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"Oh, Imperial Palace Wife Lee wants to test her authority already?" Tyler sneered with a raised brow.

"There is no such your majesty, this wife just sees it best to dismiss the new concubines to their palace's so that they are taught properly on how to behave in the palace. Given that they seemed to have angered his majesty and put him in a foul mood." Imperial Palace Wife Lee asserted, but deep down she was rejoicing at the new authority she was given. She and Aria were closest of friends when the empress was still in his position. 

"I'm in a foul-" The emperor retorted but couldn't complete as the Queen empress interjected.

"Yes my child best do that, this old lady is tired and needs to rest, this back and forth bickering will not get you your empress back son of heaven." Kathy remarked with a smug smile underneath her teacup.

"Of course not mother." Tyler gritted through his teeth. Even the woman was his mother, he didn't like her one bit. She was cold to him, too cold for his liking, but he is thankful for being born and the throne.

Kathy and Aria were the reasons why he had inherited the throne and even though he lost one beneficiary today he still won't mind losing another one. His ego and pride being the reason why he's so stubborn and stupidly unreasonable, but it's his loss and no one else's.

"The imperial harem is dismissed." Announced Imperial Palace Wife Lee as she turned from the emperor to face the now departing wives and concubines.

"Imperial Palace Wife Lee, how is the baby coming along?" Kathy asked once all the wives and concubines had left.

"The baby is fine, the doctor had come to my palace and checked on me after I told someone when the appointment was and they didn't show up, but expectations result to disappointment." Imperial Palace Wife Lee said as she was helped to sit down by her handmaid. She had to be extra cautious with her pregnancy since the empress had gone.

The empress was the only person who favoured her in the palace and the emperor thought by sleeping with his wife's best friend he would ruin the two's friendship but what Tyler didn't know was that Imperial Palace Wife Lee was a lesbian and even though at first when the emperor had 'forced' himself on her, she had wanted to kill commit suicide but the empress changed her mind.

Imperial Palace Wife Lee was shook to the core the morning after she had sex with Tyler and she was beyond disgusted. She had always known her sexuality at a young age and to say she was surprised when she heard the imperial decree from the palace was an understatement. Her handmaid who was her lover at the time also entered the palace in order to care for their lover. Even though the handmaid hates the emperor's guts and his sperm, they can't hate the innocent child growing in their girlfriend's belly.

Their name was Alexander and they changed their name from Alexandria and their non binary.
And they had been together for a very long time, so when they heard that disturbing man wanted to man their girlfriend they went to the palace with their lover. If they couldn't protect her outside, they better go into the palace with her and protect her in there.

"I still don't like him, no actually I  loathe him." Alexander whispered into Imperial Palace Wife Lee's ear and of course she giggled. She had always been ticklish around the ear.

"No body except Rose loves him." Imperial Palace Wife Lee whispered back and Alexander snickered, this gained them the emperor's attention.

"What is my lovely wife whispering about with her handmaid." Tyler asked as he narrowed his eyes at the couple. Alexander snorted and the emperor didn't like it at all, being disrespected by Aria and Kathy was enough he didn't need a maid to disrespect him too. He was an emperor for crying out loud.

"Nothing that concerns the emperor, had it concerned my husband, I would've said it out loud." Imperial Palace Wife Lee said holding down Alexander from jumping and killing the bastard who calls himself the emperor.

"You know Son of heaven, that attitude of yours, cost you someone who truly loved you, had four kids for you and genuinely wanted to protect you." Kathy stated now becoming irritated with her stupid son and Tyler snorted and this pissed the former empress beyond returned.

She threw her teacup at the emperor and it literally cracked upon impact on his face, tea scalding him. But she didn't stop there, whilst the emperor was screaming in pain and the couple and all those who were present were shocked, Kathy leaped from her table and jumped towards Tyler and bitch slapped him three times with her other hand on his collar.

After disfiguring the emperor for a few flash seconds, the queen empress composed herself like she did not just bitch slap the emperor three times and to spice it up threw a teacup with hot tea at him.

"I gave you a wife, the throne, gave you life and this is how you thank me. Going around acting arrogant and stubborn as if you earned your place to be on that throne. If you haven't noticed you're the third child and that throne isn't yours by birth right. You're just a stand in because your older brothers couldn't have the throne." Kathy said calmly after a few minutes of deep breaths.

"Good day everyone, I'll be going to my palace to rest." Kathy announced as she walked out of the hall with her entourage behind her.

Alexander was stifling their laugh at the event that just took place. Imperial Palace Wife Lee was tryin but all means to keep her love from getting punished by the emperor but she knew very well that this person was beyond controllable and so she did what she could do best.

"Your majesty, this wife requests permission to excuse herself." Imperial Palace Wife Lee said as she stood and bowed a little. Of course Tyler's face comforted into pure disgust and Alexander glared at him.

"Go!" He yelled as response throwing his plate of snacks at her but Alexander was quick to get in the way and the plate hut their back.

"Alex!" Imperial Palace Wife Lee cried standing up right and holding her now bleeding lover in her arms.

"It's ok, I'm fine, my love." They whispered.

"Your majesty. It's high treason to attack a pregnant royal wife." Alexander said out loud.

"It's not like she's hurt. What are you going to do, tell the empress? Aria's not here to protect you." Tyler said calmly as if he didn't just throw a plate at the mother of his unborn baby.

"No, but I will be informing the Queen empress about this." Imperial Palace Wife Lee said as he stood with her handmaid in her hands.

"Go inform the queen empress of this, this instant." Imperial Palace Wife Lee said to one of her most trusted eunuchs. The said man sprinted out of the halls towards Kathy's palace, as Imperial Palace Wife Lee and Alexander were tracking out of the hall.

Eunuch Riley had reached Kathy's palace and saw the old woman as she entered and called out to her. On usual occasions he should be beheaded but Kathy could hear the distress in his voice.

"What?!" Kathy panicked as she looked at the now sweating, kneeling young man.

"Your highness, Imperial Palace Wife Lee has sent to tell the queen empress of the emperor huddling a plate at the pregnant wife." Eunuch Riley said a little breathless.

"He did what! Is she alright?" Kathy went into hyper panic.

"Milady is fine but her handmaid is hurt." Riley said as he tried to balance on his lactic acid filled legs.

"That bitch!" Kathy roared storming off towards Tyler's palace.

And that's a wrap .. I tried, if it doesn't make sense tell me so I can write it again and add a little more intelligence to it😂🤧

Next time Jewels‼️
Dedicated to my number reader Lindiwe Mashabela N.

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