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teenage fever

Deja's pov
I ran to the bus stop after a long day of school . We sat on the bus and got off at the stop closest to my house.
I screamed "IM HOME MUMMY" and ran straight to my room.

I took of my jumper and skirt, socks and trainers and was left with a bra and knickers . I stood infrount of my mirror preeing myself .

Wow I really changed .
My waist was so thin and thighs thick enough, my boobs sat pretty and bum poked out.

me being so caught up to what my body looked like I forgot I was naked for the next 20 mins .

my door opened and dymarco came in . He started at me undressed and when I realised I was naked .
I ran over to where my towel was.

"fuck out my room" I shout

"I was looking for the bathroom don't get gassed b" he says back in a dismissive tone .

He walks out shutting my door . did freaking future bae / dymarco JUST SEE ME NAKED

I went downstairs with a oversized hoodie , Nike leggings and fluffy socks .

"Proper ghetto gyal" Markus shouts

''shutup Markus your not rated" I Kiss my teeth .

people started to laugh.

"Likkle dej grew boobs and don't know how to act" he grins , all the boys start to scream with more laughter .

my brother looked straight faced as he didn't find jokes like that funny "ai shutup u waste man" he says  .

I walked to the kitchen and went by the fridge .
I felt a presence behind me like a person was standing there , two large cold hands touched my waist and brought and themselves closer . Feeling his print on me confirmed there was definitely someone behind me .

I turn around slowly and dymarco was in front of me "dymarco are you crazy?!" I say as quiet as possible . "A little" he acts like he was leaning in to kiss me but no he leant in to get a drink from the fridge then left the kitchen . Prick.

I walked back into the living room and sat on jymarni . I felt dymarcos eyes follow me sitting down on  him . I blow a kiss then fix my hair and apply lipgloss and flirted with him . It was all fun and games until stupid bitch kyrone decided to get up drag my arm and take me out the living room .

"Are you fucking dumb" he shouts at me

"Always pissing me of move mannn" I whined at him .

"get the fuck out u weird little girl , move from the mandem you beg" he hisses then walks back into the living room shutting the door .


I ran upstairs and changed into batty riders and a crop top walked back into the living room bent over to 'pick up my drink' And winked at dymarco . "DEJA DONT ANNOY ME BRO" my idiotic brother shouts . I ran upstairs before he could say anymore.

I went into mums room and I saw her putting on work clothes . (My mum had 2 jobs . Baby sitter and waitress .

In the day my mother baby sat baby's and at night she worked at a restaurant .

"Mum your going already?" I whined

"Deja poo, I'm already late . I'll call u when I'm on my way back , there's food in the fridge." She left by kissing me on the cheek .

Dymarco's pov

I had detention but skipped it . why was this girl on my mind . I never really noticed her much , I tried smiling at her when she was in year 8 but she would just act prestige so I left dat.

"Ai Marco come my yard , some of the mandem are comin' so come" kyrone said to man .

"Say nothing ." We jumped on the bus and sat at the back . A brownskin beanie came on the bus , she was alright looking .

"G move her" one of my bredrins said to me. "Nah im good" I say back "what u whipped on that year 10" they all start to laugh , even me. ''Say nuttin' watch me move dat'' i say "her names kelly shes in dejas year'' kyrone said.

i got up and walked over to the beanie

''yo b'' i say whilst looking at her lips.

''hey, swear your tianas friend'' shes says. Her tone was sexy but I knew after a while it would get annoying

''yeah '' ''what you go mans school'' i said back.

''yeahh im her bestfriend'' she says whilst licking her lips.

''say no more , what send your snap init'' I said

''kellsmuntiix'' ''my names kelly'' she smiles

''calmm kelly , ill shout you init'' i said whilst getting up.

the mandem where mad surprised i got the snap.

We got to kyrones yard "so where's da bathroom" I ask. "Upstairs" he says back "left or right?" I ask persistently " I don't know man just check!" The batty man shouted back to man.

i walked up the stairs and opened a door. There I saw kadeja. Naked. She was really pretty . Her body was wow. I saw scars on her thighs and scars on her arms , I wanted to ask but that's out of place. She was a wearing a black laced bra and red draws . Her body was well portioned , thick in all the right places .

'' fuck out my room" she shouts
"I was looking for the bathroom don't get gassed b"I say back to change the convo. I could tell it hurt her feelings but oh well.
I walked out shutting the door .

I run back downstairs and the mandem was bussing a one two joke then she walks in . Even in oversized clothes I could see her shaped body . They all cuss her , I was gonna step in but kyrone already did . She walks out the room after a while .

I follow her to the kitchen , I see her by the fridge and I couldn't help it but place my hands on her hips . I felt her become frozen and my little friend decided to stand up . Shit. She turns around and we nearly kissed but why not get her back for earlier , I reach over her and get a drink and walk out .
I sit back where I was sitting before pretending nothing happend "did you man bash" Markus says , I cut my eye at him and attempted to close that conversation down very quickly as that's my boys sister.

I see her walk in and sit on jymarnis lap . What a little bitch. Flirting with him the whole time , I can't , like it urcked me but she's not my gyal . She started moving mad and I tried to seem unbothered . Kyrone got up and dragged her outside . Saves me having to . He comes back into the room and carry's on playing fifa .

I hear her running up the stairs then shortly after running back down. In pum shorts and a belly top . She walks in and bends down and picks up a drink looks at me and smiles . She then walks out , everyone's eyes followed her out and kyrone looked pissed.

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