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Alina didn't go out with Mal that day. Instead, she went to visit her father in his office at The Fold. He was on a phone call when she entered. Leo gestured for her to take a seat. Alina sat down just as he was saying, "....and I'm sure it will be fine. I'll call you back, alright? My daughter just came in. Uh-huh. Ah-huh. Yes, right. Till then. Bye."

Leo hung up the phone, then smiled at her. "Alina, darling. How was your second day back at school?" She hated that he could look at her so calmly as if he hadn't made a big decision in her life for her only yesterday. She almost felt like telling him the truth. That she hadn't gone to school, and she'd lost her virginity instead. To the last person, he wanted to lose her virginity to, Aleksander.

Instead, she looked him straight in the eyes and asked, "Fine. How was the bidding auction you had for me last night?"

Leo blinked. "I'm sorry? What are you talking about?"

"Nikolai told me all about the loan you were trying to take out from his father. And how you managed to get free money for your movie by agreeing to marry me off to Nik. Is that why you've suddenly decided that Aleksander isn't good enough for me when only months ago you were literally planning my wedding to him?"

Leo frowned. "Who told you that?"

"Nikolai did! He overheard the conversation that you had at dinner."

"Alina, I know you don't like this. But I am simply thinking about what is best for your future. It took a lot for Eric and me to build this company. We were poor boys before we started The Fold. We know what it's like to have nothing. And I don't want you to lose everything because of a foolish, youthful indiscretion."

She glared at him. "You think that I'm going to make a foolish, youthful indiscretion? When was the last time that I did that?"

"You're a young, naïve, sweet, rich girl. There are plenty of people that would take advantage of that. Particularly men. And I know you would do anything for someone that you loved. I simply want you to be protected."

Alina threw her hands up in the air. "Father, this isn't about me being protected. This is about you, getting to make Saint Juris of The Sword."

Leo glowered at her. "The movie is important, yes. But what kind of monster do you take me for? I wouldn't sell my daughter off for that. I am trying to protect you. Do you think Aleksander will stop wanting you simply because we told him not to? I thought that by arranging a marriage for you with your other best friend, and his, I was saving you both from a world of heartache."

"You are trapping me again!" Alina said. "And if that movie was so precious to you, you should have looked at the research I gave you for it before you presented it to Eric!"

Leo frowned. "What research?"

"I spent the entire summer of my freshman year looking up information on Saint Juris because I knew how important the film was to you. The script was terrible because it didn't get the core of the story, that's why Eric turned it down. He knew it was going to be bad when he read the script. I heard him talking about it at the 25th-anniversary party. I watched you throw the research in the garbage shortly after I gave it to you though. You called it my 'little project'. Why can't you see that I might have some input in this company too? Or have you forgotten that I am an artist like you?"

Leo sighed. "I'm sorry, Alina. I'm sorry if you feel like I've ignored you, and I'm not listening to you. But it's already been done. Your mother agreed, and the paperwork has been signed. When you turn eighteen----"

"Save the song and dance," said Alina, "I know how this story ends. If this is about your money, I don't want it. Give the whole damn company to Aleksander. I don't care. I'm not going to be the prized cow that you auction off. I'll find some other way to take care of myself."

"And go where?" Leo asked. "You are seventeen, a junior in high school----"

"And one of the top students in my class," Alina interrupted, "and I talked with my counselor today before I came here. She said if I really wanted to, I was on track to graduate this year."

"You're still seventeen. And if you don't go through with this marriage----"

"I won't get my inheritance. I know. I don't want your blood money. I'll find some other way to make this work."

"Alina, you don't know what you're doing. I might not be as powerful as Eric, but I am powerful enough in Ravka that I can make your life even more difficult for you. I can make sure that you don't get a job."

"Then I'll live on the street, and I'll starve. I am not letting you control my life. Not anymore." She got up, and stormed off from the office, slamming the door shut on the way out. She was done being the dutiful daughter. She was doing what she wanted from now on. No one else, not even her parents, would tell her what she should and shouldn't do. 

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