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"King Paul, your son's fleet disappeared from radar a few minutes ago!" Said one of the kings servants.

"What do you mean it disappeared, double decker planes don't just disappear. That thing is huge, how is it a big plane disappeared?" Paul said starting to panic.

Aria had told him that he was coming back home with the kids and that he'll explain the rest when he was home. The king had every right to start panicking, his grandkids were on that plane, young and still babies. He was going to make whoever it was that try to kill them pay, he refused to believe they were dead until he saw their bodies.

"Tell the queen to meet me in the communications room." The king said as he stood from his sofa and headed toward the communication room. The room where everything and anything that revolved around the safety of the royals was done.


"What do mean Aria's plane was shot down. Tyler how can this happen?" Kathy said as she started pacing around the room she and Tyler were currently in, with a whole bunch of other people on computers and phone trying to make sense of their 'empress's' disappeared fleet.

"Your majesty this is yours." Said man holding out a phone for Tyler. Tyler's stomach dropped, he had as hint of who it was.

"Hello." Tyler said as he put the phone to his ear.

"Hello. Hello. That's what you going to say! Where's my son Tyler? You'd better not have anything to do with his disappearance.!" King Paul roared on the other end.

"With all due respect King Paul, my kids were on that plane. What would I gain from killing them and my wife?" Tyler asked composed and Kathy just rose her hands in the air in disbelief.

"Don't act smart, I know of how you treated them.You of all people know a monarch is capable of anything, even killing his own blood.If you're so as much a reason why that plane disappeared I'll make you pay." King Paul said before hanging up, not giving Tyler a chance to retort.

"Honestly he needs to keep calm." Tyler said and Kathy smacked him on the cheek.


"'He needs to keep calm!', he's son's plane disappeared along with his grandkids. How and why should he keep calm." Kathy practically yelled making the whole room go quiet.

"Find that plane or give me your heads in five hours!" She roared before stalking out of the room with a destination in mind. She was go make someone pay heavily for her sins.


"Give me a lucrative answer as to why he's plane isn't found yet!" King Paul yelled as he threw a computer monitor to the wall. The queen had rushed to the communications room without a second to spare after hearing the news.

"My poor babies. Paul where's my son and his kids?" She cried into her husbands embrace. The king hugged her and tried to soothe her.

"Find that plane immediately!"

"Yes your Majesty!"


"Aaron. I need you to unbuckle your seatbelt slowly and jump into my arms , yeah?" Eunuch Ress said as he stood on his feet looking up at the dangling crying kids.

"I'm s-scared u-uncle Ress, what if I-I d-?" Aaron hiccuped.

"Shh, no shh. I'll catch you ok? I'll count to three and you unbuckle it on three, neh?" The eunuch tried again and Aaron nodded his head.

"Good boy. Now 1.. 2.. 3.." he said and Aaron unbuckled his belt and came flying down into Ress's hands. The eunuch groaned at the impact, he was already bruised from earlier. He put he small boy down.

"You're next Anna. The same as Aaron ok?" He said as the little girl also nodded her head in understanding.

"Good girl. Now 1.. 2.. 3.." he groaned on impact as the princess flopped into his open arms. He put her down next to her older brother.

"Alex you're next. Be a brave boy and do like your older sibling ok?" Eunuch Ress asserted as he looked up at the two remaining children. Said boy nodded and wiped his snort off with the back of his hand.

"Now 1.. 2.. 3.." again pain sparked though his whole being as he caught the second prince in his arms. Settling him next to his older siblings he sighed, next was the baby of the family. A piece of work he would say, he mentally groaned.

"Ariel honey, can you please do like you older siblings?"

The girl shook her head obviously scared for her life.

"I promise to catch you. I already caught Aaron, Anna and Alex already. I won't drop you, I promise." He tried again.

"You promise?" She asked lowly but the eunuch caught on.

"Yes sweety I promise." And with that princess nodded her head.

"Now 1.. 2.." before he could finish counting to three Ariel practically threw herself at the eunuch whilst screaming for her life. Ress caught her with a groan as his behind collided with the ground.

"Shh it's ok, it's ok I caught you." He said caressing her head as she sniffed.

He had to now figure out a way to get the prince out of his chair. Luckily for him Aria started groaning above them.

"Mother!" "Empress!" The children and Ress yelled simultaneously as they looked up. The former empress looked so fucked up and distraught.

"Ress..... Wh.. where am I? Why are you up there?" Aria asked with a slur to his words.

"Your majesty I need you to unbuckle your seatbelt I'll explain the rest when you're fully recovered" eunuch Ress said as he looked at his master.

"Ok.." He said as he fiddled his with the belts clasp, after what felt like hours for him he finally and weakly located the thing and pressed the button which released the belt and he came flying down into the eunuch's arms.

Both parties hissed as they bodies collided with each other.

"I'm never doing that again." Ress hissed as the prince slid off of him.

"You'd let your best friend die." Aria asked breathing heavily, it seemed like he had a few broke ribs from the way he was wheezing.

"Certainly..." He joked as the prince turned to look at him with a horrid expression. "..not." and chuckled despite the pain he felt when his ribs moved.

"Get some rest your majesty. I'm sure King Paul is looking for us. Tyler too, I hope."

"Mother! Are you ok?" The children exclaimed as they rushed to their mother.

"I'm fine." He groaned as the quad practically fell on top of his broken body, but a mother's love oversees any pain or discomfort they feel if their child is happy.

"Your majesty I advice you not move around until help comes." Eunuch Ress asserted as he saw the prince move try to move around now that the children are no longer in top of him.

"I really fine Ress, just a bruise here and there, but I'm good." He said before coughing up blood.

"You're probably having internal bleeding. I'll have to call the king for help." Eunuch Ress said as he searched hus pockets for his phone.

"No reception damn it." He said as she looked as the smartphone.

"We're in huge metal alloy, stupid. Of course there's no self service." Aria snaked at his eunuch who just looked at the prince and rolled his eyes.

"Try mine, it's a customized satellite smart phone." Aria said as he reached into his pocket to give the said device to the eunuch. The eunuch stood and was happy to see that indeed it had service, lucky them.

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