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The Apparat had locked her in a room, in the back of the church. It was normally used for the sisters that lived in the cathedral, but this particular room was empty. Her phone hadn't been taken from her. But Alina didn't have a charger with her, and it was close to dying. She didn't want to risk trying to call someone else in case she ran out of battery.

She had talked with Aleksander though. And there was only one thing that Alina knew for certain, which was that Aleksander would always come for her. No matter what.

The room that she was in had a small window that looked out at the center of the city, Os Alta. But it was high up and she couldn't even look out at it. There was a tiny bed, a nightstand, and a painting of The Starless Saint on the wall.

Alina paced back and forth. She didn't know how long it had been by the time there was a knock on her door finally.

"Miss Starkov," she heard The Apparats voice say, "your intended is here. Would you like to see him?"

"Yes!" Alina exclaimed. "Yes please!"

The door opened, and The Apparat stood there with Aleksander right next to him. Alina ran to him, hugging him tightly. "Aleks!" she exclaimed. "You came."

Aleksander smiled at her. "Of course, I came for you. I would never leave you."

The Apparat looked down at the two of them, a knowing smile on his face. "And since your intended is here, you must of course, get married to secure your place among the Saints."

Alina exchanged glances with Aleksander. "Sir, I'm still young, and I don't think----"

"You were engaged, were you not?" The Apparat said.

"Yes," said Alina, "but our parents arranged the marriage."

"You have consummated your relationship have you not?" The Apparat asked.

Aleksander stepped forward. "With all due respect, sir, we're both not of age yet. We did consummate our relationship, and I do intend to marry her if she wishes, but----"

"If you do not marry Miss Starkov after consummating your relationship with her, I will not allow you to take her from the church. She could be with child, and a child out of wedlock will not be Blessed by the Saints. Do you wish to shame Miss Starkov and her family? Because if you do, I will do my best to shield her from the shame that you've caused her. By taking her into the protection of the church, I will be allowed to shield her from any shunning that might happen and protect her reputation. And perhaps secure a Blessing for any children that might occur because of it."

Alina and Aleksander exchanged glances.

Aleksander stepped forward. "I'm not leaving her here, Sir."

"Then," The Apparat said, "you must marry the girl. Or else I will use my guards to keep Alina restrained, and here, under my protection."

Aleksander's face was quiet for a moment. Alina opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out. Even if she had managed to say something, she didn't think that The Apparat would listen to her.

Finally, Aleksander said, "Alright. If that is what it takes to bring her home, I will marry her."

The Apparat clapped his hands together. "Good!" he exclaimed. "Come with me to the main cathedral. Let the ceremony begin."

They were led out of the small room. Aleksander held her hand tightly. Alina couldn't even be mad at him. Not truly. The Apparat was forcing them to do this. Perhaps they could tell their parents and have the marriage annulled once they managed to escape the church.

As the two of them were led to the front of the church, The Apparat spoke the marriage vows to them with their hands being held by him. When he finished, he looked at them expectantly, and Aleksander locked eyes with Alina.

Aleksander cupped her face in his hands. He stroked her cheeks lightly. "Alina," he whispered breathlessly, "Alina, Alina, Alina." Then he kissed her, there in the church, and in the eyes of the Saints, they were married. 

A/N: I am back at work after having been sick, so there maybe less updates this week but I will try to update as much as possible. 

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