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*new layout*

10:32 am                       📍deja's house

i woke up like it was a normal day.
9 miss calls from omar?

i rolled over to the other side of my bed cherishing the last bit of freedom i have left .
just as my rhythm of sleeping came back another call kept ringing on my phone .

i rolled back over rolling mt eyes and picking up. "what" i said . "your pregnant?" omar said confused. "what" i laughed. "why is your mum telling man your pregnant?" he said . "ain't nobody tell you shit , fuck of" i said ending the call .

i put on my joggings and jumper and stomped down the stairs .

bang! , bang! , bang! , bang!!!!

i reached the bottom step where i could see mum sitting at the table . "mum what the fuck" i said very pissed . "excuse me?" she said with irritation in her voice . "why the hell did you tell Omar?" i shouted . "it's his baby you fast ass , get out my face lil girl" she rolled her eyes in disgust.

i ran up the stairs and slammed my door.


i begin looking for my camping bag , i ran to my wardrobe and starting packing .

"this self obsessed , old cow bag , bitch , who can keep her mouth shut , who's doing the most , AND RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE." i said to myself out loud . my brother came in with his smelly Doritos. "yo?" he said . "what mum tell you to" i said "tell me what?" ky screwed up his face confused .

"ky .. i'm pregnant." i said . a tear came down my face when those words escaped my mouth.

"your what?" he said still shoving the Doritos down his throat. "i'm pregnant Kyrone" i said . "dangg" he laughed . "your not mad?" i said . "i am but like .. it's Omar , not surprised" he chucked to himself .

"it's not omar's.. it's marcos." i muttered . "OH SHIT" he laughed even more . "your no help, get the fuck out my room" i said pushing him out.

5:45 pm                          📍jay's house

i knocked the door . "hey babe , you ok-" she got cut of by me walking straight past her with my camping bag.

"shit what happened." she said worried . "i'm pregnant by marco , Omar thinks it's his ... erm i hate my mum and i'm done with my life" i smiled .

"AUTIE JOE" i screamed so her mum could come down. "hey baby , it's late na" she said confused. "can i stay here for a couple days.." i asked . "of course .. does your mum know" she said . "no" i shock my head . she called my mum. "deja is here so your not worried ." my mum answered . "i'm worried she can't close her bloodclart leg" she said .

we started having a cussing match through the phone because that's too much .

i was asleep on jays bed thinking about what i just done ... i'm so stupid. i kept telling myself it's Omar's baby but we both know what happened  there .

i called Omar . "baby.." i said . "yo" he replied. "it's not yours .." i cried . "what." he put the phone down. he knew exactly who's baby that was .

5 miss calls from dymarco

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