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"Where are you going? I'm staying the night and you will serve me."Emperor Lon asked with annoyance.

"Why, because Rose is half dead? Your majesty I said I am not a substitute.  I, Aria Lon , empress of Atlia , mother of the first four heirs of your reign, son of the great Great King of Allira and brother of the Empress of Looria am not a substitute. I am your legal wife. So excuse me I have matters to attend to I'm not as idle as you are." He said storming off towards the gates of his garden.

What Aria didn't know was that he triggered something  very dark in the emperor. The emperor's eyes were very dark and contorted, he was beyond furious. Aria's constant humiliation and hatred are not sitting well with his ego and prestige as emperor.

The emperor thrashed everything on the table in a fit if anger before storming off towards his palace, tonight the empress was certainly going to pay for disrespecting him. He was to pay heavily and dearly.

Aria was oblivious to the plans that were being formed against him by the emperor  as he was in his bathtub soaking in the warm refreshing water. He got out and got ready to invite his sister to afternoon tea . It was a beautiful afternoon and he was going to spend it with those sisters of his.

"Eunuch Ress, invite the Imperial Harem for tea at my pavilion." Aria said from inside his room.

"Yes your highness." Eunuch Ress said before scurrying away to gather the imperial women. The Imperial Harem arrived very quickly at the pavilion seeing the empress seated at his throne they bowed one by one getting her.

"Your majesty, Imperial Concubine Rose  apologises for not showing up , she's sti-." Imperial Concubine Rose's Eunuch reported before he was interrupted by the empress.

"I don't care about her, This empress excludes her from all events until next week , let her rest." Aria said stunning everyone that was present.

"THANK YOU, YOUR MAJESTY FOR YOUR KINDNESS!" The Eunuch and his followers kneeled.

"Yeah , yeah whatever now get out of my pavilion. " Aria said and the Eunuch agreed before practically running away.

"My sisters. This empress invites you here to enjoy this beautiful weather and my special tea. As you all know I have arranged a banquet for the visit of my father and sister and would like it if my sisters would perform for our husband during the banquet. Not everyone is obliged to but the spot is free for anyone willing to do so." Aria said biting a biscuit.

"Your highness, This consort would like to participate in the banquet. " Imperial Consort Mary rose from her chair and bowed her head.

"And what would my sister be performing?"

"I will dance your highness."

"This Noble Lady will also participate in the banquet." Royal Noble Lady Sofia said.

" Ah. And what would this sister do?"

"Poetry, your highness." Lady Sofia said.

Three other concubines also joined, all opting to play musical instruments respectively.

"Ok then this empress is happy." He said smiling.

By the time the other wives were sent their abodes it was dark, the Golden Palace was beautiful lighted at night, servants shuffling back and forth,  Aria had just finished with his harem meeting and was headed towards his four babies' rooms.

He reached the rooms respectively.  Although the quadruple had separate rooms the the boys loved to bath together and the girls the same.  So Aria had to bathe them in pairs himself.  He loved his kids and as tiring as it was to bathe four kids every day , he wasn't tired. Even when he feels gloomy , seeing his kids run around smile , he would feel a lot better.

He had already finished bathing and tucking in his kids and was already on his way towards his room. He bathed again , got out of the bathtub in a robe and made his way toward his closet to look for his pyjamas to wear.

As he was walking towards the closet he passed by his bed and  caught a glimpse of a shadow at the door of his room, in his peripheral view and when he turned the shadow came into view. It was the emperor, both hands were holding a suitcase and a whip. Aria was so stunned by the sudden appearance of the emperor that he took a very long time to react and when he finally did react he was already of his bed, hands cuffed behind his back and face deep into the sheets.

"I said you will serve me tonight." The emperor said sitting on the back of the empress. The empress was still naked only his bathrobe was keeping his decency safe. He tried to struggle and wiggle the emperor off of him only to end up with no result whatsoever. It seemed like his wiggling only woke the emperor's joystick.

When the emperor jumped off the empress , Aria attempted to kick him only to get his foot caught by the emperor and the emperor cuffed it to the other. Aria was now cuffed at the hands and feet , he was totally powerless now. When he tried to yell for help the emperor stuffed a dildo down his throat and the empress gagged.

That night the emperor had his way with his empress and the empress was a mess before he slept of exhaustion. 

Aria woke up the following morning  sore and in pain. His body was aching everywhere , the welts on his buttocks from whip were still fresh and the wounds had scabbed,  the same goes for every wound on his body. With a pin from his nightstand drawer Aria managed to undo both the cuffs subtly enough not waking the sleeping  emperor. 

Driven by hate and pain Aria quietly crept on to the bed and subtly cuffed the emperor's hands together , he did stir when Aria brought his hands together but  he still was asleep. After successful cuffing the emperor's hands Aria took same bath robe he wore yesterday and draped it around his sore and wounded body.

He picked up the whip and the biggest dildo the emperor had inserted in his flower yesterday night and shivered it up the naked emperor's  hole and that jostled the man up from his slumber. The dildo was not lubricated and the emperor's butt hole was not prepared for insertion thus reason why it stung. He yelped  in pain before looking around assessing his surroundings and he saw Aria behind him with a whip in his hands.

" Aria what the fuck is this? Why am I cuffed and why is there a dildo up my ass?." The emperor fumed still pained by the dildo up his ass.

Aria said nothing and raised his hand that held the whip and ran the whip across his husband's side, the whip left a red line across the emperor's  skin. His ribs started to bruise and he stifled the pain from the whip.

"You know Tyler, I never in my life imagined you would force yourself on me , ever." Aria said delivering another strike to the emperor's ribs.

"You hate me, I know. But for it to be to the extent of raping me. Me , your empress , your own wife." With every sentence Aria spoke he striked the emperor's body, the naked royal body was  bruised up and red from the whip.

"I loved you , I still do , and I had hope that you'd shower me with love just like you love Rose and I know I've been rude but it's not like you're a saint either but after yesterday nights events I don't think I'll ever forgive you for doing that to me." Aria said delivering whip after whip on the emperor's body.

"Aria look , I'm sorry please stop." The emperor cried, literally cried real tears. He was in pain , Aria littered his body with welts and the emperor's body was very blood stained.

"You don't get to apologise!!!!!. Nor cry." Aria yelled nearing the emperor's face and wiping away the tears on his face.

"Do you know how painful it is watching the person you love with someone else. Every single day and it doesn't help when he rubs it in your face, on purpose." Aria said tears on his face. The room was filled with silent sobs of both the emperor and empress. After a few minutes have passed  Aria stood up from the bed and whipped the emperor again and again, venting out all his frustration and anger on the royal body. When he saw that the emperor's  eyes were droopy he pulled the dildo out and shoved it back in the emperor's  asshole. That jostled the emperor to wake up.

Tyler sobbed and sobbed until he lost consciousness and Aria stopped his maniac rampage on the emperor's body when it stopped moving.

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