, seemingly afraid that a mere apple would soil his formal wear.

"But it's not ok for a pregnant person to be near shape objects and most importantly the Empress of Atlia, the mother of my children and my nation."

"Sir, you're an emperor in an apron."  Aria commented on his husband and the older male did the most childish thing ever, he stuck his tongue out at the empress and Aria cringed at the act. 

"That was so gross." Aria commented and the emperor glared at his wife. This stupid moment brought back a memory that Aria had suppressed in the depths of his soul, a distant memory of an emperor who was in love, or rather faked his love to get the young crown prince to believe him.

"What is such a beautiful, cute boy like you doing alone?" A seventeen-year-old Tyler asked a fifteen-year-old Aria who was hiding behind hung clothes at a clothing store. Aria had thought it a great idea to run awa y from the palace, his guards and attendees in pursuit after they realized that the fifteen-year-old was nowhere to be found in the palace. He had done this multiple times and it wasn't something new to him or his team of attendees and guards, so they knew where to look for him. Though predictable Aria just loved doing it always, and the reason why he did the same thing over and over again was because his father the king had told him he could do it as long as his guards and attendees would know where he would have gone.

"And who are you?" Aria asked the slightly older taller boy, disgust clearly visible on his face. How dare a peasant like him try to talk to royalty like himself. Aria was royalty and this low rank low life had actually looked at him and complimented him.

"Prince Tyler, your highness." Tyler said with a small smile trying to act like the stink face that was still on Aria's face didn't bother him. It did, he just didn't want to lose sight of his goal at the moment and it was to at least befriend this young boy with strong military backing.

"There you are?!"   A fifteen-year-old Gion said as he grabbed the crown prince from in between the clothes.

"Why are you here?" Aria asked Gion who obviously wasn't a part of the 'search' team.

"I had went to the palace to hang out with you, but the king said you decided to be menace and run off." Gion said completely oblivious of Tyler's presence and the older male raised his eyebrow as his forehead tensed. These two midgets had the nerve to act he wasn't there, first it was the stink face from Aria and now it's this unknown being. He cleared his throat to get their attention and he did, to which Gion turned to look at Tyler and placed the crown prince behind him just for safety.

"And who are you?" Gion asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Who are you?" Tyler retorted with a snicker; he was getting irritated with the situation at hand.

"He said he was a prince GiGi." Aria said and Gion turned to look at him and gazed at Tyler skeptically . 

"Yeah we're going home Ari, I don't trust no one dressed like him." Gion said as he pulled the crown prince behind him completely.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tyler demanded grabbing Gion by his arm. obviously offending the young boy. 

He grabbed Tyler's hand, twisted it and shoved behind his back, he proceeded to kick him behind his knee to cripple the prince and his knees gave out. Gion leaned into level himself with the kneeling prince who was in shock and pain from his hand being held against his back.

"Don't you ever lay your hands on me, I don't care if you're the king, emperor or president or anyone of power. You don't lay your hands on strangers in their countries."

"GiGI let him go, let's just go home." Aria said as they had started to garner attention from the people in the store. Some had already started to whisper and take videos of the whole ordeal, nosey peasants the crown prince thought. He'd definitely make headline tomorrow if he doesn't get his best friend out of this situation.

"What are chuckling about empress?" Tyler asked, Aria snapped out of his trance and looked at the emperor who held a plate of grapes, apples, banana, kiwi and some other assorted fruits.

"Oh I had this sudden memory of a young seventeen year old prince getting handled by a fifteen year old at a clothing store." Aria said which made the emperor furrow his brows in confusion thinking, before his face distorted in horror at the memory and his cheeks turned a rosy pink.

"I was not!" He retorted.

"Yeah tell that to the floor." Aria remarked and laughed, picking up a kiwi slice with a fruit fork and sticking his tongue out at the emperor before blowing him a kiss.

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