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Alina was there. In his room. Willingly. It had been almost a month since he had seen her. He could not remember the last time that he had gone that long without seeing her. It had nearly driven him crazy, and the only thing that kept him sane was that he could catch glimpses of her in her room from her window. The engagement was done, and he had no way to keep track of her.

It was taking everything in his power not to drag her to his bed and do every, filthy thing that he had imagined since he hadn't been able to.

"You didn't tell me the truth about Mal."

"I couldn't," Aleksander said, "Nikolai's father made me sign an NDA. And my father told me I couldn't talk about it either. Because they wanted to make sure that there wasn't anything leaked to the press. The only way to do that was to make it so we both couldn't talk about it. Mal's mother also demanded compensation for what happened to Genya. The Lantsov's wouldn't pay, because of what happened to Vasily. So my parents have been paying them to keep things quiet."

"How did they wind up at our school?" Alina asked.

"That was my father's doing. It was the only way he could get the payments to end." Aleksander noticed that she was fairly dressed up. Alina was wearing a skirt with a white, ruffled blouse. She had on her iris perfume that drove him crazy. "Please tell me you didn't go on a date with him. Please, please, please."

Alina sniffed. "Yes. I did. I'm single, and he asked."

Aleksander clenched his fists together. "I'm going to kill him."

She shook her head. "You absolutely will not. You're going to stay away from him."

Aleksander walked closer to her, and Alina backed away from him, and he hated it. "The engagement might be off, but you know as well as I do that the two of us belong with each other. You and me...I know one thing to be certain, you're going to be mine."

Alina stepped away from him again. "I didn't have a choice before. You didn't give me the choice. You found a way to make me be with you."

He stepped forward again, trying his hardest to get closer to her. "Then let me convince you to be with me."

"I'm dating Mal."

"Fine. Date him. But date me too."

"You sound so cocky."

"Because you and me, we're like the sun and the moon. We have to rise and fall with each other to make the world work. If we don't, everything else topples."

Her expression was unreadable. "That's a dangerous type of love. I can't do that anymore, Aleksander. It's too hard." She was standing there staring at him. Aleksander couldn't help but stare back.

"Are you sure?" he said. "Because you and me, we were just beginning. You've felt my tongue on your cunt. I have kissed you. Are you prepared to never feel that again?"

Alina bit down on her lip. "I made my choice."

"And there's nothing that I can do to make you change your mind?"

She shook her head. "Whatever you think about Mal, he's nice, and he was honest with me. And I want to be with someone that wants to be with me because they like me, not because they think they have the right to me."

"Is that so?" Aleksander asked.


He stepped forward again, and she stepped back. He wanted to get as close as he possibly could to her. It wasn't right that it had been nearly a month since he had been able to touch her. "And you're completely fine with us never being together?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"I'm not. I'll never be fine with that. And...if I were to kiss you right now, you wouldn't kiss me back?" he asked.

Alina glared at him. "Don't do this."

"Don't do what?" he said. "All I'm doing is making certain that you know exactly what it is that you're giving up if you decide not to be with me. Because if you think that I won't fight for you Alina, you don't know anything. I will always fight for you, and I will never stop."

"Aleksander, this isn't fair."

"What's not fair?" he said. "Let me kiss you right now, Alina. If you can kiss me, and not feel anything, I will stop. I'll leave you alone forever unless you decide that you want me again. But.... just let me kiss you. Let me kiss you just once more, please Alina. I'm begging you."

Alina looked up at him. "You.... you...."

He got closer to her, and she didn't push him away. Aleksander grabbed her by the arms. "Oh. You have no idea how much I have missed touching you."

"We didn't do that much together," Alina whispered.

"We did enough," he growled. He cupped her face in his hands. "And we're going to do so much more."

"You don't know that I---" he kissed her, and she pressed up against him, grabbing at his shirt. Aleksander gripped her tighter towards him, and kissed her even deeper. She was the sweetest thing that he had ever tasted. "Aleksander...." It came out as a little whine, and Aleksander pulled away from him with a grin.

"You can date Mal all that you want. But you are always going to be mine, Solnishka. Even your body knows that."

"You are wrong!" Alina shook her head. "This is the last time that this is going to happen."

"Are you sure?" he started stroking her arms. "Because we don't even have to date. We could just be casual. I will let you be completely in control of it. Whatever you want."

Alina licked her lips. "Whatever I want? You really mean that?"

He nodded.

"No other girls?"

"No other girls. There will only be you."

"Then kiss me again."

"I can do that."

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