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This was happening.

Aleksander Morozova had pulled her from the cafeteria, into an empty classroom, and was kissing her. "Aleks----" she tried speaking in between "----Aleks----"

"Stop talking," he growled into her mouth. He was cupping one of her breasts now with one hand, and using the other to unbutton her blouse. She let herself focus only on what he was doing.

"Aleks-----" he had started to take off her bra. "Aleksander, stop."

Aleksander pulled away momentarily, panting heavily. "Are you sure? I was just getting started, Princess. There were so many things that I could do to you right now to make you feel good." He pulled her up against him, and she could feel his cock through the bulge in his pants.

"We're in school," Alina hissed, "I'm not going to let you fuck me in a classroom like one of your whores."

He reached up and stroked her cheek. "You're not a whore. You're my fiancé. You're going to be my wife. I want to be inside you, now. I told you one of the rules was that when I ask you to come with me, you come to me."

Alina rolled her eyes. "The only reason you're interested in me now is because you saw me with Mal jealous."

"I am not jealous of that little rat. It doesn't matter what he does. He can flirt with you all he wants. He's never going to have you. I am the only one that will ever have you. Just remember that."

Alina slipped out from under his grasp. "I do remember that. I remember it every hour of every day as you treat me like I'm nothing."

"Does it seem like I think that you're nothing right now?" Aleksander asked. "I know you felt how much I want you."

"Wanting to fuck me isn't the same as wanting me."

"Really?" Aleksander said with a smirk. "Tell that to my cock."

Alina took a deep breath. "I am going to kill you. You can't do this to me, Aleksander. You ignore me all day and then after school you act like a cave man when it comes to me. I'm not some toy for you."

"You're forgetting how this works, Lina."

She started to walk away from him. "No. I haven't forgotten how any of this works. I remember every, single day of my life that my world rises and sets around you and that I don't get anything that is my own. Even you."

The bell rang then.

Alina shook her head. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have class to get to."

"Lina, we're not done talking about this. You let me have a taste of you the other night and I intend to have all of you."

"You have your rules, Aleksander. I have mine. You're not having me until we're married. I don't have much say in what happens to me, but I do have a say in that. Unless of course, you want to be completely barbaric and----"

Aleksander put a hand up. "Don't even finish that sentence. I'm a bastard, I'm not a monster."

"Good," said Alina, "then we have an understanding."

She started to leave the room. "Oh, and Aleksander?"

"Yeah?" Aleksander said.

She glared at him. "Tell Zoya I said hi the next time you see her under the bleachers."

When Alina left, all he could do was stand there, fuming. He kept on picturing the image of Mal Oretsev making her laugh. He hated that. He wanted to be the one to make her laugh. He wanted to be the one to make her do everything.

He was not used to not getting what he wanted. Alina was normally quiet, and sweet. She did whatever he asked most of the time as long as he didn't push her. Alina challenging him wasn't something that he was used to.

He wasn't sure that he liked that.

The rest of the day was tortuously long. He wasn't able to focus on anything except how it had felt to have Alina pressed against the wall in the classroom. Her breasts were perfect, and she was so small, he knew she would fit perfectly in underneath him when he finally did fuck her. He would make it happen one way or another. He was a Morozova, after all. He would always get what he wanted one way or another.

There were few things in this world that Aleksander was absolutely certain of. But the one thing in his life that he was certain of was that Alina was his, and he would have her. One way or another. 

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