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couple weeks later :

I woke up at like 6am on Saturday to take mirielle to get her hair done . "ELLE" I screamed knowing she was still sleeping .

She walked up the stairs slowly . She bursted open my door and said "shut the fuck up" smiles then lays on my bed .

I went down stairs to my mums room. She slowly opens her eyes "baby all your cousins are coming to be here, lamal and you are in charge . If you need to make food there's oven food ."

"Pick them up from your grannies" she says tiredly.

"Ohh okay mum, I'll pick up some of them , I need to chat to dymarco quick so on the way back I'll get them" I said

"what happend with you and him" my mum says generally sad "he just... yeah anyways"

I get up and got myself washed and ready , hair in a messy bun and my blue Nike tech no makeup no lashes nothing , I put my crocs on and took a bus to dymarcos yard .

I got to the door and knocked . His mother opened it "you must be the famous deja" she says winking at me . "Ha yes it's me in the flesh." She chuckled then called Dymarco down.

He ran down the stairs not realising I was there . His face turned defensive. "what?" He says "I just came to apologise" I said "it's calm." He says in a dismissive tone. he let me in the house then went upstairs and I followed right behind me.

"Dymarco I miss you.." I said. He tried to be nonchalant but his eyes said different. our eyes met . he stood closer holding my chin up to his lips . His lips where soft and his eyes seductive.
I felt my heart beating fast , am I going to lose my virginity. his lips moved from mine to my neck.

his lips were no longer on any part of my body and he smiled at me and got up.

I heard ringing sound and he asked me to get up and he lifted his mattress and there was a sword and a brick phone .
I just about heard the person on the other side .

"Ai temper were riding now" a deep voice says
"Say nothing , I'll get the money and get trika"

Trika was my brothers tag , I knew they were on road but I never wanted to deep it too much. He came off the phone and changed his clothes into all black.

"Are you fucking dumb?" " a Knife."I said

he held my hand and whispered "I'll role tru later b" then he leads me downstairs. We say goodbye to his mother and left .


Miah - 4, cousin

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Miah - 4, cousin

Miah - 4, cousin

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