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They spent the day naked in bed together. It was the weekend, so they didn't have school. Alina had her head rested on his chest. She absentmindedly traced circles on it.

"Are you really going to graduate early?" Aleksander asked.

Alina nodded. "I've got all of my credits lined up. Remember when I was taking summer school classes after the engagement to get away from you? I did more than my share."

"Did you apply to colleges?"

She shook her head. "I wasn't even planning on it. The only reason I didn't tell my parents about it originally was that I knew if I graduated early, they'd make me marry you sooner. I wasn't ready for that."

"What's your plan, then?" he asked. "If you aren't going to take money from your parents? I don't feel comfortable having you stay with Mal since we know that he lied about how long he's been in Os Alta."

Alina bit down on her lip. "I don't trust him, either. I thought he liked me for me. Now I think that the only reason he was interested in me is to get back at you and Nikolai."

"I don't understand why though," Aleksander said, "his family received a payout. He got into one of the best schools in Ravka. I know it took a while but he still got that."

"Mal and Genya aren't like us. They don't come from money. They have an aunt that married into it, and their mother married into it. But there's nothing concrete for them. Not like us."

Aleksander reached up and brushed a strand of her hair back that was pressed against her forehead. "You walked away from your inheritance. You don't have anything concrete either. Unless you've changed your plans and you intend to marry Nikolai."

She shook her head. "No, I'm not going to marry Nikolai. I intend to make my own way in the world."

"And your plans after school don't include me?"

Alina sighed. "I don't know what my plans include. I like that I don't know. I've been told what to do every single day of my life. I want to have a normal job. I want to make friends that my parents wouldn't approve of. I want to see what it's like when you don't have everything handed to you, and you have to work for something."

Aleksander rolled his eyes. "I've never done that, and I can tell you what it's like. It's miserable. I know you, Alina. You're the dutiful daughter. It won't be long before you decide to go back to your family and do as your told."

She frowned. "Why does everyone think that I am so weak? I've never been given the chance to succeed or fail. But my father, yours----you all seem to think that I can't take care of myself."

"I think it's because we want to take care of you," said Aleksander, "if you want to, I'm sure you can prove us wrong."

"I do," she replied, "I want to prove everyone wrong."

He kissed her. "Then you will."

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