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She was surprised when he didn't take her to the Morozova mansion, or even to her home as she thought that he would. Instead, Aleksander took her to a loft in downtown Os Alta. "I've never seen this place before," Alina said as the elevator doors opened, revealing the space.

Aleksander smiled at her. "Normally they're for corporate. Dad let me have one when I got into high school. He thought that I might need it."

Alina frowned. "Funny, my dad didn't give me that memo. Did you bring Zoya here? Or other girls?"

He laughed. "No. I didn't. Although I did bring Nikolai here a couple of times when we were both hungover. The couch might smell like pot too."

"You know I've never really done anything like that."

"Drinking?" said Aleksander. "I've seen you drink at parties."

"No," said Alina, "you've seen me sip champagne under the watchful eyes of our parents. I've never gotten drunk though. As you'll recall, that was one of your rules. You seemed to think it would lead to me making bad choices."

He shrugged. "I stand by that. Every time I was with Zoya, I was drunk or high."

"Why?" Alina asked.

"To be completely honest, Princess, I wanted to fuck you from the moment you got tits It was all I thought about the summer you turned fourteen. I was so pissed when Nikolai tried kissing you, I pushed him off the jet skis we went on later that day. I knew I couldn't fuck you t though. If we had sex, and you got pregnant, our parents would have married you off to me and we both would have lost any freedom that we had."

"But it was perfectly okay to fuck other girls?" Alina said. "And don't give me that bullshit about doing everything but. I know you, Aleksander. There's no way you were doing PG-rated things with those girls."

He winced. "Those other girls were fooling around with everyone. There wasn't any feeling with them. With you, I would have been lost completely. And I would have felt the need to preserve your honor, so I would have asked our parents to let us get married if something happened anyway. And then you would have hated me completely for being a brute."

Alina chewed on her bottom lip thoughtfully. "You need to stop worrying about preserving my honor. It's mine to do with as I please. No one else's."

"Yeah?" he said. "Did you do things with Mal?"

She shook her head. "We talked about it, and we kissed, but didn't go any further than that. Once he found out that he lied about how long he'd been in Os Alta, I don't think that I could be with him."

Aleksander grinned. "I know that you don't like me being jealous, but you've got no idea how happy that makes me."

They were still in the entryway of the loft. Alina was aware of how incredibly tall Aleksander was. He towered over her, and his gaze was dark as he talked about how much he hated the idea of her being with Mal. It shouldn't have made her feel anything. Except it did. There was pulsing in between her thighs. Alina clenched them together.

The gesture was small, but Aleksander looked down at her legs. His grin widened. "Are you feeling needy, wife? Do you want to be fucked?"

Alina blushed. "I'm not your wife."

"In the eyes of the Saints, you absolutely fucking are." He pulled her to him, his arms wrapped around her waist. "Those little jean shorts that you're wearing have been driving me crazy all evening. I could kill Brekker for putting you in those."

Alina looked up at him and smiled. "It's the uniform. What would you have me wear? A potato sack?"

Aleksander reached out and stroked her neck. "I would keep you locked up here, and I would fuck you day and night. I would keep you with my cum in your pussy. And by the time that we graduated, you'd be pregnant with my child, and I would keep you pregnant always."

Alina shivered. The thought of him being an over-controlling brute shouldn't have been sexy, and yet....

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Aleksander asked. "Do you want me to fuck you until you scream so loud, that it echoes through this loft?"

"Yes," she answered breathlessly, "yes, please. Aleks...."

"Aleks what?" he asked. "Say the words, Alina."

"I want you to fuck me, Aleksander."

He stroked her cheek. His forehead was pressed against hers, and she could feel his breath on her face. "I'm going to fuck you, Princess." He devoured her mouth, kissing her roughly. She let out a whine, and Aleksander pulled off the top that she was wearing. Alina wore a simple, white, bra and Aleksander pulled that off too. Both fell to the floor.

Alina expected that he would go to her breasts then. Instead, he unbuttoned her shorts, then put his hand down her panties. He cupped her pussy. "Do you know how much I've dreamed about this? Fucking your pussy again? It's haunted my dreams ever since that first time."

"Then fuck me," Alina whispered, "take what you want, Aleks. Please."

"Oh, I'm going to, Princess. But I've got to get you nice and ready." He stuck a finger in her pussy, and started to rub in between her folds. "I'm going to make you feel good, and then I'm going to fuck you."

He stroked her folds, and stuck another finger in there. Alina could feel herself gradually becoming wet with every touch.

"There's my girl," he said, "practically dripping for me. Still on birth control?"

Alina nodded. "Take me, Aleks. I want to feel your cock inside of me."

"Oh, I'll take you, Princess." He undid his belt buckle, then took off his pants, and his boxers. He went for her shorts and underwear next. They were both half-dressed. He pressed his cock up against her. "Do you feel that? That's me, wanting you. My cock is hard because of you. And you're going to give it some relief that it's been so desperate for."

"Stop talking," Alina growled, "and do it."

He had threaded his fingers through her jet-black hair. He held onto it, tightly, as he thrust his cock inside her entrance. He gripped her tightly to him and his hips rocked against hers. There was nothing but their skin slapping against each other and the sound of their panting. Alina could feel Aleksander's cock spilling into her, and her cunt clenched around him.

A cry came from her. One that was so loud, she was certain it must have been heard throughout the building. Aleksander's whole body clenched around her too, as he let out a guttural sound that echoed through the place too.

Alina held onto him tightly, her legs wobbly, and cum dripping down her legs. "Think we can make it to the bed to do that?"

"Oh," said Aleksander, "we most definitely can."

He picked her up and carried her bridal style to the master bedroom. He put her on the bed, took off his shirt, then fucked her again. They fell asleep in a tangled mess. Sweaty, and in love, and content. 

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