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For the most part, Alina stayed out of his way at school. The one concession he had on that front was that their parents made him drive her to and from. She could have easily had her own car, but their parents thought it would bring them closer or some bullshit. When Alina got to school, Aleksander issued some rules for everyone else there too. He made sure everyone knew that Alina was the daughter of his father's business partner and that if they tried to touch her, they'd have to go through him first. People kept away for the most part. But the new kid...the new kid didn't know, and that was going to cause problems. He'd have to solve it.

He was leaning against his black mustang in the parking lot, waiting for her. She came out of the old, brick building that had been around since the 1800s. She had a black messenger bag strapped around her shoulders and her sketch book in hand. Her fingers were covered in charcoal.

"You're late," he said tersely.

Alina rolled her eyes. "We get out at the same time, idiot. You were here before me which means you probably ditched last period, huh?"

He frowned. "That's none of your business. Get in." He opened the door for her, and she got in. Aleksander slammed the door shut then got into the drivers seat. He turned the radio on, and sped out of the parking lot.

He glanced over at her. "I saw you talking with the new kid."

"Genya?" Alina offered. "She's nice."

"No. Not her. Oretsev."

Alina sighed. "He's her brother. I was just being nice."

"Yeah well, don't. Do you need to repeat the rules again?"

She shot him a glare. "I know the rules. The rules are why boys don't look at me because they think you'll kill them if they do. And why I don't have a life. I'm not going to do anything."

Aleksander nodded. "Good. Because the minute you turn eighteen, Alina, you're mine. And I'm not going to let some army brat kid take you away from me."

"And what about Zoya?" Alina asked.

Aleksander raised an eyebrow. "What does she have to do with anything?"

"Just it's a little hypocritical that you've got all of these rules for me, but you get to fuck whoever you want. Zoya, Nadia, Marie...Zoya again. I've seen you in the halls with them. I'm not an idiot."

"Does it make you jealous?" he challenged.

Alina laughed. "Please. I could care less. Except that if I can't date anyone, I don't get how it's alright for you to."

"Because I can." He grinned. "And anyway, you are the one that can get pregnant. It's a little different. I'm not going to have you taken away on a mistake."

"And what happens if you get a girl pregnant?"

He shrugged. "You'll be an excellent Step Mother."

Alina glowered at him. "You are a fucking asshole."

Aleksander chuckled. "What, plenty of CEOS have bastards. It's practically a right of passage. Anyway, it doesn't matter because it won't happen. I've fooled around with girls but I don't fuck them."

"What's that mean?" she asked.

"There's plenty of ways to have fun with someone without getting them pregnant. Besides, would you rather I do it when we're married?"

She sighed. She hadn't even thought about that. But it didn't change the fact that it wasn't fair. "No. I wouldn't."

"Good. Then keep your nose out of my shit. And keep your pussy away from Mal. It's mine."

Alina shot him a disgusted look. "You're terrible."

"And you're mine, sweetheart." He winked at her as he pulled into the driveway of the chic, modern style mansion that Alina's parents owned. Alina got out of the car and headed inside, cursing Aleksander all the way while he peeled out of the driveway in his car laughing all the way. 

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