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"Anyway empress, why was I rudely asked to come here?" Tyler asked as he sat on the couch across from Aria who was sat by his study table.

"I dismissed the minister of Finance and Financial stability and the minister of Infrastructure." Aria said as he looked at his husband in the eyes. Tyler did not back down and looked Aria straight in the eyes, he'd wondered how he'd never seen how beautiful the empress'eyes were.

"On what grounds?" Tyler asked as he continued to asses Aria's hazel brown eyes.

"Well, according to Eunice's report I had carried out on them in secret, the minister of Finance and Financial stability Minister Milton is corrupt and Minister Of infrastructure Minister Gion is unfit for the chair." Aria said as he stretched out a document towards the emperor, who took it.

"And why was I not told of this before you took such drastic measures as to dismiss two important ministers?" Tyler said as he looked up from the document he had skimmed his eyes through.

"Well your majesty, this report suggests this had been going on for the past three years. Minister Milton who's like a scared rat, has been stingy with government money and dare nip from it. I'd blame you, but it would be equal to blaming myself too because I was an idiot and didn't see this happening underneath my nose." Aria said as he looked away from his husband in what would be embarrassment. Tyler noticed this and a small grin appeared on his lips, the empress was cute in a pink tint. He wanted to see more of it, but he knew better.

"So I've been an incompetent ruler you mean?" Tyler asked knowing the answer.

"Do you even have to ask?" Aria glared at him and Tyler offered a sheepish smile.

"Well I'd say you've been incompetent too." Tyler shot back and Aria was taken aback for a second. This man dared point a finger at him.

"This is your country!" Aria bellowed as he hit his hand on table, Tyler jumped from the unexpected act.

"It's yours too!" Tyler said getting angry at the empress' attitude.

"Excuse you?" Aria asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You heard me."

"Your majesty, I seem to recall I was born in Allira and not Atlia. Allira is an ocean away from Atlia, not a lake, a river or sea, an ocean your majesty. An ocean is a large body of water if you're confused, I'm from five thousand kilometers away and I'm my country's heir not this one. I'm here by marriage and marriage only." Aria stated calmly like he wasn't the one who was yelling earlier.

Tyler looked at him dumbfounded, Aria wasn't lying and he knew it, he had become too comfortable with Aria that he'd forgotten he wasn't Rose. Even though Rose wasn't particularly Atlian,
a fact the emperor didn't know of, only Aria did and he kept quiet about it.

"Empress seems to disregard this sovereign's country as not his?" Tyler asked.

"Did I stutter?" Aria asked looking the emperor dead in the eye.

"You did not my empress, but certainly the royal court won't be pleased about the threats you made yesterday." Tyler stated with a raised eyebrow at Aria and the empress smiled in returned and something clicked in Tyler's mind, the empress wasn't afraid.

"I do not fear your court. You do not scare me, I remember my personal army is in Atlia and has already dispersed itself into the country. One word from me and this country will be in chaos." Aria said very confidently because he wasn't lying.

"I see." The emperor said solemnly.

"Your majesty, I'll tell you honestly, I wish not to embarrass you ever in front of your people because I love you and it would pain me to see your subjects regard you unfit to rule. You and I both know I'm more of an emperor than you could ever be, I have both the power money and resources. You had to marry me to secure your throne, I gave birth to four legitimate heirs and that further found your stance as an emperor. Without me the Prince Nevera would have had this throne despite his reluctance to inherit it. Your throne now belongs to your favorite child and on usual occasions it would shake the empress off of her throne but not me.  I guess my point is your majesty, I love you but I can't respect you, not even as a human being." Aria said without batting an eye, because he had truly told the truth.

"I've been bad haven't I?" Tyler asked as his features softened and he was overcome by shame.

"I'm not in any right to give you advice seeing as I'm not your lover, but I am your legal wife and empress so I recommend you see a doctor, or at least talk to someone. We can see a couple's therapist so that we have at least a cordial relationship for this country." Aria suggested, he must admit he's surprised at his own self for saying this.

"No a therapist for myself is just fine. We don't need a couple's therapist yet." Tyler said which surprised the empress, he had thought the emperor would put up a fight and hold his head up high in pride and refuse to see a therapist.

"Because you're toxic Tyler, you hoard women like they're some prize. I get you're an emperor who needs heirs ,but ew." Aria said as he grimaced in pure disgust.

"Ok, no need to be all disgusted." Tyler said as he chuckled and Aria smiled too.

"Just do you know, we're still not at peace. If you piss me off I'm fighting you." Aria said in a cold tone as he pointed between himself and Tyler.

Tyler just looked at his wife and shook his head. This man was just laughing with him and now he's all serious.

"So what of Minister Milton? Where is he now?" Tyler asked, they had more pressing matters to address to and their marital problems where at the bottom of the list.

"Well the minister is now detained on charges of corruption and government money obstruction. So he's down by the police station." Aria said as he gave the emperor the case file for the minister. The prime minister was the one who was supposed to be dealing with these, but since Eunice said he was preparing to get out of office, Aria might as well deal with them.

"Isn't the prime minister supposed to take care of all of these?" Tyler asked.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Aria asked as he narrowed his eyes at the ruler.

"No I don't, I'll get someone to update me on the status of the country." Tyler said with a small smile of shame. Aria nodded at the answer the emperor gave him.

"The grand emperor has such a great idea for this country's government, but sadly it has a flaw. Having ministers,  dukes and duchesses do most of the governing whilst the emperor still holds the power had it's perks, but look at this, they've become greedy and took what was not given." Aria said as he sighed.

"I should've oversaw the country and not let the people run it down." Tyler said as he agreed with the his wife.

"You think?" Aria said with annoyance as he rubbed his temples.

"Ok Mr defensive. No need to bash me like that." Tyler said as he started to get annoyed with Aria again.

"I'm just frustrated." Aria said and this matter was giving him a headache.

"Well there's no point in blaming me is there?" Tyler said and he was right. Even if Aria blamed him, which he totally did, there was no point honestly.

"I suppose there isn't."

Well I returned I totally Aria was still supposed to be recovering from his plane accident two months  ago in the book and that he's pregnant 😂😅.

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