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Alina walked to school that morning. She got up early so she'd miss Aleksander on purpose. Normally, he picked her up but after everything that had happened the night before she didn't think she could handle being alone with him in the car. A line had been crossed last night. Usually, he pestered her about things and she didn't do them. She ignored his pleas for pictures of her shirtless, or the dick pics that he sent her with captions like: Thinking of u. But last night, she'd let him coax her into masturbating. And if he thought he could get her to do more....

She didn't like to think of where that would go.

That's why she was stunned when she got to her locker and he was there, waiting for her.

His arms were crossed over his chest and his grey eyes were filled with blazing anger. "Where were you this morning?"

Alina opened her locker, and started shoving in the things she wouldn't need until later and taking out whatever else she did. "I walked. I've done that before."

"You haven't walked since I got my license," Aleksander said tersely, "which means that you are avoiding me because of what happened last night."

She looked up at him. "You said we were supposed to pretend like the engagement didn't exist at school."

"Yes. I stand by that."

"Then, if you want to talk about this after school, fine. But while we're here, you are nothing to me. Per your request. Unless, of course, you'd like to let everyone know I'm your fiancé."

Aleksander scowled at her. "If you try to avoid me again, I will have to talk with the parents about it."

Alina sighed. "Fine. I won't avoid you."

"And remember what I said about Oretsev."

Alina flinched. "Fine. Just remember that when you've got Zoya Nazyalensky's tongue down your throat."

He smirked down at her. "Well, are you going to sate that need for me, Lina? Because I'm a man. I do have needs."

Alina rolled her eyes. "You're not a man. You're obnoxious." She finished putting her stuff in her locker and turned to go to her class only to find her wrist grabbed roughly by Aleksander.

"Alina.... you're going to be with me anyway. Why don't you give me what I want?"

She looked up at him. "Why don't you stop fucking everything that moves?"

Aleksander scowled. "Alina------"

"Hey. Everything okay here?" the two of them looked up at the sound of a stranger's voice.

Alina smiled when she realized that it was Mal.

Aleksander only gripped her wrist tighter. "Move it along, Oretsev. There's nothing for you to see here."

"I see a lady that looks uncomfortable," said Mal, "so it looks like there's plenty of things for me to see."

Alina sighed. "It's fine, Mal. Thank you for checking though. Aleksander's father works with mine. We're old family friends. We were just talking about family stuff. That's it."

Mal looked from Aleksander to Alina. "Alright. Well, as long as everything is okay. Hey, Alina do you know where the Art Room is? Genya went in early to work on a project and she forgot her cell phone. I was going to give it to her."

Alina smiled. "Sure Mal, I can help you find her."

Aleksander sighed. "We're not done talking."

"You're not," Alina replied, "I am. Bye, Aleksander."

She swept by him and walked away with Mal.

"That your ex or something?" Mal said. "It looked like a pretty intense conversation."

Alina shook her head, and glanced back pointedly at Aleksander's. "No, he's not an ex. He's really no one."

She knew Aleksander heard her by the glare that he was giving her. Alina had no doubt that she would pay for that comment later, but she didn't care. Let him get angry. She'd been angry enough hadn't she? 

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