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death do us part

Couple days later , me and kay went to the hospital to see Omari . I went into the room "dejjjj" he said "hey mari" I said back . "I'm gonna run to the toilet" she said winked at me then ran .

She schemes to much.

"Death do us part yeah?" He smiles . "Still a jack ass I see" I say back . "Who did this to you .. I was worried" I said "some Peckham yutes . I was touring the opp block and 20 man come from nowhere fam" he said "I mean babes" he winked . "Lord" I said

"What dej , why didn't u let man cuff you?" He said "I had a boyfriend" I responded "had Yh? Oh that little yute that chills Wid your brother?" He said "yeah him... anyways" I changed the subject.

He reached for my hand "you know what's brazy?" He said "what." I smiled "How you would look so much better without clothes on right now" he said "Omari fuck of" I said and let go of his hand.

Kay ran into the room "sorry , but the way the doctors are saying your coming back home later today ." She smiled "say nizz" he responded "bye mari" I smiled "don't forget what I said" he smirked .

We got home and I couldn't help but think about omari. Like explicitly think about him. My mum knocked on my door . "Babee dinner ." She said "mum , I'm going to Kay's House tomorrow" I said "yeah cool staying?" She said "maybe" I said in a unsure tone.


it was the next day , I packed my bag and got to Kay's house . Omari opened the door . "Yo" he said looking down . "Hi." I said "What no hug?" I gave him one , his arms holding my waist. It lasted 3 mins "where's Kay?" I said "oh she ran out quick she'll be here soon" He said and let me in the house . We went upstairs and sat on his bed until kay got home .

I messaged her


Me: Kay wtf r you?

Kay: oh basically, my mum and I are at a family ting...

Me ; didn't think telling me that?

Kay: babe I'm soo sorry , I'll be home in like 1/2 hours . It's only 5pm chill x

Me: K.


It was not 6:20 and was getting dark . "Let's watch a movie" I smiled to omari . "Yeah say nun" he said "what one?" He said "er er.. Thor ." He agreed and turned it on . It was 30 mins into the movie , I had now moved my way into his covers with him also under .

The movie continued and I felt his hard rub my thigh . My heart was beating . he kept doing it and it gave me butterflies.

He turned to look at me , his hand tubing down my back . I turned to him . He was looking from my lips back to my eyes . We waited and he kissed me . He went over to my ear "you know your mine right" he said "yes" I replied . He rubbed my thigh then turned to kiss me.

I was now ontop of him . I could litch feel the print ...it's wow. We kept kissing , he then went from kissing my lips to my neck . rubbing up my back and back down my spine making me shiver .

the door slammed open "WOAH" kayleise said . I quickly jumped off of her brother and walked past her in shame . She followed me and we sat on her bed .

"You and Omar?" .."again" she said "naa listen yeah it's not like that" I said as I buried my face in her pillow . "Na sa , he's a man whore jus so your aware but do your ting you man would be cute" she said "Ai I don't want him chill." I said , she smiled and punched me in my arm .

We got into our ojs and she saw all the hickey . "6 hickeys , woah" she said and smiled "shh" I said "jus do a ting mann" she said "I don't know , actually bun it yes" I said .

Kay was falling asleep and I creeped out the bed . "Mari" I whispered "Yoo , come for round two yeah?" He said in his raspy tired DEEP voice . "No. Let's talk though" I climbed into his bed , he placed his hand onto my belly .

"Dej if I asked you to be my girl what would u say" he said "yes" I said barely awake . He went to my ear "he my girl" he said "ok" i replied then turned to him . we started to kiss , he held my cheek then moved to my neck again . Shit .

that's all I could remember.

I woke up in his arms and clocked what happened . I tip toed put his bed and ran to Kay . She was fast asleep with her bonnet falling off. "Kay Kayy" I whispered "hm" she said "we're dating" she jumped out of her sleep . "WOI" she shouted .

We went down stairs to go eat something to eat . And Omari came downstairs. "Nice neck" he said . "Shutup" I smiled "guys I'm gonna shower thenn im going home.

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