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A few years ago

"Are you seriously staring? Are you drunk?" Aleksander glanced at Nikolai who was looking at Alina who was sitting alone at their family's table sketching.

Nikolai laughed and took a drag of his cigarette. They were at the 25th-anniversary party for The Fold. And the two of them were smoking and drinking out on the balcony. "Shut up, man. Alina's gorgeous. Anyway, it's not like you care. You've been hooking up with Zoya since freshman year."

Aleksander shrugged. "Alina just turned fifteen. She's...I mean I've known her forever."

"Right well," said Nikolai, "she starts school with us in September. You know it won't be long before someone asks her out. Why not me?"

Aleksander took a drag of his cigarette. "Because, of the arrangement." The words tumbled out of his mouth before he knew what he was saying. 

Nikolai raised an eyebrow. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Aleksander patted him on the shoulder. "They're not going to announce it until Alina's eighteen, but they've arranged a marriage for us. Combining our assets and all of that shit. They don't want to risk her getting married to someone else and it causing issues with the company if they divorce. So, when we're both eighteen, we're getting married."

Nikolai took a drink of his champagne in his hand. "And Alina doesn't know?"

Aleksander shook his head. "They thought she'd freak out if she knew too soon."

"That's a little old school, isn't it?" Nikolai said.

"It's Ravka. There are plenty of people that still rely on matches for marriages. It's tradition." Aleksander winked at him. "But don't tell her, alright? No reason to make her worry yet."

Nikolai sighed. "Fuck. Shit man. Yeah. Of course. Your secrets are safe with me."

Aleksander grinned. "I'm going to get us some more of those stuffed mushrooms. Be right back."

His friend chuckled. "Sure thing, Aleks." He then turned and looked out on the balcony facing the city.

Aleksander slipped inside the hotel's ballroom. He looked around for his father and found him chatting with one of his investors. Aleksander made a beeline for him.

Eric smiled when he saw his son and patted him on the shoulder. "Aleks, my boy! Enjoying the festivities? Staying out of trouble?"

Aleksander grinned. "Always, Dad. Hey. You know how you were worrying about how Alina's inheritance might change things if she got married?"

"Yes," said Eric, "not that I don't have faith in the girl. But she's got a delicate heart. She's the type who would fall in love and get swindled out of everything by some...commoner."

He snorted. "Nice, antiquated language Dad."

Eric laughed. "You know what I mean. Anyway, why are you thinking about that?"

"I think I've got a solution, although you'd probably have to talk to Leo and Makhi about it."

Eric had a cigar in his hand and he took a puff from it. "What's the solution son?"

"Well...perhaps we could.... arrange a marriage, as it were. Between me and Alina."

His father stared at him. "You sure about that, son? Isn't that a little, old world?"

"Old world or the way of our world?" Aleksander said. "It's how it's been done for ages. Anyway, Alina and I are best friends. Grew up together. It'd probably happen anyway. This just makes things all neat and tidy on paper."

Eric stared at him apprehensively, puffing away at his cigar. "You make a lot of sense. She might hate you, you know."

Aleksander winked. "Oh, I can handle Alina. Don't you worry, Dad."

The Morozova patriarch was thoughtful for a second. "Let me go talk with Starkov. We'll think on it."

"Could you talk with him now?"

"Eager, boy?"

"Eager to keep Nikolai or anyone else from fucking her, yes."

Eric laughed. "Young love. Well, I'll be right back son." His father slipped away and he watched him make his way over to Leo Starkov who was chatting happily with his wife. Eric whispered something in Leo's ear and he watched as the man who was practically his uncle listened to the proposition about his daughter.

Alina's father met Aleksander's gaze, and his face remained reasonably calm. He stroked his chin, then after a moment whispered something to Eric. Eric grinned, and the two of them shook hands. Aleksander knew that motion well. The deal had been struck.

Leo looked up at him and raised the glass of champagne in his hand as if in cheers in Aleksander's direction. A slow grin crossed Aleksander's face.

That was all it had taken. Alina Starkov was his. And always would be. 

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