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the block party

There was a knock at my door . Sevyn was outside waiting .

"Hey babes , so basically yeah can I stay over ?" She says . "Yea lemme just tell my mum ." I ran over to the kitchen with her following behind me.

"Hey mummy , sev wants to stay over for a couple days can she." I say .

"How many days?" She responded
"2-4 , I don't know but please" I say with the saddest face possible .

My mum stepped out the kitchen and towards the car parked outside .

"Are you Sevyns mother" my mum put the whitest voice on.
"Hi hi , yes yes I'm her mama" her mother says .

"Sev can stay for as long as she needs" my mum said
"thank you thank you, I'm going Colombia for a week is she aloud to stay?" her mum says obviously , in need of help .

"Yes as long as she needs" mum responded

we went back into my room . "Sleepover bitchhhh" sev shouted .


it was the third night , the night of the block party. Marco messaged me:


Marco: yo ders some block party ting don't do too much wid that hoe seven.

Me: sevyn* and she ain't no hoe

Marco : don't whine . Don't kiss anyone.

Me: ur bright like you didn't catch a whine boy bye.🥰

Marco : are you serious?

Me: very 🤣

Marco : ur moving weird cah ur bredrin is der simmer down 😂

Me: never that babes . Anyways I'm gone

Marco: ur weird ibr

Me : thanks 😩😩😩


Sev and I began to laugh . "This dude" she says laughing "DTNN" I say "litch" she shouts.

"I think jay should come" I said

"Bro she's mad weird but calm , invite one more person im not doing 3."Sevyn said

"Oh then kay can come" I said

"what about abi?" Sev says

"nah she's with her boyfriend" I said rolling my eyes.

The door knocked and Kay and jay came with there outfits.


we arrived at the party . It was already litt . It had changing lights , alcohol, weed , dj , literally everything. Sevyn was the first in knowing everyone "Sev u look so pretty"
"Sev come dance with us"

We all eventually got into the party . "Bitch let's get drunkkkk!!" All my friends began to shout . "guys I don't drink" I say shyly . "Girl get litty and drink na bludclart" kay says . "Fine only one drink." We went up to the bar . I ordered a captin Morgan and began to sip it .

Marco called me , I picked up .

"What now." I said rolling my eyes
"don't do nothing stupid" dymarco says in a serious tone

"Shut the fuck up" I say back
"Bro who are you talking to" He says abit more angry

"Move away from my phone" I say
"fam chill" he says
"Go suck pum I'm gonna go lips someone" I say whilst laughing right into the phone

"what the fuck man"he says
"Are you my man , no" I say kissing my teeth
"Say nothin' go mad" he says just before ending the call.

I ordered 3 more captin Morgan's and then went over to where they were doing spliffs "Ai gimme one" I said . "Babe calm down" kay says worried

"I'm fine , gimme onee" I shout
"You don't smok baby girl" sev says, whilst telling the people to not give me one.

I pushed them out the way and took the weed out of the girls hand . "Love" I say and started to smoke it . I then went onto the dance floor as my favourite song came on .

(Gag- skilibeng)

I began to whine and felt a presence behind me , there hands where firm and the waist whined perfectly on my body .
I turned around after the song finished and the man was like 21.

"Yo , what's ur name." I replied "my name , you look fucking 30" I said "b don't play hard to get , what's the name" he says now holding onto my waist

"Kadeja" I said . " well my name is Eric, what's your age darling" he says .
"I'm, I'm 14" I said barely being able to speak as the high has now hit me.

my head was now spinning and next minute I'm in a corner with him . We began to kiss , I attempted to pull away but he would just keep pushing my head back to his.

My friends came over "babe come , let's leave..." they said . "BAKE OF." Eric shouted at them . My friends looked scared . "Baby come it's getting late" Sev says .

One of Eric's friends came over and grabbed her neck "shut the fuck up" he whispered in her ear , loud enough so we could here . One of the boys went to security "these girls are bothering us , Michael you owe me one , kick them out"
They spoke like friends and soon after the security got them out .

Eric lead me to a room at the back of the block party . The room had a bed and 2 sofas .

He held me by my hair and dragged me in the room. "Take them of" Eric says with anger in his voice .
"I don't feel comfortable.." I say.
"Are you deaf. Take them of . I don't care"
Eric was now getting angry , threw me on the bed and ripped what I was wearing of "are you dumb ." He shouted.

he then invited his friends into the room and they all began to take of there shirts .
"She's a cute girl isn't she" one of them said "such a cutie" Eric responded .

someone knocked on the door . "WHO THE FUCK IS AT THE DOOR WE ARE BUSY" Eric shouted. The door got kicked open and police raided it . I pulled the covers over me , tears rubbing down my face.

"Sirs you are under arrest" they took them out of the room.

Kay , jay and Sev ran into the room and hugged me . "Babe are you okay . Did they .. touch you." They said "no." My words were minimum I couldn't speak.

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