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Truth or dare

it was exactly 6:45pm , we finished dinner and went straight to our rooms to get into our pjs for zoeys truth or dare game.

"Sevyn and jaydene said they were coming ." I said to Jerome .

The other girls were way to tired .

i put on my primark set , took my lashes of and put my glasses on . I knocked next door and zoey opened "her dej , my girl" she said "my names kadeja babe" I said back and entered her room.

Dymarco , kyrone and their friends were sitting on the bed . what the hell.

Dymarco looked at me and came over . "Didn't think I'd see you here" he laughed . "Right back at me" I tried to smile but I couldn't .

"Ky what are you doing here?" I said laughing .

everyone was now here . I took a seat next to Jerome . "Ok guys let's play" zoey said "ok Dymarco truth or dare" zoey asked "dare" he responded .
"I dare you to marry kiss and kill the girls In this room." His eyes lightened.

"Ight say nothing , I would
Kill jaydene. Kiss deja and marry zoey." He thought he said the right thing . "You would kiss me and marry zoey , hm interesting." I said , the room was staring at me . "Next" zoey said . "Sev truth or dare baby" I said "dare" she said "I dare you to kiss someone in this room" I smiled , she laughed and got up and kissed me "no homo" she said .

All the boys got bare excited "do that again" jymarni said "nigga shutup" I cut my eye .

"Okay Jerome truth or dare" Sev said "truth still" he said abit scared "if you could kiss one girl in this room who would you kiss" Sev said looking at me "hm zo- I'm joking deja to be Forreal" he looked at me . "I DARE YOU KISS DEJA" jaydene shouts "that's not how the game goes" dymarco says .

Jerome got up and went straight to me and placed his lips on Mine , it was a peck .. he wanted more but no.

he laughed and sat down . "Dej dej , truth or dare ?" He said "hmm dare" I said "okay say nuttinnn' I dare you lips lengest person in this room ." He smiled excitedly. "Lool , I got up and went over to Sev and lipsed her ." I smiled and sat down .

"Jay truth or dare ?" I said "Truth" she said "out of all the boys who would u let get you preggo? I said . I knew she would say my brother but they would be so cute .

"I can't lie probably markus.." she said "nah that's my bae" Sev said "nah chill" he responded "shut the fuck up , I'm joking." Sev cut her eye


the game proceeded , "dymarco truth or dare" zoey said "dare I guess" he said . "I dare you kiss me." She said.

The fuck .

I got up and walked out .

Jerome and Dymarco got up and the same time , dymarco sat back down and Jerome followed her . "Yo slow down cuz" he said . "Yes." I said
"You good yeah?" He said "I'm great."

Sev and jaydene came out the room and looked at him. "Babe let's go." We walked back to our rooms .


in the morning we had to get up at 6am . I hoped in the shower . I then brushed my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. I was wearing black leggings and a Rick and Morty top from primark, converse and a all black Nike tech.

I went to the breakfast hall with my friends and he was there , he come over putting his hand on my waste . "Your touching the wrong girl." I said "don't start" he said and walked away .

I went to pick what I wanted to eat for breakfast and I saw one beautiful muffin , I reached to get it and Jerome took it . "Are you dumb or are you dumb?" I said "neither" he smiled "gimme someee" I whined and he wouldn't budge .

We sat down at a table with one of his friends me , sev ,Kay and jaydene . "Just give her some so she can shutup." Kay said "no" . "Why." I said

A mischievous grin came on his face . "I'll give you some if you stand on the table and shout Jerome is the best."


I stood on the table "JEROME IS THE BEST" I shouted . Everyone tuned around , the whole table was filming .

Miss jones came running over "because you want to ruin lunch you all are missing out on you activities today." She shouted . The whole table got mad . I pouted and Jerome and he gave me some of his muffin .

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