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"What happened here?" Kathy said releasing a breath as she busted through the doors of Aria's bedroom.

"And why is the emperor on the floor. Aria, what happened?" The Queen Empress questioned again her face softening.

Aria looked at her devoid of emotions and just looked away. He didn't know what to say, he couldn't face her mother in law, not after what transpired between the two monarchs the other day.

"Leave!" Kathy ordered everyone in the bedroom. Said people scurried out of the bedroom after making sure the emperor was on the bed.

"Aria dear, what's wrong?" Kathy said approaching the empress. She reached out her hand to cup his face but he looked away. When she captured the boy's face she saw tears in eyes, threatening to flow and immediately when their eyes met it rained tears. Aria couldn't hold it anyway and bawled in Kathy's embrace. Kathy soothed the crying boy until he was calm before questioning again.

"He raped me. Again. He forced himself on me. Littered my body with wounds just because of my stubbornness. I loved him, I still do, b-but.."


"But he did it again and made me feel pain all again like five years ago."

After that the two sat there in silence and just embraced each other and their moment was interrupted by the emperor who stirred in his sleep seeming to regain consciousness and something ticked in the Queen Empress' mind. She delivered a powerful slap to the emperor which made him jump up from his sleep.

"WHO DARES.., oh mother." He jumped looking around trying to see who had the nerve to touch his royal body and he saw his mother and distraught empress.

"Oh mother." Kathy said sarcastically delivering another slap to the distracted emperor.

"What was that for!" He yelled with a dangerous aura flowing from him and that only angered the Queen Empress more.

"Is this what I taught you. Beat your own wife and rape them. Not even your father does that, heck your brothers are all docile, but you, you're like corn in a sorghum field and it disappoints this old woman. I expected a lot from you, that's why you're the emperor but it seems I was wrong." The old woman sighed, she had put up with enough of this nonsense from her son.

"You seem to forget who you're talking to dear mother." The emperor asserted and that made the empress snicker and the emperor glared at him.

"You're incompetent, the only reason why you're on that throne is because of me. Another reason being that your brothers did not want the drama that came with being emperor, but it seems like you enjoy drama." Kathy said voice stern and powerful.

"I can strip you of your status.." he said but was interrupted by Aria.

"With what power? From where. You're only an emperor by name, since you ascended the throne nothing productive happened in the country. The northern dam in the Givv district that I remember was cracking and overflowing the day I was banished is still leaking. Since you have power why is it not fixed? and why is the royal treasury empty and I've only been away for a year. Tell me Emperor Lon, why are the people of Pool district experiencing an increase in taxes while the other 15 districts aren't? They are in drought and your ministers dare suck them dry when there's already no muscles on their bodies. And tell me why does that bastard of Rose have a father and my kids don't, my kids no our kids came first and are the heirs of your throne, they are your blood ,but they don't even know how the eyelashes of their father are shaped or the colour of his hair. SO TELL ME WHY THAT IT IS THAT WAY!?" Aria yelled.

The emperor stood there ashamed and embarrassed, he truly was useless and the truth was burning him.

"I'll tell you why. You're too busy making sure that Concubine Rose is living in luxury to actually care about the people of your nation, my nation, our nation. You almost ran the country dry with those extravagant jewels and trips you took that piece of shit on."

"Watch your tone or else.."

"Or else what, you'll throw me in the dungeon, banish me back to cold palace or kill me. You could never kill me, I birthed four heirs, the imperial code protects me, even from treason." Aria said.

"And let me remind you TYLER , I can dethrone you. I'm a male, a former prince at that and taking your throne from you is as easy as breathing. But that would humiliate you and no one wants to see their loved one humiliated. Now get out."

"What?" The emperor asked he was too stunned to move. Aria had made the threat to his throne and he didn't know what to say.

"I SAID GET OUT NOW!" Aria yelled throwing the emperor a fresh set of clothes right in his face. The emperor was dumbfounded by this, but mindlessly put on his clothes wondering when had this little timid angel turn into a full raging demon.

Tyler made his way towards his palace with his entourage behind him, he was so humiliated right now and all he wanted to do was get to his home and hide. Along the way he encounters a sobbing, distraught Imperial Concubine Rose.

"Your majesty, are you ok?" She said through snot and messy hair. She latched on to the emperor like she was the one who was hurt. Of course Emperor Lon embraced his favourite Concubine and helped her up. He wiped away her tears and comforter her.

"I'm ok. It's just a little scratch, I'll be fine."

"Was is that bitch who did this to you?" Rose asked with malice laced her voice and the emperor for some reason did not like the way she was addressing the empress.

"Who's a bitch?" Aria said approaching the duo. He had on a white trench coat over a black turtleneck and grey slacks. He was scowling at Rose and she seemed to stiffen before relaxing after the emperor shoved her behind him.

"No one." Emperor Lon said sternly. Aria just sneered and stood next to them.

"Tyler you're letting your wife call me a bitch?" Aria asked looking up at the tall man, glaring at him.

"You're letting this insolent woman call me, the mother of the nation, second most powerful person in the country and mother of the crown prince a bitch. And have the nerve to defend her." Aria said calmly this time.

"The empress heard wrong." Emperor Lon said visibly calm but he was shaking underneath his skin, he still vividly remains the empress' crazed stare the other day.

"Your majesty, I'm only thirty years old this year. I know what my ears hear clearly." Aria said with a bitter laugh.

"Your highness, this concubine asks for forgiveness." Rose said through gritted teeth, trying to kneel when she was stopped by the empress himself.

"Don't, your sincerity is fake. Rise and never kneel before me again it's disgusting." Aria spat before walking away. The emperor was stunned and Rose was boiling with anger.

Aria walked straight towards the imperial gates, where she continued walked past the gates into the buildings that surrounded the grand imperial palace of the country. Of course the guards wanted to follow the man but he strictly told them not to bother and they didn't question the man further.

As he continued walking along the paved road that led from the palace towards the city centre he could hear distant birds chirping and cars roaring with life as he continued walking towards the intersection that cut off the road from the palace and joined the roads of the city.

He stood there and looked at all the cars passing by, the people brushing and pushing against him trying to get to wherever they were going. He was thinking about his life, his purpose as the empress of an emperor who had no respect for him and only brings suffering to him. So he made a resolution that once he get back to the palace he will divorce the emperor and get his kids and go back to his country. To Hell with the banquet and the new Concubines.

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