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"I ought to disown you honestly." Kathy said as she entered the emperor's palace garden where said man was seated.

"What brings mother here, with such hurtful and distasteful words. That's unlike you mother." Tyler said twirling a red rose in his right hand before crushing it and furrowing his dark thick eyebrows.

"Says the bastard who threw a plate at his own pregnant wife. That's so like you, considering the abuse you caused Prince Aria." Kathy said as she stood a few meters away from the bench Tyler was sitting on. She emphasized prince in purpose to remind Tyler if his stupid blunder with his former empress.

"I didn't abuse him, I never did and never will do such things." Tyler said getting angry, to himself or his mother only he knows.

"I beg to differ son of heaven. Usually I'd ask you why you do something to your own  wives, but just like always you'd just shrug it off, so I'm not going to ask . My little boy would never do that, I didn't raise you like that." Kathy said her voice almost cracking, she couldn't understand where she went wrong with her song.

"Little boys grow up eventually. Your husband practically shoved this position on to me, for what reason? So he could go and canoodle with his other wife, traveling the world leaving you here, leaving us here. I'm surprised you haven't divorced him like Aria did me." Tyler defended himself for the first time against his mother. He never defended himself ever since he knew that an emperor never has to explain themselves to anyone regarding their actions.

"My husband never raped me, ignore me or emotionally abuse me. I don't have a reason to divorce him and I never will, yes I don't love him but he's still my husband and I vowed and took an oath to be by his side through thick and thin, through hos and mistresses and all the shit he does!" Kathy said ever so elegantly but raised her voice with anger at the end of her sentence. She wasn't hurt, no she was seething at the blatant disrespect Tyler's father showed her sometimes.

"Oh mother is angry and it's not directed to me." Tyler chuckled lightly as if it was relaxing to see his mother's anger directed at another person than him.

"Oh shut up." Kathy laughed waving her son off.

"Tyler, son of heaven. I have one simple request coming here and that regards Imperial Palace Wife Lee."

"Oh good lord."

"No listen here young boy. You never injure a pregnant woman no matter how irking they may make you."

"You're one to talk." Tyler shaded.

"I was angry and in a spur of the moment almost killed your older brother. I still regret it today because now he can't use his left arm properly."

"Tch." Tyler scoffed.

"No seriously she set me up and pissed me off at the same time. And I reacted due to instinct. Wait why am I even justifying myself to you." 

Tyler just shrugged.

"As I was saying you never hurt pregnant women and do make me more grandchildren, this huge ass country needs new district kings. I mean Aria gave you twenty new concubines as a gift."

"Really mother. Besides I'm not laying with another woman except Rose."

"Why is she not pregnant then?"

"We're using protection."

"For what?" Kathy asked genuinely confused, she hated Rose but her country needed new district kings for when Jasmine takes the throne.

"Don't you hate her? She said she's not ready for another pregnancy."

"Bullshit! I hate her but refusing to birth imperial children is high treason! Drag that filthy ho here this instant!" Kathy roared to her eunuch as she radiated a deathly aura.

"DON'T YOU DARE LAY HANDS ON MY WOMAN!" Tyler roared back and Kathy's eunuch froze for a whole minute. Kathy turned around and rammed her knee into the man's guts and he huddled to the ground.

"You listen to me not treason aiding bastards, are we clear?" She seethed at the eunuch who just kept nodding his head clutching his belly and groaning in pain.

Tyler let out a murderous laugh as he looked at his mother with hate brewing in the pits of his eyes.

"I despise you mother. All you ever do is call me a bastard all day long, reminding me of how truly I'm valued in this palace."
He said sarcastically.

"You're the queen empress' son, you're not a bastard child but a bastard person." Kathy explained.

"Same meaning different words. You know what mother, see yourself out before I do something that'll make me regret it and cause war between our two countries."

"I'm pretty sure Aria's father will declare war soon enough, but I can assure you that my brother won't try to kill his only nephew and will stand with your stupid ass." Kathy said looking at her now chirping nail polish. So unladylike she thought.

She proceeded to walk out of the emperor's palace garden calmly than when she practically stormed in.

Tyler sat there looking at the blue sky above him, thinking about his actions towards his former empress and how he may or may not regret what he did, but a man with pride would never admit to that.

His mind drifted to his mother's words before she disappeared through the gates of his now dead garden. She was right, King Lia will most likely declare war after hearing about what Tyler did to his son. The queen empress was also right regarding the emperor's uncle, the shameless Duke will stand with Tyler no matter the circumstances.

The Duke of Corse, Kathy's older brother, Raven, was a very refined and handsome man. A man who held himself elegantly most of the time, but cannot hold his alcohol and is but a fool at one glass of wine. The Duke was certainly a different person after sipping a glass of wine, but not any wine that is. Wine only he knew the ingredients to but would still behead people for getting the ingredients wrong. It didn't make sense that he'd kill people for making horrible wine only he knew the ingredients to.

The man himself was Tyler's partial supporter as the emperor was solely dependant on his wife's protection a thing he will never admit to doing. He knew that other than his uncle's support he had Aria but now with Aria gone, he didn't know what to do.

He knew that if Aria were to spill the beans about the 'abuse' to his father, King Paul, he was done for. The sovereign would certainly kill anyone who dared to harm his precious son.

Tyler pulled at his hair at his stupidity and insolence. He stood up from where he was seated and stalked towards his study to do some paper work, memoirs or anything to get his mind off of this new current threat.


"Your majesty!" An eunuch rushed into Tyler's study and knelt before the emperor's table.

"What?!" Tyler asked.

"The empress's fleet was shot down!"

"WHAT!? WHERE?! HOW?!" Tyler rose from his chair and rushed through the doors of his study towards the communication wing.

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