Sweet Home

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"Mommy, mommy look at me I'm flying." Ariel said as she was running in room like cabin of Aria's jumbo jet. She had her arms spread out and was running in zigzags towards her seated mother.

The elegant looking prince who was reading a magazine, put it down to look at his last born baby running towards him and smiled. Aaron of course was reading a book, he's five but he can already read. He saw his little sister and he couldn't stop his eyes from rolling but he had a small smile dancing on his face.

"No, hunny all us are flying." Aria said as little Arial landed into his arms.

"But where are your wings. Big brothers and sister and mommy don't have wings. So how are you flying?" She asked innocently, tilting her head to the side.

"We're in a big huge metal bird my love. We're flying towards my father's country." Aria explained and Ariel had a confused look on her face before her expression changed and she sat on her mother's lap.

The little family of five were having a great time when suddenly they heard a big bang and the plane shook. Aria's face contorted from the serene expression he had to a now panicked and petrified one. Eunuch Ress busted through the cabin doors panting like a marathon runner.

"Your highness! We being attacked by fighter jets!" He yelled as he entered the room.

"Get the kids to the cargo bay quickly I'll be there with them!" Aria instructed to which the eunuch complied.

"My babies, go with Uncle Ress ok, I'll be with you shortly." Aria said and turned to his four kids.

"What was that sound mommy?" Aaron asked, always the curious type.

"Yes mommy what's happening, are we going to die like in the TV?" Anna asked her mother.

"No my baby, where did you get that, we're not going to die. You'll be safe always when I'm with you, ok. So go with Uncle Ress, I'll be there shortly ok? Take care of them for me." Aria said to his eldest son. He proceeded to kiss all of the foreheads as if he wasn't going to see them again.

Eunuch Ress took the kids and rushed to the cargo bay with the help of his subordinate.

Aria rushed towards the cockpit and reached there in no time, the pilots were distressed and trying hard to keep the plane stable as it shook, second after second.

"Where are my fighter jets?" Aria asked as he entered the cockpit.

"Your majesty, you should be in the cargo bay!" The pilot exclaimed in a panicked voice.

"WHERE ARE MY JETS!?" Aria roared.

"They're down your highness, we can't communicate with them at the moment."  The co-pilot explained.

Aria looked at all the blinking lights, warning sounds and all the shit going on in the cockpit displays and he came up with an idea, was it logical? No would it save his kids and half of his people? Yes and thus why he was beginning to calculate in his head.

"How high are we?" Aria asked, he was about to pull the most crazy stunt ever.

"50 km your majesty." Answered the co-pilot, the pilot seemed to be in a trance of shock.

"Ok I'll need you to go straight up and dive when I tell you." Aria instructed as he took out his phone to try and call eunuch Ress to confirm if his kids are safely in the cargo bay.

"But your majest-"

"DO IT NOW!" Aria yelled, he ought to kill these two pilots later, but for now they were very important. The co-pilot did as instructed and pulled the yolk towards himself and this made the Airbus start ascending. He pushed the throttle forward and the massive jet picked up speed.

"Are you safely in the cargo bay?" Aria asked once his phone got connected to eunuch Ress's.

"Yes your majesty, but the kids want you with them." Replied the eunuch on the other side.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." Aria said before he got cut off by another loud bang.

"Your majesty we lost three engines! You should get to the cargo bay immediately!" The pilot exclaimed at the prince as his display showed that all two engines on the left side were gone and the third on the right.

The plane started diving to the left side and Aria almost lost his balance.

"Your majesty!" The co pilot yelled and this seemed to snap the royal out of his trance.

"Ok dive now. 90 seconds before impact with the ground I want you to pull up and full throttle and eject from the plane, are we clear?" Aria said and the pilots nodded their heads.

He rushed out of the cockpit and went straight to the cargo bay. He ran through one isle to another hitting chairs and cabin shelves as the plane shook vigorously as the wings began to tear apart. He almost lost all hope when a cabin trolley hit him and knocked the shit out of him and sent him flying to the ground. He groaned in pain as his hip pained from the collision with the trolley.

He stood up and limped towards the elevator and rushed through the doors once the little confined space opened. He felt like hours passed as the elevator descended to the lower deck and when the door opened he saw his whole entourage filing into one of the cargo containers, containers which were specifically built for emergencies like this one. Eunuch Ress had told him that the royal heirs we're in the second container so he rushed very quickly through the large space and saw the second container.

He opened the door and saw his kids safely buckled into their seats. The quad looked up and saw their mother as she entered, all four kids wailed and called out for the mother as they tried to unbuckle their seatbelts.

Aria rushed to them and stopped them from undoing the seatbelts.

"No, guys listen to me. Don't do that, just a few minutes and we'll be safe ok. Just a few, so behave and don't unbuckle your seatbelts ok." Aria said as he crouched in front of their seats. He stood up and tried to kiss Aaron's cheek, when the whole container shook and a loud bang was heard.

Aria who wasn't seated nor buckled in was tossed around in the container as it began rolling around. The children wailed and gasped as they looked at their mother tumbling around hitting the floor, ceiling and everything his body got into contact with. Eunuch Ress on the other was beyond disturbed as he watched his master's bloody body fly around the container. Luckily for them the container came to a sudden halt as if it was balancing over a cliff of sort.

Eunuch Ress took this opportunity to undo his seatbelt and rushed to the now unconscious prince, picked his body up and buckled him to a nearby seat before the container began to roll again. He grabbed onto was ever was closet to him and hung unto dear life as he hadn't had time to find himself a seat and sit down.

Crashing, thuds and bangs were heard as eunuch Ress's grip loosened and he got molded into the wall. He's body tumbling and rolling around with the tumbling titanium box. Suddenly it came to a stop and the eunuch landed on to the ceiling as the container had settled upside down.

The eunuch groaned as he touched he's now presumed bruised ribs, he's vision was blurry and his ears were ringing but he could make out faint wails of panic. He looked up to see the kids dangling form the seats above, held in place by their seatbelts.

"It's ok guys, uncle Ress will get you out in a minute just stay calm. Ok" he said as he groaned some more before trying to get up. Aria was still very unconscious and that worried the eunuch because he hadn't even checked if the prince still had a pulse.

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