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Camp site chronicles pt 1.

2 weeks later
Monday 20th October 2022

my eyes woken and I raised my head from my pillow . school.

I ran downstairs with my suitcase by the door so when I'm ready I can take it to school with me . The year 10 and 11s all had to wake up at 5:50 am because today we were going on a 7 days school trip. I ran to the bathroom , I showered and tied my hair in a low bun . My eyes had bags under them from me on the phone with jaydene yesterday.


Laying in my bed , the thought of jay popped into my head . wow it ended just like that... I reached for my phone and called her . 3am and I'm meant to wake up in 2 hours .

She picked up in seconds .

"Hello?" She said awkwardly.
"icl jay , we haven't been friends for a min , we were so close" I said
"Nah mums , icl I feel bad .. I didn't know what to do after the block incident ." She said

"Wait huh?"I responded in a confused tone . "I kept coming and u never responded so I just stopped". Me and Sevyn weren't friends I always felt so judged and left out when it came to Sevyn u and Kay. I love kay but we know if she had to pick .." she said

"Look babe , I'm sorry ..I miss u so much." "My mum was so pissed when she found out about the fight and even more mad because it was with you" I said

"Nah same , my mum was mauddd" she said laughing . "Look we're going on the trip tomorrow come in our group init ." I said .

we locked the phone call and ky came in my room . "What fam" I said loudly . "get me water abeg." He says "ur a lil bitch , how can u be a gm and scared of the dark ?" I said . "Man's not scared fam. Wake me up tomorrow, Yh love" he walked out slamming my door .
"KY R U STUPID" I screamed .


I now have to break down the news to Kay and Sev that I'm friends with her again . This will be interesting..

i opened my phone and called them .

sev : morningg

Kay: fam what.

Me : guys don't be mad

Kay : ok so ima be mad

Sev : go on....

Me: I'm friends with -

Sev: uh uh

Kay : i can't lie , I'm happy for you .

Sev : bitch what that girl straight up disrespected you in front of everyone.

Me: she is family from knee hight .

Sev : do your ting

Me : I'm gonna add her to the call

* jaydene is added to the call*

Sev : don't add-

Jay : hey guyss ...

Me : hey

Kay : hey baby

Sev : let me not lol.


we got onto the bus and and made our way to school with our suit cases .

The bus stopped outside and we went into school . By this time it was 6:20 everyone had to be in school by 7:45 or they were going to be left .

I looked around the room of year 10-11 and tried to see him. He wasn't there ..

"Ok so your roommates for the next 7days 6nights will announced in 15 minutes ." Miss jones said .

" we'll be staying in a hotel , by a campsite but all activities are going to be on the camp . Another school is joining us" she said with a big smile

I heard sighs and moans from the whole hall "nah miss nahh" Sev said

It was now time to read out who I was in rooms with . (We picked them like 3 weeks ago) "okay kayleise, Sevyn , Lacey and Tasha." My heart began to pound .. "next room , kadeja , Kelly, Jaydene and Tiana ." When she called out our names together her eyes lightened in confusion and looked at the other teachers .

"Abigail and tasha , you may pick a room" Miss jones said . "Ok I wanna be Wid my cousin I can't lie still" tasha said screwing Abigail . "Ok calm I'll be with Kay .." Abigail responded .
No one spoken to her in time so it's weird but she's still our friend we just don't see her .

this dickhead decided to run in . "Marco" I shouted . He came over "my bad my bad" he said "your late bruv" I said "no shit." He said laughing. He saw it pissed me of "I'll sit next to you on the bus don't worry" . My face began to blush "AW" the table shouted . "Nah shutup
mums" he said .

The bus finally came and we went to the back . Sev by the window , Kay next to her me in the middle , dymarco next to me and Markus and Jymari.

the bus took Atleast 3 hours . We were aloud out phones but when we get to the door we put them in a bag until 5pm and have to give it back at 7:30pm.

the bus stopped and the tour guide who was in fact extremely peng said "alright I'm gonna show you to your rooms , by the way my names Jason." His voice was deep and raspy .

All the girls eyes lit up tapping each other , Sev looked at me sticking her tongue out and I couldn't help but cheese .
Dymarco saw "chill." He said rolling his eyes walking of . Drama queen . When they took us to our rooms we saw the other girls from the other school by there's 4 girls next to our room... dymarco went over "my names dymarco" he looked at me and smiled , is he dumb? "Hey my names zoey".

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