|Chapter 21|

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The dimly lit room complimented the soft music that ran in the background, it's chiming melody creating an invisible wall of comfort.

Kyojuro sat on his desk that was just beside his bed, jotting down grades on his Laptop while skillfully counting down the points of his students test papers with his other hand.

Kyojuro can be some type of multitasker at times, especially when he's in deep concentration.

He reads, calculates, then inputs with swiftness and ease.

But then he halted to a stop, seeing a sheet with this familiar handwriting. Head perking up, and golden eyes wide as he read the name on top.

Kanroji (Y/N).

As per usual, (Y/N)'s grades in History were top tier. Being one of the many students in his class that were actually interested in History, Kyojuro subconsciously nodded his head in approval.

He wasn't sure if (Y/N)'s attentiveness was because of her yearning to learn, or if it was because of him. Kyojuro liked the second idea better.

Lost with the thought of mesmerizing (E/C) eyes and a captivating smile, Kyojuro set the sheet of test papers down as he lets his mind began to wonder.

Kyojuro thought of giving (Y/N) a visit, and apologizing for his recent actions.

But he didn't exactly know how to explain his semi-obsessive overprotectiveness to her, that and how to cover up his feelings without raising suspicion.

Another part of him wanted to set his foot down and act like the damned grownup that he is.

Kyojuro argued that he was merely trying to protect (Y/N) from possible harm that could come her way.

His thoughts were cut to a short when Kyojuro heard footsteps from outside his room.

Turning his head to the direction of the door frame, he noticed the disarray of yellow hair that was tipped with bright red, and the worried look that was plastered on Senjuro's face.

"Are you doing okay, Senjuro?" Kyojuro asked, going to stand up and take a stretch after being glued to his seat for hours.

Senjuro sighed, "I can't find my jacket. I'm going out for a bit, brother."

This piqued Kyojuro's interest, "Going where exactly?" He urged.

Senjuro could be heard shuffling and looking at the drawers in the next room, actively looking for something.

And then he answered, "Festival with Tanjiro and the others. I already asked dad and he was okay with it."

'Oh no.'

Senjuro quickly shut his mouth, biting the inside of his cheek as he realize what he spilled.

He wasn't supposed to even mention the word festival in front of his older brother, knowing about the fiasco he had with (Y/N) Kanroji a while back.

Kyojuro could feel the gears in his head turning, the rumbling that was forming inside his chest made it obvious that another overthinking outburst is going to happen.

Senjuro noticed this, and immediately cursed under his breath.

He quickly grabbed the jacket he was desperately looking for, then went to go tie his hair in hopes that he could escape his older brother.

It was easier said than done.

"You said others. Who are you going with?" Kyojuro urged, standing up to follow Senjuro who was pacing back and forth while trying to put his hair in a small pony tail.

Senjuro stammered, "C-classmates of course! And some other close friends from school." He shrugged, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Were just having a small outing, Brother! I-its the last day of the festival, you see. And uh- I've always wanted to try some of the games there." Senjuro added to make his short story more believable, waving his hand frantically in a dismissive manner.

After a short while of silence, Kyojuro's head perked up as he asked the very question Senjuro was so desperately trying to avoid.

"Is (Y/N) going with you?"

Senjuro didn't know how to answer that part.

Knowing (Y/N) and the Kamado siblings close relationship, he was certain that Tanjiro would invite her.

And he was also certain that (Y/N) would never decline, knowing that she has been looking forward for this small outing for weeks now.

But Senjuro was also considering the fact that his brother was infatuated with the younger Kanroji, and that he said she wasn't allowed to go outside this late at night.

Brows furrowed and with arms crossed, Kyojuro urged for his little brother to answer. "Well?"

"That, I have no idea." Senjuro tried to act it off, turning around to ready himself incase he needed to sprint to the front door just to escape his brother.

Kyojuro was not even merely convinced, knowing all the perks and habits that his brother has.

Kyojuro, being the attentive and loving brother that he is, knows for certain that Senjuro stutters and deflects whenever he was lying.

He could see all the red flags his little brother was frantically waving practically Infront of him, and Kyojuro wasn't having it.

"She's coming with you gu-"

Just before Kyojuro could blow a mini fuse in his head, he heard their father call.

"Kyojuro! Come here for a second, I need you to fix something for me."

With big hopeful golden eyes, Senjuro nudges to the direction where their father was.

And with a small gruff, Kyojuro shook his head and turned around to tend to their father's needs.

'Yes! I'm getting away with lying! I'm such a little devil.'

As quick as a hummingbird, Senjuro fiddled with the locks and opened the door.

In an instant, he was off and about, making a small victory dance along the pathway of their front yard.

Kyojuro watched as his brother merrily skips away, and he also saw the small victory dance, which only proved his suspicions further.

Senjuro was hiding something from him, and he was not having any of it.

He could instantly tell that it had something to do with those familiar (E/C) eyes that bore themselves into his mind.

Kyojuro felt defeated, but the war was not over. After this, he planned on visiting somewhere to confirm his suspicions.


I had a good weekend. Minus the fact that my blood pressure is low as heck, it's been very peaceful LMAOO.

Get ready for some drama because next chapter would be filled with them lol.

See y'all in the next chapter!

See y'all in the next chapter!

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