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Alina woke up to the feeling of Aleksander licking her cunt. Her legs twitched, and she whined a little. "Aleks..." he looked up at her, a strand of his dark hair in his eyes.

"Sorry for waking you up Princess," Aleksander said, "but I couldn't wait to make you feel good. I thought that I would wake you up with my tongue on your cunt." He licked his lips.

Alina smiled at him. "That's a nice way to wake up. You've made me feel good. I want to do the same for you."

Aleksander waggled his eyebrows. "Well, if you really want to..."

"I want to. Stand up." Aleksander stood up at her command. He was completely naked, and Alina's eyes roamed over his body. She licked her lips. "I'm starting with my dessert first this morning, it would seem."

He grinned at her. "You always did have a sweet tooth. Are you going to be careful with your teeth for me, precious?"

She nodded. "I won't bite. Unless you ask me to."

"When did you become such a minx?"

Alina laughed. "If I'm a minx, it is because you made me this way. You imposed all of those stupid rules."

Aleksander reached out and stroked her cheek. "I tried to get you to be with me. You wouldn't give in."

"You were an overbearing brute."

"You were too pure. If you had let me defile you, I would have, and then I would have made you mine so that no one could touch you but me."

She kissed him softly. "You know that I would have if you'd just stopped being with other girls. I thought...."

"Thought what?" Aleksander asked, his brows furrowed.

"I thought that you were upset about the arranged marriage like I was. That you didn't want me."

"Oh Alina," he murmured, "you are all I've ever wanted since I was old enough to understand what wanting was."

"Aleks," she whispered.

Alina bent down on her knees. Then, she licked his cock, making him shiver. "I'll make you feel good, Aleks."

"You always do, Princess," Aleksander assured her.

She gripped his cock in her hands. Then, put it in her mouth. Aleksander took hold of her by either of her shoulders and he thrust into her as she sucked.

Aleksander could feel his whole-body clenching as Alina took him in her mouth. There was something pretty about her, on her knees, taking him this way. She was somehow licking him too as she sucked, and a groan went through his entire body. "Alina, Alina, Alina..."

It was ecstasy. Her mouth around him. He never wanted anyone else to touch him. Only her. And, if anyone else touched her that wasn't him, he was sure that he would do unspeakable things to them. 

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