Tied up*

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Summary: Natasha loves having full control over Y/N in the bedroom.

Warnings: smut, G!P Natasha(she has a penis), dom!natasha, unprotected sex, bondage(handcuffs), spanking, vibrator, mommy kink, dirty talk, praise, breeding kink?(not entirely sure), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, crying, begging, pet names(baby, princess, sweetheart).


I trusted Natasha with my life, I always had, in both battles and just in regular life. She always treated me with such kindness and respect that I couldn't help but fall in love with her each day. She could be the nicest and softest person in the world in everyday settings but once our bedroom door closed it would be a whole nother thing...

Communication was always an important thing in our relationship, which is how we found out just what we desired sexually. As Avengers we were equals, had the same amount of authority, but there was a significant change to that when it was just us.

Natasha loved to feel like the boss in the bedroom and I had no complaints. The feeling of giving someone else control over me wasn't always something I wanted, but when it came to Nat it was exactly what I needed.

"You know the safe word, baby?" she said softly, as if she hadn't just handcuffed me to the headboard of our bed. I nodded and looked up at her with doe eyes. My non-verbal answer wasn't good enough for her so her hand landed harshly on the side of my ass, the part she could actually hit as I was lying on my back.

I gasped a little at the sting. "Yes. Lime."

"Good girl." she gently caressed the skin she had hit. She stood up from the bed and slowly unbuttoned her shirt, making me lie there and watch, unable to touch her. She smirked at my needy facial expression as she let the shirt drop onto the floor. Her pants were next as she dragged them down her legs, kicking them away once they were off. She walked into our closet and I let my head fall back as I waited.

I heard her footsteps as she came back into the room and I raised my head as much as I could. I took a deep breath as I looked at her naked state and the vibrator in her hand. She crawled onto the bed and sat in between my legs. She spread them out even wider before putting the vibrator against my clit. I was staring at her as I waited for her to turn it on.

"What do you want, princess?" she asked in a low voice.

"Please turn it on, mommy."

She hummed a little. "That's what you want?"


She turned it on and put it on the lowest setting. I gasped a little and let my head fall back as I tried to clench my thighs together but Nat held them still and apart.

"More~" I breathed out.

My ass started to sting as her hand slapped it once again. I looked up at her face which showed a slightly angry expression. "Is that how nice girls ask for things?"

I shook my head. "Please give me more, mommy."

"That's more like it." she turned up the speed and I let out a moan. "You like this, princess?"

I nodded. "Mhm, I love it~"

"You getting close?" she kept her gaze on my blissful face.

"So close..."

"Cum for me, baby." she commanded and I felt my muscles tense up as waves of pleasure pulsed through me. I arched my back with a moan and felt myself clench around nothing as I came. "Good girl." she smirked.

I was breathing hard but that soon turned into whines as she turned up the speed. "F-fuck!"

"Such a pretty little girl." I heard her move around and my eyes shot open as I felt the head of her cock nudge my hole. "Wanna be stretched out, sweet girl?"

"Yes, please, I want you inside of me, mommy-" she entered me in one thrust and I clenched my eyes shut. My mouth was open as I let out small moans from the feeling of both the vibrator and being so full.

"God, so wet and still so tight." she said with a short, dark chuckle. She pulled out and thrusted back in with a moan. "Feel so perfect."

"Ah~" I tried to pull my arms down to touch her but ended up making my wrists hurt from pulling them against the handcuffs. "Mommy..."

"Yeah, baby?" she kept slowly thrusting into me, turning up the speed of the vibrator to max.

I whimpered from the intense pleasure. "Wanna touch you..."

She let out a hum. "But you're so pretty when you're tied up under me like this, all for me to use."

I whined a bit but I quickly forgot what it was about as I felt myself get closer. "I'm gonna cum!"

She fucked into me a little harder to get me there faster and and I couldn't hold myself back any longer. "Mommy!"

I clenched hard around her and she moaned from the feeling. "Such a good girl."

"Ah~ yes!" my hips were bucking so she raised them a bit and put them onto her thighs as she sat back on her heels. She slowed down a bit to help me ride out high but as soon as I looked relaxed enough she increased the pace.

"Mommy, s'too much!" I said with a small hiccup as tears filled my eyes.

"I know my baby's limits, you can give me another one." she thrusted into me hard before slowly pulling out and repeating the motion.

"Fuck, Nat!"

She slapped my ass the hardest she had done yet and I let out a sound somewhere in between a cry and a moan. "That's not my fucking name in here." she growled out.

"I'm sorry, mommy-"

"You better be sorry." she made me yelp as she thrusted into me as hard as she could. She picked up the pace as she held my thigh in a tight grip with one hand and the other one held the vibrator against my clit. "Cum now or you'll really fucking regret it."

I bit my lip as I clenched to try and make myself cum. "I-I'm gonna- fuck!"

My back arched and my thighs were shaking as I came for a third time tonight. I was grinding myself onto her to prolong my orgasm and she let me.

"That's it, baby." she cooed and stilled inside of me, taking the vibrator off of me. She looked at me for a while before slowly beginning to pump herself into me. "Mommy's gotta see her baby cum just one more time."

Tears were running down my cheeks from the overstimulation. "I can't-"

"You can. You know the safe word and you can use it whenever you want, but I know I can get another one out of you. And don't you want to be filled up by mommy?"

I took in a shaky breath. "Y-yes."

She placed the vibrator back and I immediately moaned, followed by something more of a sob. She fucked into me quickly and moved the vibrator around a bit as well so I would cum quicker.

"Baby's being such a good little girl for me." she breathed out. "No one can make mommy feel the way you can."

I was sobbing but still in so much pleasure that my fourth orgasm approached quickly. "Mommy, please make me cum, wanna cum so badly for you!"

"Yeah? You wanna cum for mommy?"

"Uh huh." I nodded. "Please!"

"Then do it, make a mess on my cock."

"Fuck!" I was shaking and my hips were bucking wildly as I came for the final time. "Yes, fuck, mommy!"

Natasha moaned and stopped thrusting as she spilled into me. "Ah~ Y/N."

She turned off the vibrator and put it down as she gently stroked my thighs. "You were so fucking good for me."

She slowly pulled out to not hurt me and crawled over me to unlock the handcuffs. As soon as they were off she laid down next to me and pulled me into her chest. She stroked my back and whispered sweet words into my ear to calm me down.

She wiped my tears away and kissed my nose before kissing my lips. "You ok, princess?"

I took in a shaky breath. "I'm ok."

She kissed both my cheeks and my forehead before lifting me up. "You deserve a nice, warm bath."

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