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"I'm going to fucking kill him," Aleksander announced.

Nikolai Lantsov, tall, and blond with hazel eyes looked up from where he sat across from him absent mindedly picking at his fries. "Who?"

"Him." Aleksander glared over at Alina's lunch table. Normally, the girl sat alone. But on that day, she was sitting with Genya Safin and Mal Oretsev. Mal Oretsev, who was making her laugh in a way that he never had. "He's been here one day and already he's got her wrapped around his little finger."

Nikolai snorted. He had grown up with him and Alina. So, he was one of the few people that knew about their engagement, because their parents talked to each other. "What do you care? You told the girl that she wasn't supposed to acknowledge you. And you spent your math period with Zoya underneath the bleachers."

Aleksander frowned. "I fail to see how that matters. She knows the rules. She's not supposed to date anyone."

"She hasn't," said Nikolai, "because trust me, if that option were up on the table----"

"Lantsov," Aleksander scowled. "Don't make me kill you too."

Nikolai laughed, and shoved a French fry into his mouth. "As if you could try. Look, if you aren't going to tell people that she's your fiancé things like this are going to happen. And you're going to have to grin and deal with it. The same way that Alina's had to deal with you kissing Nazyalensky. Although I don't know how you've managed that because she's the Wicked Witch of the East."

Aleksander grinned. "Funny, you didn't think that about her when you two fucked last summer until she ditched your ass and left you naked on the beach."

He scowled. "I thought you promised me that you would never mention that again. I told you, I was high as hell and it was a mistake."

Aleksander chuckled. "You said you were in love. You said you wanted her to have your children. That's how gone you were."

"Again, I was fucking high."

Alina laughed again at something that Mal said.

Aleksander scowled at them again. "I am going to take him into the woods and slit his throat if he keeps that up."

"Oh yeah that will really make Alina love you."

He snorted. "I don't need her to love me. She's already mine. I just need everyone else to stay away from her until she is."

Nikolai smirked. "Well, you can't kill Oretsev. You'd go to jail and she'd never want to be with you then. You're just going to have to keep her distracted from him."


"Let her date someone that you know nothing will happen with. Someone that you can control."

Aleksander snorted. "Like you?"

Nikolai shrugged. "It wouldn't be so bad, would it? I've grown up with Alina as much as you have. You know that I wouldn't try anything with her. And she'd get to feel like an actual high school girl for a change."

"I've got a better idea. How about I lock her in a tower until she turns eighteen?"

"Because you're not Mother Gothel. Next?"

"I've got a better idea." Aleksander got up from the table, and then he walked over to Alina's.

"...and then Genya fell into the pool," Mal said, and Alina laughed at him.

Genya scowled at him.

"Alina," Aleksander said, "something's happened. I need you to come with me."

Alina glanced up at him. "What do you mean, somethings happened?"

"Just come." He pulled her up from the seat and he dragged her from the cafeteria.

"Aleksander----Aleksander----" Alina pulled against him. "Come on, please stop. You're hurting me----"

He pulled her into an empty classroom, pushed her up against a wall, and kissed her deeply. 

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