|Chapter 3|

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This place is huge.

(Y/N) couldn't help but gawk at the beautiful sight, it wasn't anything like her old school.

The front was finely decorated with Sakura trees, which aren't in bloom since spring hasn't started yet.

She was hesitant to step foot at the enormous academy, hundreds of thoughts started to swirl around her mind.

An overwhelming wave full of memories and regrets.

But one glance at her sister's glowing smile had her calming down in mere seconds, she kept reminding herself that everything will be okay.

(Y/N) held her sister's hand as they both walk down the stone path, constantly repeating a chant in her head.

It won't be like last time.

It won't be like last time.

It won't be like la-

There was this faint, almost unnoticeable sound charging straight at (Y/N). She didn't quite notice it at first.

It sounded like someone running at the speed of thunder, and it sounded like it was charging closer and closer.

(Y/N) was eventually snapped out of her deep trance when she felt this body collided with hers.

And before she even had the time to figure out what was happening, (Y/N) was already down on the floor, with a strange man just above her.

She couldn't make out the face of the stranger, for it was covered in yellow wavy locks of hair.

It didn't take long for (Y/N)'s cheeks to flare up with blush of embarrassment.

First day at Kimetsu Academy and she already has someone in between her chest, that's a strike.


(Y/N) looks up to see another strange looking student, who seemed to know the yellow haired boy.

He is a young boy of average height with fairly tanned skin and an athletic, muscular physique.

He has ruffled, black hair with burgundy tips, combed back to expose his forehead, and wide, dark red eyes.

He also has a scar on the top left of his forehead, that kind of looks like a flame pattern of some sorts.

(Y/N)'s eyes grew wide when the boy started bowing profusely, while sputtering out his apologies on behalf of his friend.

"W-we're so sorry, Kanroji sensei! It was an accident! Zenitsu didn't mean it!" he practically chanted out.

Mitsuri pushed the yellow haired boy aside and helped his sister up, patting out some of the dirt and dust particles that got stuck on her clothes.

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