Punishment |W. Maximoff*

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Summary: Wanda decided to act like she was the top around the team so y/n made sure to put her girlfriend in place.

Pairing: g!p bottom!wanda x fem top!reader

Warnings: smut, fluff, g!p Wanda, unprotected sex, dom/sub dynamics, mommy kink, dirty talk, degrading, praise, exhibition kink, breeding kink, slight humiliation kink, dacryphilia, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, bondage, pet names (baby, bunny)

Wordcount: 1336


"Come on, baby. I know you can last a little longer." I tilted my head mockingly while I rocked my hips back and forth as I straddled her.

"Please." She let out a little whimper as she furrowed her eyebrows with a pout.

"What's the problem? Can barely take being buried inside of mommy?" I returned her pout before lifting my lip into a smirk.

Her nails dug into my hips while I made sure to clench around her to further tease her. I bent down and dragged her bottom lip down with my thumb.

"You wanted to act all tough in front of the others. What happened to that personality, huh?"

"Please, mommy..."

I sat up and moved my hips faster, watching her face scrunch up in pleasure and restraint to not cum.

"Telling the team that I was the bottom..." I shook my head. "You know your place very well, baby. Why would you pretend like you were the top when you know damn well that I fuck you every night." I gripped her jaw as I bounced on her cock. "I'm the one who has you begging, crying for release. You get so fucking desperate to be inside of me, and then you actually try to seem like you have any authority in this relationship?"

A tear slid down her cheek as she whined. "I'm sorry, mommy-"

I let go of her jaw harshly before putting my palms on the sides of her head. "You better be fucking sorry. You should be thankful that I didn't push you up against a wall and fucked you in front of everyone."

She let out a moan and gripped my ass. "F-fuck~"

I chuckled. "Oh, does that turn you on? Fucking slut. You wanna let everyone see what a good little girl you become for me as soon as you see my pussy? How hard your cock gets and how you practically leak pre-cum once you look at me naked? How fast I can get you on your knees for me?"


"That's right." I breathed out as I slowed down my hips. "You know who your mommy is. You know who owns you, who this fucking cock belongs to."

More tears ran down her cheeks as she started to squirm. "Wanna cum, need to cum-" her sentence was cut off by her moans, her hands falling onto the bed to grip the sheets tightly. "Please let me cum, mommy~"

I let out a dark chuckle before stopping my hips. "You think you actually get to cum?" I shook my head with a mean smile. "You've really shown your stupidity today, little girl."

I wiped her tears away slowly. "So pretty when you cry. Shame that you had to act like such a whore." I un-straddled her and got off of the bed, ignoring her cries. I put on my shirt and my jeans before getting a belt. I walked over to Wanda and smirked at her.

"Mommy, I'm begging you. I'll do anything." She pleaded but I just shook my head.

I grabbed her arms and used the belt to tie her hands to the headboard. She tugged against it and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Nonono, mommy, please don't!"

I shrugged my shoulders before crossing my arms. "Sorry, bunny, nothing I can do now."

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