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Alina had gone to Genya's several times over the year. Each time, her mother hadn't even been there. Genya said there were months at a time that she and Mal didn't even see her. She was always off somewhere, with a new man in her life, or one of her fabulous friends. She would leave them with credit cards or cash and told them to "fend for themselves" and to "only call if it was an emergency."

Even when it was an emergency, she didn't show. When Mal had been arrested for Vasily, she hadn't bothered to show. She'd wired the money for his bail. Then sent one of her "friends" or as she told them to call them "uncles" that was a lawyer to help get Mal off. After, they didn't see her until Winter.

When Alina knocked on the door, Genya opened it right away and hugged her. "Are you okay?" she demanded.

Alina took a deep sigh. "I don't.... I don't know. I mean, physically yes. Mentally I' parents just tried to sell me to the highest bidder, again."

"And Aleksander found you?" Genya said.

She nodded. "I would have texted you myself, but my phone was dead. Nikolai's father sent a security guard after me and there was a whole thing with The Apparat."

"The Apparat?" Genya asked. "What do you mean, there was a whole thing with The Apparat?"

"Well, the Lantsovs security guard chased me into the church of The Starless Saint. I had to stay there while I waited for Aleksander. The Apparat knew about our previous arranged marriage, and he didn't take kindly to the Lantsovs trying to take me away from who he thought was my intended. He kept"

"I'm relieved you're okay," Genya said, "um.... are you sure this isn't going to be weird, though? My brother does live here too."

Alina blushed. "It will be fine. I...I told my parents that I wasn't going to take any of their money, if it meant following through with the arranged marriage to Nikolai. But um...I am going to need a job to make ends meet."

Genya beamed at her. "You can work at The Crow Club!"

Alina raised an eyebrow. "The Crow Club? The place owned by Kaz Brekker?"

She nodded. "My friend Nina works there as a bartender. And you're too young to tend bar, but you could be a waitress. Or maybe even a ring girl, if you really wanted."

"What's a ring girl?" Alina asked.

"They hold up the numbers at fights to let people know what round their on. Sometimes things get rowdy, so we need a few girls on there. Mal would love it if you were a ring girl. We wear these cute outfits I designed."

"What's the outfit like?"

"Booty shorts with a low cut t-shirt that has Ring Girl on it."

Alina laughed. She couldn't wait to see Aleksander's expression if he ever saw her in that outfit. Which, if she had anything to say about it, he wouldn't. "I think I'll stick to waitressing, for now."

Genya rolled her eyes. "You're no fun."

"I know where my strengths are. Um.... does Mal know that I'm staying here?"

Her friend winced. "I haven't exactly had a chance to tell him yet. He goes to school and then works, and he and Kaz have been working really hard to get the fight night thing going. I practically never see him."

"Can you just text him? I would, but my phone is still not charged."

Genya sighed. "Sure, sure."

"Do you mind if I take a shower? I need to wash the grime off of me."

"Okay, but there's only one bathroom. This place might be a suite but it wasn't made for people to really be living more than one day in if you know what I mean. Oh, and if you need clothes, just grab something from my closet. We're the same size and you can borrow whatever."

"Thank you, Genya. You've got no idea how much this means to me."

"I'm going to go for a run, so don't worry if you hear someone come in and out. Okay?"

"Okay," Alina nodded, "thanks again. You've got no idea how much this means to me."

"Anytime, sweetie. Oh----want food or anything, Mom's got her card on room service, so just charge it to The Luxe Suite."

Alina smiled. "Thanks."

Genya gave her one more hug, then went off for a jog. When she was gone, Alina slipped into the shower, and undressed. It had been an incredibly long day and she felt as though she had aged one hundred years.

She stepped into the shower, turned on the water, and let it run over her. As she tried not to think about the day, she heard the hotel room door open again. She guessed it was Genya having forgotten something.

Alina washed, taking her time. She thought of the other day in the opera house, with Aleksander, and the way he had made her feel with just his touch. She wanted that again. The sensation of someone caring so much for her as they worshipped her body----

"Genya, I'm sorry, I'm using the---OH FUCKING SAINTS."

Alina let out a little scream, and she turned to see Mal standing in the doorway covering his eyes with his hands.

"Alina!" he shouted. "What the fuck are you doing in my shower?"

Alina covered her chest instinctively, even though he had covered his own eyes and wasn't looking. "I'm sorry. I'm staying with you. Didn't Genya text you?"

With his eyes still covered, Mal said, "No, she most certainly fucking did not. Not that I'm not happy to see you but why are you staying with us?"

"Because I.... I refused the engagement my parents arranged for me with Nikolai. I'm turning down their inheritance. I know it makes things messy, but I had nowhere else to go."

Mal sighed. "It's fine I've just got to piss. Um."

"We're teenagers, Mal. It's fine if you go to the bathroom."

"Okay. But close your eyes."


"Hey, I'm giving you your privacy. The least you can do is give me the same. Guys can get insecure too, you know. And I've imagined you seeing my cock many different times, but not in this scenario. At least not until we're old and grey and living happily with each other."

Alina let out a nervous laugh. "You've um....imagined me seeing your cock?"

Mal coughed. "Linnie, I've got to go pee. Please let me go and cover your eyes."

"Alright, alright." She covered her eyes, and let Mal go to the bathroom. It took everything in her not to sneak a look.

When he was done, he flushed the toilet. "Well, I've had my share of embarrassment for the day. Um....I'll let you get back to your shower."

"Right...right. Thanks."

"Anytime---I mean---shit. I'm going before I say anything else weird." He left, closing the door tightly behind him. Alina laughed nervously again and then finished her shower. When she was done, she grabbed a towel and went outside.

In the hall, Mal had just passed by and stopped short as he was shoving popcorn into his mouth. He stopped and stared at her, half-naked, dripping wet in a towel. His eyes roamed over her body and Mal let out a groan. "Fuck. How long are you staying with us?"

"Um," she confessed, "I don't know really."

"Saints, I've died and gone to hell." 

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