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Dinner with the Morozova's always made Alina nervous. Even though she'd known them for years. Eric and Baghra Morozova were a fearsome couple. Eric was a brilliant artist and inventor who had used his skills to create The Fold. He scared the shit out of people in board rooms every day, his son, and Alina. Baghra Morozova was one of the most important society woman in Ravka and had managed to con the Ravkaan President into donating five million dollars at one charity event. There were rumors that she'd hit him with her cane, which she had to use from an injury she'd gotten because of her service in the military.

Whenever Alina was around them, they always, always talked about her future with Aleksander. They gave wedding suggestions. Talked about grandchildren. And Baghra always gave her points on important people that she would have to know because she was going to be the head of The Folds charity eventually.

Worse, Alina was sitting next to Aleksander who kept on placing his hand on her thigh in under her skirt as she tried to eat. "Aleksander..." she whispered under her breath, trying to focus on what Mr. Morozova was saying to Wylan. "Aleksander, we're at the dinner table."

"I know," Aleksander whispered into her ear, "and I'm hungry for one thing in particular. Why don't you let me have a taste?"

"Not in front of your family," she hissed.

"Are you wearing tights?" Aleksander said.

Alina took a bite of her steak, and smiled politely at him through her teeth. "Yes."

"Oh. I want to rip them off of you."

"If you don't stop, I'm going to spill my water all over you."

"Come on. Didn't you say that you were tired of me treating you like a little kid? Well, I'm trying to seduce you underneath the dinner table. I would say that's a very, very adult thing."

"Your parents---"

"Would be ecstatic if they found the two of us fucking in a room," he said, "come on."


"Is busy discussing military weapons with my father. He won't even notice that were gone."

"Your mother will," Alina said, "Baghra notices everything."

Aleksander chuckled. "Baghra would ask if I used a condom and hit me with her cane if I did. You know how much she wants grandchildren."

He was now stroking the inside of her thigh, and Alina was having a hard time focusing. She wanted to finish her meal. She wanted to enjoy the conversation the Morozova's and Wylan were having. And yet every time Aleksander stroked her, she was having to bite down harder and harder on her lip. "Aleksander...."

"Come on," Aleksander whispered, "come on. I'm ravenous and it isn't for steak. It's for you."

Alina bit down hard on her lip. She shouldn't have been wanting to be with him. Not when she was trying to think up ways of how to see Mal on the weekends. "Excuse me," Alina said, "I just need to go to the restroom."

"Everything alright dear?" Baghra asked.

Alina took a sip of her water. "Everything is fine. Just got to go pee."

She slipped away from the table into the bathroom. A few moments later Aleksander slipped in.

"How'd you get away?" Alina said.

He shrugged. "I lied and said that I was going to finish some homework." He placed his hands on either side of her hips, and he pulled her up onto the bathroom sink. "Saints, you smell so good. I wanted to fuck you there on the table."

Alina blushed. "You're ridiculous."

"I'm not ridiculous," he said, "you're beautiful." He was taking her tights off, then her shoes. When he was done peeling them off of her, Aleksander took off her heals too, and then he kissed either one of her ankles.

"What are you going to do to me?" Alina said.

"Well, we can't risk you getting pregnant," he said, "but there's plenty of ways that I can sate my hunger. And maybe give you a little dessert too."

She raised an eyebrow. "Such as?"

"Grip the sink tightly, Princess. And part your legs for me."

Biting down hard on her lip, Alina did just that. Then Aleksander was buried between her thighs, and she felt his tongue in between her folds. He licked, and devoured, and Alina's toes curled as she gripped the kitchen sink. She bit down even harder on her lip again. If she moaned, and Baghra or Eric heard her, she didn't even want to think of what would happen.

Alina could only focus on Aleksander's tongue doing delicious things to her. After a few minutes, he pulled his head out then stood up again. A wicked grin crossed his face. "Hot and bothered, Princess?"

"I am....I am...." She tried searching for the right words. None would come though. She wanted Aleksander in between her legs again.

He cupped her chin in his hands, and kissed her. "Want more?"

Alina could only nod wordlessly, still dizzy from what he'd done with his tongue to her. He parted her thighs again, this time with his hand, and he pressed one finger into her. She had seen Aleksander and the way he was with girls. But she had never fully experienced it herself. He stroked her in between her folds, first with one finger, and then another. A moan finally escaped her, and Aleksander kissed her again to keep the others from hearing her.

When they parted, Alina felt as if she had seen stars. She was tingling with pleasure, and desperate for more. "What did you---how did you----"

"I just made you cum, Princess," Aleksander whispered, stroking her cheek, "and you, lucky girl, are going to get that from me for the rest of your life."

"We can't---we can't----" Alina shook her head. "We can't do that again."

"Oh come on. You can't tell me that wasn't good for you. I felt how wet you were."

"Are you going to stop being with Zoya?" Alina asked.

He sighed. "Lina----"


He had her trapped between his arms, with her on the sink. Aleksander looked at her with a glare. "No. I'm not moving."

"What are you going to do? Keep me here against my will? Fuck me without-----"

Aleksander kissed her roughly. "I need you."

"And I need someone that respects me enough to be with only me, and not me and a harem."

He scowled. "I haven't been with a harem."

"Not this year, at least." Alina pushed him away from her, then got up off the sink. "Tell your mom dinner was lovely as always. I'm going home."

"Lina, at least let me walk you."

But she had already brushed past him, not even bothering to pick up her shoes or the tights that were on the floor. He made her want things she didn't think he was capable of. And she hated herself for thinking he could change every, fucking time. 

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