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Camp site chronicles pt 2.

we got to our rooms and this was a beginning of a vendetta. Zoey , basically Marcos type . I'm not jealous but like what the fuck .

as he was talking to her I walked up ruining there conversation. "So my names kadeja." I said with the fakest smile . "my names zoey" she smiled. She even had a pretty smile.

"have you guys got your colours for your groups tomorrow?" some white girl said "sorry who are you?" I snapped .

Dymarco eyeing me.

"Her names Ashley babe." Some brown-skin girl said "did I ask you ?"
I said kissing my teeth . "My names miah" she said to Dymarco . "Yeo" he said not knowing what to do. "Right ." I walked of and my friends where looking at me .

Dymarco followed "what was that?" He said "sorry?" I said "what was what ?" I laughed

"you're embarrassing word." He said "are you stupid" I said

  "Kadeja shut the fuck up , you never accept when you wrong like ever ." He said
"yes I have , so try again" I said with attitude
"the only time u do is when you know you have to , you don't mean it tho." He said
"ok be a bitch. Don't chat to me and go suck on Chloe" I said "it's zoey." He said and walked away.

He went over to his friends and carried on speaking with zoey .. is he dumb .

"STUDENTS OF BOTH SCHOOLS!" Miss jones said "OK YOUR COLOURS ARE ON THE WALL !" She walked of . We ran to the wall , I'm in Orange.. Dymarco is in red . With zoey. All my friends were in yellow green etc .

dymarco looked at me and we met eyes . He quickly looked away . Wtf

Miss jones shouted

Ok I'm still with him I guess.

we were told to get into our groups . "PICK A PARTNER ." I was going up to Dymarco but looked like zoey already had . Great .

there was a boy tho , very good looking . "Ain't he your ting ?" The darkskin tall sexy man said . "I mean no but yes i don't know." I responded.
"Come be man's partner ." He said with and cheeky smile . "you would like that wouldn't you" I said keeping eye contact . He didn't fold. "I mean that's why I asked" he responded now looking at my lips .

Dymarco who?!

I saw Dymarco look over then walk away . Cry .

"My names Jerome" he said "nice name." I said "what so I can't get yours nah?" He laughed "deja ."
I said "deja , nice name ." He said


"Reid yeah" I saw a mischievous grin from his face .

"WILLIAMS" another teacher said

"Williams , hmm." I responded.
I started to laugh . "Williams where is the vests ?" I said smiling .

"Reid it's over here." He said , my smile turned into a eye role .

"Ok campers , first thing we'll be doing is capture the flag ." the sexy worker said .

"That's light work for man" he laughed . Okay so this will be extremely interesting but I'm very excited. We put on our vest and they counted "3 , 2 , 1..GO" we all began to run. "Ai Reid check there" Jerome said. I looked over and couldn't find any.

We were running for a hour and we thought we saw it . We ran up the hill and so did zoey and dymarco. the flag was in the middle . They ran over and got it first.

"WE WON" zoey said , she did her cringe victory dance and everyone began to laugh.. it wasn't funny. I saw Jerome laugh and I punched his arm "someone's mad" he said "romey shut the fuck up" I said "dej dej . Charge it" he said to piss me of more .

we made our way back to the hotel. "Yo dej dej" he said "don't call me that" I replied . "Yeah anyways everyone is doing truth or dare today in zoeys room, Dymarco might be there so I say you come ." He informed me .

"Yeah I'll tell the girls , her room is next to mine." I said back "you'll see me there" I smiled .

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