|Chapter 1|

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(Y/N) pulled out her phone and started to dial her sister's number, her hands rather shaky and sweaty as she does so.

She tapped the call log, and slightly pressed the phone to her ear. Her heart beating rapidly against her chest, as she waits for her loving sister to answer.

After a small while of waiting, the phone beeped. A small smile coming up the girls lips as she hears her sister's voice coo from the other end.

"Hello (Y/N)~!" The voice greeted. (Y/N) couldn't help but tear up as she hears her sister.

She looked up, trying to not blink profusely so that the rouge tears wouldn't escape.

"H-hi Nee-san." She managed to heave out, cursing to herself under her breath when she realized how shaky she sounded. (Y/N) hoped and prayed that her sister wouldn't notice.

But of course, nothing gets by Mitsuri Kanroji unnoticed. Especially when it comes to the wellbeing of her little sister, who she cares for very deeply.

"What's wrong?" Mitsuri asked. (Y/N) can already tell that her Nee-sans brows were furrowed, and her eyes filled with confusion and concern.

Out of all the many weird expressions her sister does, the concerned doe look was her favorite.

She subconsciously shook her head, a giggle escaping her lips as she held onto the phone tightly.

"I'm just.. I don't know. I can't explain it properly. Everything is a mess here, Nee-san." (Y/N) said truthfully, her voice cracking slightly as she tries to wipe the runaway tear on her cheek.

"(Y/N), you can tell your Nee-san anything. I'll try helping you in anyway I can." Mitsuri then said, her voice was still filled with concern, but it also held reassurance.

(Y/N) and Mitsuri were very close, they alway had each others backs.

They have completely different personalities. Mitsuri is a very emotional, passionate, and jovial individual who constantly compliments people in her head.

Although she is rather shy and is easily flustered, Mitsuri is always kind to others. She is a very caring person, always showing others her love.

However, despite her gentle and seemingly innocent demeanor, Mitsuri will show no mercy to those who would make fun or bully her sister.

While (Y/N) on the other hand, was kind of an odd ball.

She too, is quite shy around others. She doesn't interact with others that much at school, and she doesn't go out alot. Making her quite a mystery.

They had to learn life the hard way. With Mitsuri traveling to a different city just to make ends meet, and with (Y/N) being left alone in the care of their grandparents.

But no matter the distance, no matter how far apart they were, they still make sure to call everyday.

Usually to chat and swap gossip, and just ask about each other's days.

(Y/N) and Mitsuri Kanroji didn't have the best life. Their parents, along with their other siblings, died in a horrible plague.

The disease was relatively new, and the Kanroji family didn't think much of it.

Before they knew it, before they even took notice of it, they were already slowly dying. One by one.

Mitsuri was out of town that time, studying at her boarding school. And (Y/N) managed to get some antidote just in time, with the help of her grandparents.

Mitsuri got a job as a Literature Teacher in Kimetsu Academy. She had to move out and rent a new place near the school, because driving for three whole hours just to get there was quite the hassle.

She asked (Y/N) to come live with her one time, so that she can keep an eye on her.

But the younger Kanjori insisted on staying, she wanted to make it up to her grandparents. Who cared and raised her for all those years, who took her in and made her into a better person.

Her life was rather simple back at her hometown, she was a good student and a good granddaughter. But lately, she's been feeling out of place.

And she misses her Nee-san.

"I don't wanna be here anymore, Nee-san." (Y/N) managed to squeak out, her voice quivering slightly. "I miss you." She added, mumbling that part only partly.

"What happened? Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Mitsuri started to ramble out, she was in a panicked haste. She despised it when her little Imouto is upset

"I'm fine. Maybe I'm just being paranoid."

"How so?"

"It feels like, everyone is out to get me, I guess. Whenever I go out, or when I'm at school, people tend to look at me differently."

Mitsuri heaved out a sigh, understanding her little Imouto completely.

She was kind of an odd ball too. Back at her boarding school days, she tends to overhear some of her classmates gossips.

They were mostly about her and her weird personality. It made Mitsuri rather depressed, knowing that people say those awful things behind her back.

Still, she was determined to work hard for (Y/N). She graduated with high honors and got a decent job, with a pretty decent salary.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). But hey, my offer is still available."

(Y/N)'s eyes went as wide as saucers as she hears her sister's words.

She wanted to be with her, but the thought of leaving her grandparents behind was still making her trip into a void of guilt.

"But what about Obaa-san and Ojii-san. I don't want to leave them all alone." (Y/N) managed to stammer out.

A small giggle escaped Mitsuri's lips. "I'll handle it, we still have time to enroll you to Kimetsu Academy."

"I'll also ask your teachers for your transcripts. You don't have to worry about anything!"

Her sister's reassuring voice had (Y/N) sighing in relief, a small smile coming up her lips. She can always count on her sister.

"I'll think about it. Thank you, Nee-san. Thanks for everything."

Hello everybody! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter lol.
This story will progress kind of slowly, so be warned! I might have to review Demon Slayer more so that this story would be more accurate.

Get ready for a mildly insane rollercoaster ride XD

Get ready for a mildly insane rollercoaster ride XD

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