Babysitting |W. Maximoff*

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Summary: Wanda comes back home to y/n who has been babysitting her kids.

Pairing: g!p dark mom!wanda x babysitter!reader

Warnings: smut, g!p Wanda, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, Wanda being sort of a creep/perv, breeding kink, degrading, praise, unspecified legal age gap, magic use during sex, bondage, mentions of masturbation, overstimulation.

Word count: 1880


"Oh, thank you so much, y/n, you're a true lifesaver." Wanda smiled as she put down her bag.

You nodded, returning her smile as you leaned back against the kitchen island. "Of course, it's no problem. I'm happy to watch Billy and Tommy whenever it's needed."

Wanda exhaled with a small chuckle. "Again, thank you so much. I didn't know what to do when the usual babysitter cancelled. Thank god you were available."

"It's summer so I don't have college, I'm free pretty much all the time and right next door so just send me a message whenever you need me." You assured her.

"Did they go to bed easily?" She asked as she grabbed a bottle of wine from the counter.

"Oh yeah, totally. They were a joy to babysit."

"Thank god." She shook her head a little before grabbing two wine glasses, filling them up with the red liquid.

She handed you a glass and you grabbed it, taking a sip before setting it down on the counter. "So, what was it you had to go away for?" you asked her.

"Some school stuff. A meeting for the parents and teachers, just boring really." She spoke before drinking her wine. "Alright, payment. I'm sure I could transfer the money to you? I don't have any cash right now."

"Sure, let me just get my phone out." You turned around and grabbed your phone from your bag on the counter, putting in the password to open it.

You felt something touch your butt for a second, you quickly brushed away the thought as you looked for the right app to receive the money. Once you felt it again you froze in your spot, Wanda's hand placed directly on your butt as she leaned over to your ear.

"I think you deserve a bonus." She whispered.

"Ms. Maximoff?" You said in a questioning tone.

"It's Wanda, darling." She spoke in a low voice, her hand trailing over your butt to your hip. She ran her hand over your thigh, slowly inching up towards your pussy. "You need to keep extra quiet, we wouldn't want to wake up the boys, would we?"

You let out a breath, slowly shaking your head in reply. She placed a kiss below your earlobe, moving her hand up to cup your clothed pussy. "Good girl. Turn around for me."

You slowly did, coming face to face with her as she smirked at you, and you were sure she could see the nervousness on your face. Her hand reached out, trailing softly over your collarbones and chest before her fingers wrapped around your throat. "Jump up on the counter." She told you.

She let go of you to let you get onto the counter. You steadied yourself on your palms as Wanda lifted her hand, red glow surrounding her fingers. With the swish of her hand your clothes were all gone, your own hands quickly reaching out to cover your breast.

"None of that." She spoke, moving her fingers once more to tie your hands together with her magic. Your wrists bound together in front of you, your legs pushed apart with her powers and she slowly crouched down in front of you. "It's easier if you don't fight against it."

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