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Alina wasn't prepared to go back to school. Back to where Aleksander could find her at any given moment. Back to where he could watch her every move. Almost the thought of it made her squirm. But there was something big that changed the morning of her first day back.

"Alina," said Makhi, "are you finished with your breakfast?"

She nodded, then went to put her bowl of cereal in the sink. "Don't worry. My leg feels better. I shouldn't be late even if I do walk."

Her mother smiled, and exchanged looks with her father. "About that. Since Aleksander won't be driving you anymore, we got you something."

Leo laughed. "We got you something because your mother feels uncomfortable watching you speed around Os Alta with that boy on his motorcycle."

Alina raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? I'm perfectly safe with Mal. A lot safer than Aleksander, even you said that Mama."

"I did," she said with a nod, "and I still hold to that. But the motorcycle makes me nervous. So, since you have your license too, we decided it was finally time that you got something you've wanted for a while."

"What are you talking about?" Alina asked.

"Come with me." Her mother took her hand, and her father followed them out to the driveway. Alina let out a gasp when she saw what was waiting for her. There was a black Tesla waiting for her.

She looked at her parents. "Saints! Is that mine?"

Her parents smirked at each other, then her father handed her the keys. He kissed her on the cheek. "Be safe, dear."

"I will," Alina said, and she wrapped her parents in a hug. "It's perfect! I can't believe you got me this."

"We want you safe, Alina," her father said, "we're just sorry that we didn't see the trouble Aleksander was giving you earlier."

There was the sound of a car pulling into the drive just then, and Alina glanced over to see Aleksander's black mustang.

Aleksander pulled to a stop, and he got out. "What the fuck is this?" he glared at the Tesla as if the car had done something personal to offend him. Then he glanced at Alina's father. "Leo, I thought you wanted me to take Alina to school."

Her father glared at him. "Aleksander, while your family will always be important to ours, we cannot condone you being around our daughter alone. Not after what happened. I made a mistake in allowing thar arranged marriage to happen."

"Leo, Makhi, I would never let anything bad happen to your daughter."

Alina's mother gripped her shoulder tightly, as if afraid of what Aleksander might do. It was a good thing that her parents had no idea what they had done together only a week ago. "Recent events have proven otherwise," said Makhi, "our daughter will be driving herself from now on. Your services are no longer needed. Leave, now. Before we call the cops. Or your parents."

Aleksander glowered. "You know that I care for your daughter."

Leo stepped forward, and he loomed over him. Reminding Alina how much of a boy Aleksander still was in comparison to her father's towering form.

He puffed up his chest, and then he backed down. "Fine," said Aleksander, "I'll go."

"Good," said Leo, "and remember to keep away from her. Alina, the same goes for you. Keep away from Aleksander unless we're with you."

Alina glanced up at her father. "Papa, the fall was an accident. Aleksander didn't mean----"

Leo shook his head. "Don't care. Keep away from him. Do you understand? Or else I'll find someone new to arrange a marriage for you to."

Alina glared at him. "You can't just barter me off like I'm some sort of prize."

Leo glowered at her. "You're my daughter. I can do with you what I like. If I choose to arrange a marriage for you, I will arrange a marriage for you and you will do as I say."

"Keep your car. If that's what it means to be your daughter, I don't want it."

"Alina," said her mother, "be reasonable, please. Your father is just trying to do what's best for you."

"And none of you have ever even stopped to consider what I want!" Alina shouted. And before she knew what she was doing, she was running away as fast as she possibly could. 

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