I'll always come back

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Summary: Natasha and reader gets split up under the civil war fight.

Warnings: minor angst and fluff


It was dark as I stared out the window of the compound. I couldn't go to sleep as the bed felt too cold without my girlfriend. I had chosen to sign the accords only because that's what she was going to do and I kept following her as we fought the other side of the team. I had stayed with her the entire time even though I could see Steve's side of things. I believed him when he said it wasn't Bucky, I mean Steve's been my best friend since he first came out of the ice, but Natasha was more important to me. She was the love of my life and I chose to follow her.

She didn't tell me she planned on helping Steve and Bucky, I was left in the dark so I kept fighting Cap's team. When the fight was over and I had to see my friends be taken away to the raft it felt awful. They didn't deserve it and I was to blame along with my side of the team. I kept looking for Natasha everywhere when I spotted T'challa speaking with Tony. I ran over to them and listened to their conversation.

As soon as I heard the words "Black Widow hit me. She helped them escape, she did too and I didn't see where" I felt empty. Like my whole world had just stopped. I had to go back to the compound with vision as Tony went with Rhodey, who had been hit. And as I now found myself just staring outside while sitting on my bed I couldn't help but feel so lost. I didn't know where she was or if she was even safe. I let out a shaky breath as I tried to keep the tears at bay. She had left. My heart was breaking as I thought about it, and I felt so incredibly helpless. I mean, here I am, a dangerous assassin and Avenger and I was crying over a girl. My girl.

I wiped my tears away and decided to head to the kitchen to get some water. I walked through the hallways while dragging my feet on the floor. I came to the kitchen and grabbed a glass before filling it up with water. I placed my elbows on the counter as I took a sip. I sat it down and straightened up my posture when I sensed someone else in the room. I was about to turn around to attack this person when a gentle hand covered my mouth and leaned in against my ear.

"It's ok, my love. It's just me." I heard her say. She slowly removed her hand and turned me around to face her. She had a gentle smile on as she cupped my cheek. "Hi."

I smiled back at her. "Hi."

She stroked my cheek lovingly before leaning in to capture my lips in a soft kiss. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss as her other hand wrapped around my waist to pull me in closer. Her lips moved against mine as I relished in the feeling of knowing she was safe. We slowly pulled away after she placed another small kiss on my lips. She kept her forehead on mine as she gazed into my eyes.

"I was so worried, I didn't think you were coming back." I said, my voice breaking a little.

She gave me a gentle smile. "I'll always come back." she placed a tender kiss on my forehead, lingering a bit. "Now come on, you have to come with me."

I raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

She gave a soft chuckle. "Somewhere, let's just go pack your things."

I trusted her more than anything so I just nodded before grabbing her hand and lacing my fingers through hers. We walked back to our room together and quickly put some of my stuff into a bag before she instructed me to climb out the window, her following behind. We both landed on the lawn with a soft thud before she led me away from the compound and into the woods. Once we reached a small clearing a jet came to view and we walked over. The back of it opened up and as I entered I saw Steve, Sam and Wanda standing there.

I smiled at them before turning to Natasha. She pulled me into her and kissed me before pulling away to speak. "I couldn't leave without you."

I gently caressed the back of her neck before nodding. "Thank god." I said and she chuckled. "I love you."

She hummed. "I love you more."

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