One dead, one survived.

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Aria's world seemed to stop at the words that fell out of Eunice's mouth. They had a lead?! Was he going to find his children? We're they safe?

"Show me!" He yelled once he regained his senses.

"Here take a look." The head maid sad as he ushered the empress the tablet that had a blurry video on pause. In the video you can see two men each carrying what seemed to be Ariel and Alex unconscious and a struggling Aaron and what seemed to be a motionless Anna. Aria's blood ran cold at the scene and his fist clenched to the point where his knuckles turned white.

"My babies, what has he done to my babies?!"
Aria roared as he looked at the two men carrying his children.

It wasn't long after and the empress' people had already caught the perpetrators, of course the Police were informed but because the matter pertained the royal heirs and the empress, a whole secret division of authorities handled the matter. At best the Police were just honest authority personnel that would 'lie' about the disappearance of the kidnappers if needed.

"I walk with so much power and bastards think they can out power me?! ME?!" Aria as he walked towards the male who has been in the video, the same video that Eunice had brought over for him to see. They were in a dungeon in the Golden Palace, the emperor's palace in it's entirety had a dungeon too, but it has been very long since it has been used, probably a few hundred years. But Aria's palace kept it's dungeon looking as clean and spotless as a newborn baby's bum.

The bloody man in front of him was one of the two men who stole his children. The other one was dead, right next to him, Aria had not spared him and shot him the minute he got tied down. Had the empress not arrived in time, his children could've been long gone and never to be found again. So the second the other male was sat down next to his accomplice Aria put a bullet right through his head.

At the moment the empress looked like a blood craved murder, a silhouette of what was once a joyful young man, his eyes cold and his body aura domineering. The man who was shoot sat there, head hanging and it dripped blood and his body getting colder by the minute.

"That's what happens when you try to challenge me." He continued as he pointed towards the corpse next to the tied down male. He man shuddered at how cold the empress' voice was, he had heard rumors about the empress, but he had thought they were just rumors and nothing else. He just thought of Aria as another spoilt prince who was all talk and never got his hands dirty, he never thought that Aria had the guts to actually get his hands dirty even at six months pregnant. He remembers how the empress had been the one to pin him down like he weighed nothing, flung him to the ground and kneed him right in the chest and back slapped the shit out of him.

"Now, as you can see I'm very impatient. You tell me why you thought it was a great idea to steal my children and which idiot put you up to it." Aria asked as he broke the other male's trail of thought.

"N-n-no one. W-we-" he was cut of by Aria knacking him with the gun's pistol right in the face. His head turned painfully to the right because of the impact, blood spewing from his mouth and nose.

"I'll give you a second to think your answer through." Ari said as he looked at the man coldly with no emotions.

"Actually I give you ten minutes, I'll be generous, but do know that whether you tell me or not your death is inevitable." Aria said as he walked out of the brightly lit torture room.

"Did you have to kill the other man?" Tyler asked as he saw his wife step out of the room. He had been watching from the other side of the two way mirror.

"Your majesty and I are different species of royalty. I come from a long line of military royals and you come from a long line of noble royals. I will kill to get my answers if I have to, I will kill to set an example and I will most definitely kill if some bitch thinks they can steal my children. With that being said The Imperial Concubine should be dead." Aria said as he put the gun down on the silver table adorn with other sharp objects that would make an ordinary person faint.

"Why are you mentioning Rose again?" Tyler asked annoyed, how did the conversation become about Rose.

"Because she challenged me a handful of times. I'm pretty sure about a fraction of your citizens know the rumors about me and I doubt they had skipped Rose's ears. So her blatant disrespect because you favor her baffles me beyond reality and also I just want to see her lifeless body on the ground." Aria said his eyes flashed a devilish glint of humor at the end of statement, a look that made Tyler think his wife was crazy.

Aria had given the tortured man a lil break as he conversed more with the emperor, who refused to enter the torture room and look the man who stole his children in the eye. He said something about nobility and not liking blood, Aria called bullshit and knew his husband was afraid of blood, which was surprising since Tyler had a masochist side. Or maybe he was only masochistic towards him only, the Imperial Concubine never seemed to be injured or anything. A thought dawned on him and he radiated death.

He turned to look at Tyler, his gaze dark and sharp. The emperor shook and shuddered from the sudden gaze and drop in the surrounding pressure, his neck felt suffocated. He always forgot his empress had this strange ability to make one both breathless from his beauty and his scary side.

"What?" Tyler asked, his back muscles tensing, a chill running down his spine, he didn't like the look Aria was giving him one bit.

Aria didn't answer him and grabbed the whip that was next to the assortment of knives, pliers and all these other crazy sharp tools. Before Tyler could react, Aria had snapped the whip as if to test it out and to hear the crisp sound it made in the air, and the next second Tyler felt a burning pain on his shoulder. His eyes bulged as he realized that the empress struck him, his face contorted in pain as he yelped out in pain.

"Yep, it works." Aria said with an innocent smile, his whole demeanor changed in a matter of seconds from the killing intent he had a few seconds ago to, a sweet innocent lamb like aura.

"W-what was that for?" Tyler asked, his voice cracking as he kneeled down, holding his shoulder. He wanted to cry from the pain, his eyes were wet and his shoulder was killing him.

"You deserve that." Aria said as he walked towards the torture room ignoring the whimpering sound Tyler surprisingly made.

"He said he will come for you and that you'll die by his hands!" Aria heard as he entered the room, whip in hand.

"Such arrogance, ten minutes ago you were scared for your life and now here you are trying to threaten me. Let me tell you a secret,  maybe you don't know who I am. When that bastard comes for me, he better come with everything he has or so help me I'll end his life in exactly five seconds of him stepping foot in front of me or even if I smell him two hundred kilometers away." Aria said as he struck the man with whip right across the face, earning a shriek of pain from him.

"You can't defeat him."

"They call me Drunk Gun for a reason. I never miss no matter how unstable and unsteady my gun is." Aria said as unholstered his handgun from his waist, letting it drop and hit the ground with a clang and a bullet shot from the gun and hit the guy in the foot.

"See that?" He continued as the man wailed in pain.

"Yes! Yes! I'm sorry! Spare me your highness.!" The man cried, but Aria struck him again with the whip.

"I wasn't going to spare you, but I need you tell that bastard exactly what I told you." Aria said as he walked to the man strapped  to the chair.

"So what are you doing to do with him, your highness?" Eunice asked, her arms behind her back. She had watched the whole ordeal with cold sweat on her forehead, Aria hadn't tortured the man badly he just looked at him and spoke to him. The man just broke on his own and when Aria shot him, he surrended.

"I'll let him go to his master of course."

"After stealing our children?" Tyler groaned out from the entrance quite  surprised.

"Eunice, get his wounds treated. He needs to go tell his master my message and Richard do attend to His Majesty's shoulder." Aria stated, not answering Tyler's inquiry. His statement though is self explanatory and Tyler got the message pretty well.

This update is a little patchy and has no connectivity, it doesn't glide together and smoothly like I wanted , but it's been so long since I've updated this book👁️👄👁️ I'm  an engineering student so bear with me😅😕

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