Minister of Medical Prosperity

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The emperor and empress were seated in Aria's study as the empress went through files of documents that entailed all the information about the current ministers of the court.

"So empress, why are we looking at the ministers' backgrounds again?" Tyler said seemingly whining like a five year old who was tired.

"Your majesty, do you want the crown princess to have to deal with these corrupt officials once she ascends the throne?" Aria asked as he closed the file that had the information about the Minister of Foreign affairs and Policies.

"Empress, Princess Jasmine is still four years old, I'm pretty sure by the time she ascends the throne, these old court officials will no longer be in service." Tyler said as he looked at his wife.

"Even still, there will be others in service and they may also be corrupt to some extent. Now we need to make examples to the public to those who get sneaky ideas with the county's money." Aria stated as he gave the emperor he's undivided attention, resting his face on his palm.

Tyler had to admit, the empress was both beautiful and intelligent. From his rosy pink luscious lips that would bring the color pink to shame, his dark black thin eyebrows, double lid fox eyes, his soft but sharp feminine like jawline which made his cheeks look just the right amount of fat and skinny at the same time, his sharp straight slanting nose bridge that looked like it could cut anything that would fall on it, his slender long fingers that looked elegantly beautiful as they tapped the right side of his face.

Tyler had to swallow and double take at the sight before him and the sunlight shining on the empress didn't make it any better for the emperor.

"Emperor Lon I know I look ethereal, but you don't have to stare at me like that." Aria joked as he chuckled.

"Huh?" Tyler choked out as Aria laughed full blown like he had just witnessed the most comic thing ever.

"I-I wasn't s-staring." Tyler stammered his ears tinting pink as well as his cheeks, he looked down in shame and embarrassment, even the Imperial Concubine had never seem him like this.

"You were totally mesmerized." Aria snickered jokingly as he gestured Eunice to come over to his table. The maid had been silently observing the two monarchs, and stood by the door to adhere to any of Aria's request if he had any.

"Get the children here and I need more information of the Minister of Medical Prosperity." Aria said as he handed Eunice the file document that had been under the file about Minister of Foreign Affairs and Policies.

"What did you find?" Tyler asked as Eunice bowed and exited the study room to go call for the children and investigate the Minister of Medical Prosperity.

"His background is blank, rather too good to be true. He graduated the top of his class at the University of Staphyl under the medical doctorate degree program." Aria said vaguely.

"That's fishy?" Tyler asked confused, Aria rolled his eyes because this husband of his was a dumb idiot, how he managed to rule this country this long is both a mystery and an amazing feat. Then again the grand emperor had implemented the ministers, dukes and duchesses to govern the country in fear of the royals abusing their power, little did he know it wasn't the royals who abused their power but the said appointed ministers.

The couldn't be blamed though, they were of common background, the dukes and duchesses were of noble blood.

"The seal on his degree his fake. Well it looks almost real and if it weren't for the extra double line on the rose stem, I'd have believed he went there to school. Your majesty should know more about your own country." Aria said as he pulled out a different document from the files on his already messy desk. It was a bank statement from the capital city and it had the seal of Staphyl.

"Look here, you see that stem, it has one stroke line, but the one on the Minister's papers has two strokes." Aria said as he pointed at the seal, Tyler's head closer to his. Tyler had made his way around the table and was stood, rather leaning in on the empress to get a better view of said seal. He could smell the lavender from Aria's body, seductive and alluring.

Of course he didn't focus on the seal Aria was adamant on showing him because this was the closest he'd ever gotten to the empress after he forced himself unto the empress three months ago. A stupid and mindless act he might add, Aria had pissed him off and he had longed to bed the empress, but Aria didn't feel like having sex with him.

"Your Majesty?" Aria asked as he turned his head towards the emperor. Their faces now centimeters apart, the emperor seemed to wake up from his daze and his whole face tinted red and Aria chuckled at the sight the man displayed.

"Uh, huh?" He croaked out as he stood straight up very quickly, blushing, he got carried away and got caught.

"Your majesty better get yourself in check." Aria said as he smiled softly at the older male.

"I'm not sick." Tyler said with a fake cough and Aria's grin just happened to grace his beautiful features.

"I never implied it." Aria grinned to the man's displeasure.

"Your majesty, the royal heirs are here." Eunice said as she knocked on the door of Aria's study.

"Let them in." He said as the four bundle of joy rushed into the study room, squealing at their mother and totally not seeing the emperor who just smiled at the children and said nothing.

"Mommy, look at what I got from Aunt Mia!" Anna said as she rushed to her mother with a toy gun, Aria looked at the attending maid with a raised brow and Mia only gave a sheepish smile.

"Now why would Mia give you that." Aria said as he attempted to take the toy away from her, but the little burst of energy was too fast for him and had already escaped from Aria's embrace and ran towards the emperor subconsciously.

"She said, it's only a toy mommy. It's fine." Aaron said, cleared minded and mature for his age. He turned to look at his younger sister who had subconsciously ran into the the emperor's embrace giggling.

"But she tried to shoot me with it's thingys." Alex pointed out as he rummaged through Aria's tablet, looking for only what he knows.

"Now Anna, you know well not to do that." Aria addressed the first princess, who made the emperor shocked and awkward by her embrace. Aria smiled, it seemed the little princess didn't know she was in her father's embrace from the way she was still giggling.

Tyler looked towards the smiling empress helplessly, asking for help. He never was loving towards these set of children and he now has to walk around eggshells with them because he knows very well for their age they already know he's a bad father if not the best. He had only been ignorant and treated the third princess with loved and kindness, but was cold to the legitimate heirs of the throne because he has never saw Aria as nothing more than a chess piece. A pawn he could use to tighten his already guaranteed throne, a shameful emperor he is.

"Anna , come give me a hug." Aria said in hopes of both relieving the emperor of her daughter and snatching that toy from her grasp.

"No, I'm perfectly fine here, but who are you?" She asked as she turned to face the emperor as she still nuzzled into the man's warm embrace. The man's face become pale at the question, he knew the answer would guarantee a reaction be wouldn't like from the princess.

"That's the emperor." Aaron stated staring coldly at the man who fathered him and his siblings. Anna jumped of the man's lap and ran towards her mother in a flash that would bring shame to lightning. She had not meant to not remember who Tyler was, she was still in a daze from getting the toy gun and shooting Alex, or rather trying to shoot him.

Tyler yearned for the warmth and giggling that disappeared with the first princess dashing towards her mother. He had no right at the moment to feel like that but he still did, he was their father after all and he knew his heart would start to best for the empress very soon enough.

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