The High Court

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The high court were hell bent on deposing the empress, now that they learned of a crucial matter about him. Empress Aria was a born female and was considered a freak of nature by some people, more especially the high court, been though they lived in advanced times were a lot was possible, the high court would want to be governed by a freak of nature. They had their questions when four heirs were abruptly introduced to the throne and were declared the empress' spawns. What they had failed to understand was how a male could actually give birth not only to one but four children at the same time.

The high court consisted of ten houses that belonged to nobility, they governed or saw over the ten districts of Atlia. Only two districts and their houses didn't mind how Aria gave birth to the heirs, those two houses being the governors of districts Givv and Nevera.

The Prince Nevera and Duke Gion were the governors of the districts and the houses of their houses, so it would be understandable if they were fine with how their best friend gave birth and the matter honestly did not leave them with unease.

"Empress, the high court have summoned for a meeting with us." The emperor said as he walked through the doors of the other male's study. He smelt a faint scent of lavender and citrus as he made his way to the couch in the middle of the study.

"What is it this time?" Aria said as he turned his chair around and looked at the emperor, a slice of an unpeeled orange in his hand. He looked annoyed and he has every right to be, the baby was making its presence known by kicking, moving and keeping him awake most nights, and now it heard Tyler's voice, it starts pressing on his bladder.

"Richard hand the empress the complaint." Tyler said and the steward did so.

Aria took the sheet of paper and read through it, his furrowed brows loosened, and his face paled as he read through the contents of the paper. Tyler obviously saw this and somewhat panicked, he had read the complaint, but he hadn't thought the empress would react this way. He stood up and went to his wife's side and as he neared the male, a lobe tear escaped Aria's eye, as he sat there frozen to his seat. Eunice saw this and cleared the room of extra ears, that included the emperor's steward.

"Hey, it's okay." Tyler said as he pressed the empress' head this abdomen and rubbed the back of his head slowly and smoothly, seemingly trying to calm the now crying empress. He surely didn't understand why the empress was crying but he would be there for him nonetheless, this was the same man who hated him but still protected him against anyone who tried to plot against him. The same man who gave him four beautiful children and was now pregnant with another one, he had been such an idiot in the past that he had made the empress' life miserable, but not once had Aria retaliated.

Aria wrapped his arms around the emperor' waist and sort comfort in the male who had made his life a living hell the past few years, but for some reason he always somehow felt at peace in this man's arms. That alone sometimes mad him sick to his stomach, he hated people who sort comfort in the arms of their 'abusers', but here he was doing it. And as much as he'd hate to admit it, he somewhat now understands why they seek comfort, he cannot put it in words, but he knows deep down why.

The high court knew of Aria's biological, well rather genetic mutation. The empress was born a female and had everything a female would have down to the genes. Before puberty hit, which for him came as early as ten years of age, the empress had shown great progress in such, first it was the body odour, and small amounts of hair, soon came her cycle at the age of twelve, but no signs of breast knots in her nipples. It wasn't alarming to them since the princess was just a fresh teenager, but when the empress hit seventeen years of age and nothing happened, then the concern started to seep in.

She had become a him at the age of thirteen, just for the fun of it and it was never meant to be an official gender transition. What he did was psychotic and very low, becoming a male just because her breast had not grown, the king and queen even supposed him when he proposed he change his gender.

Soon, depression hit when she realized that she had changed her gender, and her breasts were nowhere to be found. Her peers had grown into beautiful women with melon bosoms to top it off and she? Well all she had were her flat nipples and a new gender that she had to account for. So, she successfully became a male and made peace with the fact that her youngself had made the dumb decision in a playful manner to change her gender. Now she wore that title of male with pride and joy and nothing could come close to how free she now feels being referred to as a male and if he could, he'd shame twenty-two-year-old him for scolding thirteen-year-old him for changing genders. Because the gender change proved to be the best of decisions he had ever made.

The complaint from the high court had brought back memories of when he'd self-harm at the young age of twenty because of his physical dystrophy, and as crazy as it may seem, the empress had 'forgotten' he had lady bits he was born with, so reading the complaint letter and how those people had decided to raise the argument had overwhelmed him and to top it off, he was pregnant, his hormones were a mess.

"Empress, those people have no power to depose you and I'll make sure of it they don't succeed." Tyler said and felt the empress' head move.

Aria looked up with tear-streaked cheeks and hit the emperor in the gut with his fist, Tyler bucked at the impact and held his abdomen.

"You think that's why I'm crying?" Aria asked as he took a tissue and wiped his tears away.

"Then why are you crying." the emperor groaned out as he massaged his abdomen.

"Did you not read the complaint?"

"I did."

"Well, if you don't know why I'm crying then you must not know then." Aria stated as he looked at the emperor, his foolish husband, blinded by Rose and her disgusting body.

"It may seem so then empress." Tyler said and earned himself a slap to the arm. If the emperor doesn't run away, he might turn into a punching bag and the empress may release all his pent-up anger on him.

The emperor walked back to the couch and sat down, Aria blew his nose and wiped his tears one last time before facing the emperor.

"You may return, Eunice and Richard." Aria said into the intercom and sure enough the two people entered the study.

"The emperor would like to have all the members of the high court flown in immediately the day after tomorrow. Do not arrange anything except for their flights. They want to play games with me and will later regret it." Aria ordered both Eunice and Richard. Although Richard was the emperor's personal servant and he would listen only to the emperor, he had however saw the change in the emperor' attitude towards the empress and as such he'd like to keep his head on his shoulders.

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