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There was a body in the canal. It was not uncommon for there to be bodies in the canals of Ketterdam. The police found them frequently. What was uncommon was that this particular one was still breathing.

Kaz Brekker peered down at the body that Matthias had found. "Are you absolutely sure it's him? It's a bit strange that he'd be here. This isn't exactly the rich boy's place."

"You said he went missing months ago, right?" Matthias asked. "That there was some strange elopement with a girl that he hated too? Right after the one that he was in love with was supposed to marry his best friend?"

Kaz nodded. "She didn't, though. Wheedled his family out of millions instead. I always did admire Alina Starkov. She was far too quiet to be the sweet thing that everyone was making her out to be."

Matthias snorted. "Maybe she wasn't so sweet, considering her ex-fiance ended up in the canal, half dead. I gave him CPR, and he coughed up water but he hasn't woken up."

Kaz peered down at the half-alive body of Aleksander Morozova. It had been a long time since he had seen his old friend. He certainly hadn't expected that he would see him here, of all places.

Aleksander wasn't a Ketterdam man. He came from rooms in too expensive places, where everything screamed money. But sure enough, he was there, half dead. And a bit waterlogged.

"Should we call someone?" Matthias asked.

"Take him to The Crow Club," Kaz said, "put him in my rooms upstairs. I'll make a call."

"Sure thing." Matthias picked up Aleksander's still breathing, but a lifeless husk. He put him into his car and drove off.

Kaz watched the whole thing. When he was done, he made a call. It was two rings before he got an answer.

"Kaz?" Alina's voice said. "Why are you calling me? Are you drunk again? I told you, you've got to stop being mean to Inej. It's not flirting. It's just you being a dick. Calling her an investment is not the flex you think it is."

Kaz snorted. "Inej and I are perfectly fine, Alina. I have not called you for help with conversational problems."

"Just call it romantic advice, Kaz," Alina said, "that's much more normal."

"I'm afraid I do not subscribe to the world's views of normal, Alina."

She chuckled. "Alright. What's wrong? Do you need bail money?"

Kaz chuckled. "It's cute that you would think that I need bail money. No, Alina, you need to come to Ketterdamn. As soon as possible."

There was a long pause. "Why?" Alina asked.

"I believe that I found something that belongs to you."

"What?" Alina said.

"Aleksander Morozova." 

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