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poetic justice

i woke up at 9am on saturday , my hair was in a bonnet and i was wearing shorts and a cropped tshirt.

i went downstairs poured coco pops and sat on the sofa . i turned on my favorite show vampire diaries (klaus and stefan is bae ) and my mum came downstairs with bags packed .

''morning baby , nanny isnt doing so well so im going to jamacia for 1-2 weeks '' with a sigh

''okay call me when you get there'' i said in a sad voice

my mother goes away to jamacia all the time to help nan, when shes gone my cousin lamar stays

my mother goes away to jamacia all the time to help nan, when shes gone my cousin lamar stays

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cousin - Lamar, 17, immature.

Lamar is like another sibling but ten times worse than kyrone . he lives in brixton , he wont let me drink , vape or anything . he will invite girls over and then blackmail me . hes just the worst.


*door bell rings*

i got up to open the door and lamar was there.

''wargwarn , open the fucking door fam'' he says whilst kissing his teeth.

''shutup eediot bwoy'' my mum says from the living room . whilst leaving the door open he slaps the back of my head then laughs , ive learnt from experience not to ever hit boys back.

he walked in dumped all his shit on the sofa then makes his way to kyrones room. My mum kissed me on my forehead saying bye and shouting after the boys . "Don't do nothing stupid !"

they were upstairs for a whileee, i came upstairs to ask if they were hungry and then went to my room

he messaged me :

Marco ❤️‍🔥🤞🏼.

marco; yooo

Me: go away man

Marco: so rude 🤣🤣

Me: nothing funny x

Marco: sn. Anyways

Me: bye😘😘

Marco: I'm omw 😫

Me: no pls don't😐

Marco: see u in ten 🤫🤫🤫

Right after he said that i went upstairs had a showe then I slicked my hair into two low buns , stuck on my 3pound lashes from Primark then put on a cropped vest and leggings.

10 minutes later the door knocked , I ran downstairs to open it acting like I never wanted to see him .

"wagwarn kadeja" he says will staring strait at my vest.

"Maybe keeps ur eyes up when ur talking to a girl" I saw not amused at all .

He laughs a little bit but didn't change his behaviour .

"Don't act like I haven't already seen your boobs kadeja" he says again but this time holding eye contact .

" fuck of." I said whilst moving out the way of the door allowing him to come in .

He runs to the sofa and sits down .
" KY , DYMARCOS HERE" I shout .

I heard loud stomps down the stairs as Lamar and kyrone came downstairs "yo ghee" "what you tellin me" .

They had a whole conversation and relaxed on the sofa , another one of there friends came . Dickhead boy Markus.

Markus rang the doorbell "wrong house prick" I say whilst blowing him a kiss. "Bake off you little girl"

He says back whilst pushing me out the way , me and Markus has a hate hate relationship. He's so disrespectful and is a little bitch .

I ran upstairs to chat to the gyal dem seeing if they could come round .

I came back downstairs and jymarni was there , I saw dymarco eyes linger on me trying to see what my next move would be . Why not piss him of a little .

"Omg marni your here" I ran over and hugged him . lamal, kyrone wasn't impressed . "Stop moving like one sket u little shit" lamal shouts to me . I look at him and he laughs .


The doorbell rang again it was , tasha , jaydene and Lacey and Kyla

The doorbell rang again it was , tasha , jaydene and Lacey and Kyla

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Kyrone friend : year 11 , kyla , Somali and Jamaican

When dymarco saw Jaydene he ran over and hugged her. The bitch hugged him back . That's weird as fuck . I look at her then roll my eyes .

kyrones eyes linger on Lacey for a second too long and evryone notices "why kyrone u in love or summit" everyone laughed .

lamal got up and introduced himself to Kyla "yo b send the snap init" he said so relaxed and Kyla gave it with no hesitation . It was easy for him .

"Lam ur not gonna say hi?" Tasha says "am I no longer your fav cousin" she began to fake cry "Tash my son" lamal says not even moving .

They all sat down across the two sofas  for hours , chatting shit and making jokes .

I run up the stairs to get a charger then heard feet following me.

I turned around and dymarco was there . " don't hug another boy infrount of me again ." he says whilst starring deep Into my eyes "dymarco just shut-" I never got to finish the sentence he had one hand on my neck and the other on my waist , we began to make out until he pulled away .

" I'll see you later init" he says whilst walking down the stairs "what your going now?" I say back definitely wanting him to stay. "Yeah there's some party man's going" he said "oh ok" I responded.

He finally reached the living room and I entered at the same time. " you man I'm gone" he says "love" "ina bit" "what did you man beat" "mums you were upstairs for long" the mandem started to say

"WE DIDNT BEAT ." he walks out the house along with people following after as it was getting late ,  but jaydene kyrone and lamal. Jaydene went up stairs to change into pyjamas and so did I.

Jaydene was wearing pum shorts and a vest and I was wearing Nike tech bottoms and one of lamals tee shirts he left here the last time . As we got into my bed when I just about fell asleep I felt her get out the bed...

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