Honestly tired

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Minister Milton rose from the chair in unnecessary distress, he was being behind dramatic for a thief. Honestly tiring if you ask the empress, the minister, either was an amateur thief or he was just plain stupid and didn't know how to control his emotions.

"Minister Milton, your reaction makes me quite suspicious of you. Why are you so startled that I said there's going to be an investigation going on. I haven't even said which ministry is getting investigated but you already jumped sky high in the air like some goose in hot coal. Is it possible there's corruption in the ministry of finance and financial stability?" Aria smiled at the man who was still stood. He knew there was an investigation needed to uproot the corruption in the country.

He didn't specify on purpose, because he wanted to see what reaction would be displayed by this thug of an amateur thief.  And the stupid amateur thief itself made its presence known. Minister Gion was just quiet at the side staring at the fool who dared to steal from the most powerful man in the country, but it was the minister's loss for being a fool and thinking Aria was a bum monarch.

"Eunice, tell the emperor his presence is required here. I need to scold him face to face for being a foolish sovereign, I need to be resting since I'm pregnant, but no that beast can't let me have some peace." Aria said to Eunice who was stood in the corner of the study like a shadow, hidden behind the curtain that hung from the high railing. Her face making appearance devoid of emotion scared Minister Milton who was already shaking from Aria's now imposing aura. Minister Gion on the other hand, wasn't that much affected by Aria's aura, the man has felt worse in his life, but he has to applaud the head maid for her stillness and determination to stay hidden until needed.

"Yes, your highness." Eunice said before she stepped outside the study room to call the emperor.

"And You, I ought to skin your alive for thinking you can steal from my husband and his people. These people work hard for this money only for you to steal it, I see Minister has nothing to say, you've awfully quiet since you got here." Aria said as he scribbled something on the note pad that was in-front of him.

"Well, what does his highness, expect me to say? Unlike certain ministers, I do not steal from the throne or government and I'm just admiring your beauty." The man said as he uncuffed his wrists from the shackles of his cufflinks, an action that was so elegant it made Aria swallow hard. Minister Milton was now confused, was Gion not afraid of the empress, moreover the empress seemed to be blushing and he was sat there confused and scared while these two were flirting. 

Amidst his confusion as to what was happening in the study room, Eunice came back with a phone in hand. 

"The emperor wishes to speak with you, your highness." Eunice said as she handed the empress the phone, Aria frowned as she took the device and held it to his ear, clearly annoyed, this husband of his was irritating.

"Hold on a second." he said into the phone, pressing the HOLD option before facing the men in front of him, Tyler on the other side was furious for being put on hold. 

"Arise and stand outside." he told to the Ministers, who nodded, stood, bowed in respect and walked out, Minister Milton was a weak ass bitch. Before he came to the empress he had acted all high and mighty.

"Hello." Aria said into the phone after un-HOLDING the phone and the other parties had exited the room except for Eunice.

"You have some nerve putting me on hold, empress, you have a death wish or something?" Tyler asked through gritted teeth.

"As if you could even kill me." Aria chuckled as he smiled, a gesture Eunice found both confusing and disturbing.  

"Why is your head maid telling me you need me there? What is that you need me for and don't you know it's disrespectful for you to call out an emperor, I can get you beheaded for that." Tyler said on the other side clearly annoyed by the empress trying to order him around, what he didn't know was Aria was becoming a very loose cannon.

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