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Don't look at me like that pt.2

my mums eyes widened . "So this is what you do when I'm not home yeah?" She said "MARI GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE" she shouted . "Sorry miss Reid" he came out and the front door shut.

"Are you dumb" she said "it's not like that" I said "is that hickeys on your neck aswell" she said "mum" "kadeja your 14" she said "mum I know" she kissed her teeth.

"give me your phone now" she too it then walked out . I was shook because my mum doesn't get that angry but I tried to stay away from her.


I woke up in the morning and my phone was on the desk . Maybe she's not mad . I went downstairs "deja , I'm disappointed but your growing up  , please tell me stuff like this so I can give you adult advice" I made a face "aww mommyyy" I said and kissed her on her cheek "that lil boy can come back" she said "yeah you scared him.." I said and laughed .

Ky came down the stairs not even in uniform "little boy get ready" mum shouted . I came out the house and went on the bus . I texted him then got to the gates . Dymarco was there , I waved then got aired. damn

I'm in my geography lesson next to Sevyn "oh shit babeee , Kelly and dym are dating" she said "say fucking on God" I said , I got so mad . She showed me videos of them making out and her TikTok account. "Don't mad me" I said . We kept doing the work , my handwriting getting worse whilst thinking about it .

The lesson was now done , I saw him in the canteen "your dating that sket Kelly ?" I shouted "chill" he said laughing . "Who's a sket , babe I don't want to hear it .. jus because your boyfriend only wants to stay with you because he got to hit" she smiled . The canteen got full of youngers and year 11 gathering around us .

"he didn't hit , let's not act like your not ran thru ." I said "ran thru.. firstly don't be said because your a meadow gassed up Jezzy" she laughed . Tiana jumped in "don't know where your getting all this vim from but word I'll slap you up" she laughed "live bro" Kelly giggled . The one day my brother wasn't here they are getting brave .

"you know what- "I was about to speak . My cousin tasha came running thru the crowd with Lacey , Jay , Kay and Sev . Even Abigail.

"Who's on dej tho" Abigail said . "Nah mums who do I have to slap up" Tasha smiled "broo your giving verbal because moretime by yourself your nothing , you have friends and cousins so do I bro so pick wisely"

The teachers came charging in splitting it up . "Sket" , "suck your mum" "dumb bitch" "verbal" "back it out den" words were getting screamed . We all had to go to the isolation room to avoid seeing those whores .

Out parents got told but my mum didn't really care . Omar called me "yo , I'm coming yeah , is your mum calm?" He said "yeah she said you can come back" .

He was at my house around 6:30.
"Mari , mum said we cannot go upstairs until she properly meets you" i said "say nothing baby" he said and sat down on the sofa (first time he ever called me thattttt) I say next to him , his hand on my side swiping up and down my back .

"Omari" my mum said , he got up and hugged her . Mum was definitely impressed . "You guys can go upstairs." Mum said .

We followed me to my room and sat on my bed "lets watch something" I said . We watched 2 rom coms and he fell asleep . I went downstairs to tell my mum and she said she'll message his . We both went sleep and his phone had a notification .

Vanessa : come get your hoodie 😫😫.

It would let me see the rest because his phone was locked . Fuck.
I jogged him to wake him up . He was still sleeping . I'll jus bring it up tomorrow.


He woke up and went on his phone . "Baby" I said "huh" he said "can I go on ur phone" I said "you have a phone ." He said "nah I just wanna see something , why do you have something to hide" I said "nah I don't still." He said "lemme ask my friend Vanessa to bring me a hoodie" I said . "Here me go" he said "pardon , here we go??" I said screwing him.

"Deja that's my cousin cool arf" he said and got himself ready to leave .

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