Duchess of Nevera

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On usual occasions the empress would be required to hold balls and official royal ceremonies and other social events inorder to socialize and know the inner workings of her country from both dignitaries and nobility even the commoners are a helping hand.

Well, Aria was not most empress' and the thirty year old man had no interest in the luxurious ceremonies held by nobleman inorder to show off their wealth and on certain occasions he'd stay clear of any social events and let his husband deal with them, the bastard had nack for socializing and not doing his job as a leader.

Having now realized the shambles this country was in, the government rotten like it was, it was surprising the economy was still rigid with some of these ministers pickpocketing from the government and royal funds, but then again Aria himself had been an independent empress, a leader who drew wealth from both his businesses, mines and royal lineage from King Paul. So it was quite understandable that he'd not notice a single thing with the economy of his country.

"Eunice have the guest room ready for my husband and the other quarters ready for his entourage, and make a day in my schedule for a charity event and invite all the nobles and royals of the country. The ministers and their spouses are most welcome to join too, tell the jeweler in Staphyl to get the jewels from the Pendant chest, the rarest of minerals I have from the mines of Isertia and have them polished and ready for auction. The poor need money and I shalt provide. Bad joke but yeah." Aria said as he walked through the corridors of the mansion towards his children.

It was a beautiful morning and Aria had planned to take his children to the amusement park in Aquasia, the city of Hydroelectric power. So he had the maids ready his chariot of time and have the children in it and ready to depart.

The scenery was beautiful throughout the journey, the district itself had mostly water as it's main mass, but the little that was left of the land was adorned with beautiful and captivating trees, flowers and grass. One would think usual grass would be a weed and a horror to aesthetic eyes, but the grass in Aquasia was breathtaking, it glistened with dew in the morning and had a beautiful green hue at dusk. It was like no other because honestly it really was one of a kind grass variety, which only grew in Aquasia itself and nowhere else. It seeds and seedlings can only grow in the water skirts on Aquasia.

They had reached the amusement park and the empress got VIP tickets for himself and the children. But he didn't forget Eunice of course and her entourage of maids, the maids were here to take care of the children if they were to venture in separate directions.

"What do my babies want to do first?" Aria asked as he lead the children into the noise filled park. If his bodyguards were dressed in the usual attire they'd have attached unnecessary attention, but they weren't and the attention was there but it was minimum. It wasn't also the fact that the people there didn't know that this was the empress and his children, but rather the fact that this sole individual was the mother of their country. Although they didn't know the full of extent of Aria's wrath, they still feared him from the aura he was exuding.

The children looked around the noisy park, people yelling in both amusement and terror. They were looking at the terror filled faces of the people on the roller coaster and wanted to avoid that. They saw a stall that had stuffed animals displayed and they all pointed to it. Not all though as Ariel was busy looking towards a food stall, such a foodie at such a young age. Aria smiled at this, the youngling reminded him of a young Anita who also loved food.

The empress couldn't help but pick up his daughter and give him a peck on the cheek, the unexpected act startled the child, but she was more than happy to receive the kiss.

"Mommy me too." Anna yelled as she looked up and saw her mother kissing her younger sister, she felt jealous.

Well it's safe to say Aria has ended up kissing all the four children before they all run off to wherever they wanted to be at. Aria wasn't a bad parent per say but the children never disturbed him into playing with them, they had always thought their mother was busy. In the past he was busy, with stupid things like his one-sided love, but that was no more. So Aria had accompanied Ariel to the food stall, after the food stall they'd go to where the other trio would be.

"Your highness, what would you like?" The stall owner said as soon as he recognized the empress.

"What would you like baby?" Aria looked down as he asked his daughter what she wanted.

"Coconut marshmawows, cotton candy, a bwuger, gwape smoothie, a hotdog, skewed wibs." Ariel replied in her small baby voice. She hadn't had the hang of annunciating her words but she was getting there, but the rest of the trio had made more progress than her and Aria was slowly there for her.

"Such a foodie you are." Aria cooed as he picked up his daughter once again and slightly bitting her flustered cheek.

"Make that for five." Mia said as she stood by the side.  She was now assigned to Ariel.

Mia took the other food that was prepared and the other portion was being eating by Ariel and she held onto the empress' hand. She was not munching on the marshmallows and her other portions were being held by Aria.

When they got to the stall which had the stuffed animals, the three kids were giggling and throwing balls at the targets.

"Babies! Food!" The empress called out and the two boys looked over and left whatever they were doing to run to the empress. Anna was the only one left still throwing balls at the moving targets.

As the boys were eating their portions and Ariel was munching away on her hotdog, Aria had accompanied Anna at the stall.

"Why don't you go eat, baby?" Aria asked as he gave the stall owner a bank note to play.

"I want to win that pink elephant for myself." She said as she picked up another ball and threw it towards the target missing and groaning.

"Should I get it for you?" Aria asked as he chuckled and the princess's eyes sparkled with excitement as she jumped and squealed.

"Yes mommy!" She repeated as she jumped up and down.

Aria picked up a ball and felt it and breathed in. Before him was a curtain drawn to the sides revealing an assortment of moving metal plate panels, one stood out at the top with a red dot on it and had it's points next to it displayed on a board that was perfectly stationary.

The other plates had their points also which were lower than the one with the red dot. Aria had looked on his target and breathed out silently before stretching the hand of his that the ball in them. He threw the ball so fast that nobody saw the ball journey towards the red dotted target, but saw it collapse and the whole thing stop moving.

"Well..." The stall owner froze.

"Good hand cousin." A voice said and Aria recognized it.

"Duchess Nevera." Aria said as he looked towards the voice.

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