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The text message came late that night when she'd fallen asleep after a few hours spent studying. They often did, much to Alina's annoyance. Sometimes, it was just him saying good night which Alina didn't mind. Other times...

Show me your tits. -Aleks

She sighed, and glared at her phone screen. No. She texted furiously.

Her phone vibrated, only this time it was a screentime message. Aleksander's face loomed at her. "Come on, Alina. I'm hard thinking about you. I need something, wifey."

"I'm not your wife yet," she reminded him.

"One more year, and you will be." He flashed her his wicked smile. "Come on. You don't want me going to other girls for things, then you've got to give me something."

"And if I don't?"

"Oh, I'm sure I'll find some way to make your life miserable. You know I can."

Alina sighed. "I'm studying."

"You were sleeping," he told her, "you always fall asleep around this time because you've been up too late already. Now, top off."

She bit her lip. "Aleksander...."

"I'm waiting."

Sighing, Alina pulled off the t-shirt she'd changed into the moment she got home. Then, carefully, she took off her bra. Her room was cold and she could feel Aleksander's smoldering gaze through the camera. "Happy?"

He let out a low whistle. "Oh, Lina, your breasts are fucking perfect. Small little things I'm going to have a good time playing with. Why don't you?"

Alina raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Play with your breasts for me, Princess. Put the phone where I can see you do it. Make me happy, and I won't fool around with another girl if you do exactly what I say."

She hesitated. Alina had never done anything like this before. But if she didn't, she knew he would fool around with other girls and she'd be forced to watch. "Fine." She put the phone on her lap, where he could still see her.

Then she cupped her breasts in her hands, and started massaging them.

"Good girl," Aleksander purred, "Why don't you play with your nipples for me too?"

Alina started rubbing her nipples, and as she played with them the strangest sensation came over her. A slight shiver up and down her spine that made her moan.

Aleksander grinned at her. "There you go, Princess. That's the fucking stuff. I like that a lot. Now-----take off your pants."

Alina stopped what she was doing and her eyes widened. "What?"

"Take off your pants."

She stood up, and carefully did as told. She was standing in nothing but panties, white ones, with a little red rose at the top.

"Have you ever played with yourself, Lina?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"I want you to do that now. Stick your hand in your panties, and a finger in your pussy, and I want you to sit in that chair and play with yourself. I want to hear you moan."

"Aleksander, I don't want to. That's embarrassing."

"Come on, Lina. I could find my pleasure elsewhere.... but you're going to be my future wife. I want to watch you."

Hesitantly, Alina sat back down in her computer chair and she did what he'd told her to do. She stuck her hand into her panties, her fingers slowly inching their way into her fold. "Now what?" Alina asked.

"Rub your little pussy for me, Princess."

She started to rub, first slowly, too aware that he was watching her every move. And then harder, until finally she felt a tingling sensation as something wet and sticky went over her fingers with each rub. "Aleksandeerrr...." she moaned his name, stopping quickly, and blushing.

Alina had known Aleksander Morozova for far too long to ever fantasize about him. He was an arrogant ass, that she was being forced to marry. Mostly, what she felt for him was hatred and contempt. She had never felt anything like desire or lust for him before though.

"What did you do to me?" she demanded through her lust filled haze.

He grinned. "Made you cum. I'm going to be making you do a lot of that when were married, only it will be better than your fingers. Because it will be mine, making you feel that pleasure."

"You're a demon."

He tilted his head to the side. "Oh, come now wifey. That's no way to talk to your husband. Never go to bed angry, you know the old saying."

"I hope you rot."

"I don't think you do, though," he told her, "I'll see you tomorrow, Princess. Thanks for the show. Have sweet dreams of me."

Before she could say anything more, the facetime ended abruptly leaving her scowling and unsatisfied with thoughts of the grey eyed monster swirling in her head. Thoughts that she wanted nothing to do with.

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