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Hidden feelings

we were sitting in some room whilst everyone else was having fun . "Nah fuck this" Jerome said . Side eyes came from the room . "To be honest if you and kadeja wasnt being stupid this wouldn't happen" Jay said . Agreement came from the whole room .

"Yeah anyways ." I said "gurl don't play Wid me" Kay said . "guys let's play a game." Jerome said "what game?" I replied. "2 truths and 1 lie" he said . Everyone agreed to play .

"Ok kadeja you start" he said "ok hm , I like the colour pink , I er never been excluded and I have a cat." I said
"You don't have a cat , you have been excluded.. so pink is your fav colour im guessing" Jerome said "Yh actually , surprised you got it" I said
"I know my wife" he said and moved on quickly.

"Say nun , I have a gyal, I hate clowns and I bang footy." He said "erm you don't have a girl , you don't do football is lie and you hate clowns is truth" Kay said . "Might have to wife you" Jerome said . I felt myself role my eyes and Sev nudged me to stop judging.

Miss jones walked in "okay because this is a trip we are going to go on the big swing." She said

We walked out the room and went to our colours , me and Jerome went over to where dym and Chloe , I mean zoey was. "Wow they are partners" i thought , I looked at him and he tried not have eye contact . "Romy wanna be partners ." I said so innocently "yeah" he said .

Dymarco came walking over "are you dumb bro" he said "hear my man , little man lower you tone." Jerome said . Tension became high " move from my girl." He said "zoeys over there" Jerome said and laughed and nudged me . Wrong timing . "Bro" dymarco said in a louder voice .

Zoey came running over "dym its okay" what the fuck . "Zoey exit the fuck out" I said . "Don't chat to me like that , I'll punch your face in" she said . Her friends became behind her . "Zoey cut" Marco said , she walked out like nothing happened .

"You and that dumb bitch" I said "don't start." He dismissed me.

I dragged Jerome and we went to the whole other area . "Chill out" I shouted. "Your the one moving mad"he said . He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder "look dejdej, ur man's weird." He said and walked away .

The rest of the activities were draining. We got back to our rooms and I couldn't stop thinking .


I woke up and went straight to the bathroom and got ready . We went into the diner hall and when I tell you it was quiet. Zoey and her friends pushing infrount of me to go get food .

"Hungry bitch" i whispered . "Is there a problem babe?" She said "your pushing in like you haven't eaten in days..." I said and kissed my teeth "and your complaining I pushed in like u haven't eaten in weeks baby" she said.

I was pissed .

"Sorry?" I said "are you deaf?" Ashley Said "shutup you grey spider." I responded "hear dookie" Miah said.  I walked out the line and sat at Jerome's table . "U good Yh?" He said "just fine." .

I saw Marco walk into the hall . He looked and said nothing. I put my head on the table whilst more of his friends walked past .

Jerome spotted and put his arm on my shoulders . we was sat silent for about 10 mins . Then the bell rang and we had to get ready for activities.

The rest of the day went past , then the week following its speed and Marco still airing me..


"GUYS WE ARE GOINH BACK TO SCHOOL TODAY , MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS PACKED." miss jones said . We went to our rooms and got our stuff and Marco asked me to wait .

"Yo you good Yh?" He said "what.. u air me-" he cut my sentence "Yh my bad init.." he said . I stomped of and got my stuff packed . I ran to Jerome and kissed him on his lips and gave him my number " I'm gonna miss you" I said "same , I live in Hackney anyways your good" he said . We gave each other a last hug and I went around the corner and saw zoey and dymarco kiss.. on the lips .. and hugging WHAT THE FUCK .

The bus came and the girls sat on the back left and the boys on the right . It was a silent ride back . Meaning everyone else was talking but me and him . We got back to school around 8pm .

"Students call parents or message them and see if your going back with them or your going by yourself ."

I called my mum and no answer . Klm I'll go home with kayleise. "KAY" I shouted . She came running over .
"o-o-Omar has been stabbed.." she said . Tears were coming down her face "what what?!!" I said . We rushed out the school .

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