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It had only been hours ago that she had been with Mal. Hours ago where Mal had been honest with her. And she had ridden his motorcycle, and she had felt like she was flying. Now she was in Aleksander's room, being pressed up against his wall. He had taken her shirt off, then her bra, and was fixated on her nipples. Her left one was being twisted by him. Her right was being sucked by him. And Alina was trying her hardest not to make noises to alert his parents of what was going on in the room. But it wasn't working. She was whining and whimpering, and a complete mess all because of the little things that he was doing to her body.

He pulled his mouth away from her breast for a second, still twisting her other one. His gaze was hooded as he looked at her. "Oh, Princess," he said, "you don't know how much I like those little sounds that you are making. Are you needy for me, Alina?"

She could only whine in response. "Aleks."

He chuckled. "If I touch your pussy now, is it going to be wet? I bet it is. I bet that it's going to be absolutely dripping for me."

"Aleks, please," she whined. She sounded so desperately needy she almost hated herself. How could she be so desperate for his touch? How could he make her come so completely undone? She was a rational girl. She knew better than to get lost in all of this. And yet...

He had taken off his pants, and his boxers, and she couldn't help but stare at his cock. It was big. Bigger than she thought that it would be.

Alina swallowed. "Are you sure that will fit?"

He chuckled. "Don't you worry, Princess. I will make it fit. But let me get you ready first, sweetheart."

He pealed off her skirt, then her panties. He put his hand in between her thighs and stroked circles on her leg. Alina shivered at his touch. He was kneeling, and he kissed her right knee. "I'm going to make you feel so good, Lina." He stood up again, then he cupped her pussy in his hands. "I'm going to make it so that I am the only one that you ever want to touch you here, because this is mine."

She bit down hard on her lip, then kissed him. "So, touch me then."

He grinned wickedly, then she felt his finger in between her folds. He started stroking, and Alina whimpered.

"Aleks," she whispered, "I have to go."

He stopped what he was doing, and he glanced up at her. "What?"

"I can't do this. Not until I talk with Mal. I know how much it hurt me when you would fool around with Zoya, and I don't want to do that to someone."

Aleksander furrowed his brows. "Are you going to still see him?"

She hesitated. "I don't know. I don't know what I want. But I know that I want to try to be honest with him because you weren't honest with me. I don't want him to feel the same hurt that I did."

"He might anyway," Aleksander said. He kissed her neck. "Once he finds out all of the things that I've done to you...all he's going to think about is how I touched you, and how I tasted you. Come on, Alina. You know that you and I are going to get together."

He started to trail kisses down her legs. "You can tell Mal what we've done. You can shout it from the rooftops. But do not deny----" he kissed the inside of her left thigh, and then her right, "---that you want this, Alina. You are shaking with desire. I know how much you want me. Have me."

He stood up then, holding his arms out as if to offer himself up. "I'll even let you take control. You can do whatever you want." He took off his shirt.

Alina looked him up and down. He was completely naked. How long had she wanted this? Him coming to her, desperate with want, to be with only her?

"Be with me, Alina," he said, "be with me and be with whoever you want. Be with Ma. Be with Nikolai if you wish. But be with me."

She raised an eyebrow. "How do I know that you aren't just going to try keeping me locked away again?"

Aleksander walked over to her, then took her hand in his. He lightly traced circles on the top. "Because I made a mistake the last time. I only thought about what I wanted. I didn't think about what you wanted. So, I am going to do whatever it takes to make you want me as bad as I want you."

Alina pulled herself out of his grasp. "I want to do this honorably."

Aleksander sighed, and held his head down. "I am naked and asking you to fuck me. Be dishonorable just this once. It won't kill you."

"No," said Alina as she started to dress again, "but I might not ever be able to sleep because of it. You said---" she put on her shoes, and then she pulled on her shirt. "You said that I could do this my way."

Aleksander sighed. "You're killing me."

She had finished dressing, and she kissed him. "Now you know how I feel."

He groaned. "At least let me----"

"I will let you do whatever you want once I take care of Mal."

"Whatever I want?" he said, looking up at her with a waggle of his eyebrows.

Alina laughed. "Yes. Whatever I want." She winked at him. "I'll see you soon."


"Aleks, I'll be back, I promise."

"You had better."

She smiled, and she went back out to the balcony to climb down the trellis. She slipped through the hedge back to her home. Before she went inside, she glanced up at Aleksander's window. He was looking down at her with that smoldering gaze and she smiled back up at him. 

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